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Norman Lear finally dead. The jew that rotted the TV boomer's brain.

submitted by Dirtydyno to RIP 5 monthsDec 6, 2023 23:40:08 ago (+36/-0)     (RIP)

Finally another ancient jew dies, but not after ruining TV addicted brains for decades. His TV shows consistently pushed degeneracy, and boomers sucked it all in. White Hate, race mixing, normalizing homosexuality, normalizing single parenthood, and nigger worship.

From, making a race realist character like Archie Bunker into an ignorant buffoon, showing niggers as upstanding moral people who just were oppressed by whitey in Different Strokes, and The Jeffersons. Then encouraging divorce and single motherhood in One Day At a Time.

These ancient jews lived so damn long and did so much damage. Soon Soros will be dead. The good news is that they don't make jews like they used too. The new generation of jews isn't so motivated by the fires of WWII and zionism. They are spoiled by all the wealth, nepotistic academic credentials, jobs.

12 comments block

[ - ] Crackinjokes 4 points 5 monthsDec 7, 2023 04:15:43 ago (+4/-0)

Really well said! People have no idea how much damage Norman Lear did to families and the whole United States society and that was his goal. He literally said he wanted to destroy the United States Christian society. He had grown up out in the midwest somewhere in farm country and used to list of some preacher on the radio talk about good Jews and bad Jews and he was so insulted that anybody ever might criticize Jews in any way possible because of course he was a Jewish supremacist like they all are that he decided he was going to destroy Christian society. So he made these shows and All in the family was by far the worst because it was the first and it was the most unrecognized for what it was. Any absolutely pushed f**** divorce and made the white male breadwinner of the family seem like an idiot in all the family he f** destroyed everything. And don't forget f** Maude that show. And let me tell you the black actor who was on the show Good times when so insulted by the treatment of blacks by Norman Lear that he ended up getting kicked off the show. Norman Lear was poison. Thank God he's dead. The f**** Jews that are running the media now should never be allowed anywhere near any media. One of the things Nixon said in one of his tapes when he was on a phone call with Reverend Billy Graham was how if Jews were allowed to continue to run the media they would destroy America and he was so right.

[ - ] SirNiggsalot 1 point 5 monthsDec 7, 2023 12:10:59 ago (+2/-1)

Archie Bunker was ok
Meathead , lol what a piece of crap .just like he is in real life

[ - ] boekanier 3 points 5 monthsDec 7, 2023 01:34:34 ago (+3/-0)

good point, that the next generation jews won't be so harmful to the white race anymore. Well, let's hope anyway. But concerning soros junior, I have my doubts

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens 1 point 5 monthsDec 7, 2023 02:33:14 ago (+3/-2)

Yep. I made posts on Poal about Norman Lear brainwashing Boomers with Commie bullshit.

[ - ] recon_johnny 0 points 5 monthsDec 7, 2023 14:56:39 ago (+1/-1)

Dude, I usually back most of what you say. Or at least give you the benefit of the doubt when others are piling on.

But Jesus Fucking Christ, what the fuck are you doing either: On that piece of shit fucking, God-forsaken hellhole of a kike cocksucking site, or admitting you frequented it without any disclaimers?

Good God man, get the fuck off if you've not.

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens 0 points 5 monthsDec 8, 2023 01:07:19 ago (+0/-0)

I was in it for like a year.

[ - ] yesiknow 1 point 5 monthsDec 7, 2023 02:36:33 ago (+1/-0)

He really did rot their brain. He should have been hanged before he made any TV.

And the new generation of jews is exactly like all the others. THey have the idealogy burned into their language and DNA

[ - ] sarkbear 1 point 5 monthsDec 7, 2023 06:39:01 ago (+1/-0)

I remember watching that stuff when I was a kid, it was hard to see it then. But now, yes, I can see it for what it was - tripe being used to push social change in a negative way, normalizing the bad aspects of life.

[ - ] RobertJHarsh 1 point 5 monthsDec 7, 2023 10:08:25 ago (+1/-0)

Satan is collecting plenty of high level kikes.

[ - ] Bonlio99 1 point 5 monthsDec 7, 2023 11:53:56 ago (+1/-0)

One of the worst

[ - ] GreenSaint -1 points 5 monthsDec 7, 2023 05:12:59 ago (+0/-1)

Idk who Norman Lear is. It’s funny how big this world is. Like when you’re on YouTube and you stumble across some channel with millions of views and a whole thriving community you didn’t even know existed. Or did it exist? I’m still not completely sure anything but my thoughts are real. That would explain alot if that’s the case. If that is the case I’m gonna be pissed at all the traffic I made myself drive through

[ - ] Deplorablepoetry -1 points 5 monthsDec 7, 2023 10:49:05 ago (+0/-1)

‘ nepotistic academic credentials’

It’s like a Down syndrome retard with a participation ribbon pinned to his shirt “look mommy I’m an athlete now!”