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Sunday Matinee [14:00 EST]

submitted by Grospoliner to MoviesWithGoats 6 monthsDec 10, 2023 12:35:41 ago (+2/-0)     (MoviesWithGoats)

Today's Shows:

Peter (((Lorre))) stars as a Japanese detective investigating a shipping company in "Think Fast, Mr. Moto"; then Lorre is accosted one night while traveling through the desert in a caravan in "Thank You, Mr. Moto".

Coming Soon:

A group of tourists are left stranded in the mountains when their coach driver abandons them, seeking refuge they happen on a castle belonging to "Dracula: Prince of Darkness"; then years later a priest returns to the castle to purge it of evil, only to find that "Dracula Has Risen from the Grave".

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