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14 comments block

[ - ] Master_Foo 3 points 6 monthsNov 29, 2023 20:32:46 ago (+4/-1)

Elon isn't playing the same game we are.

He's autistic as fuck and has the money to make being autistic as fuck work.

All the fucker wants to do is play real life minecraft.
That's his goal.

He'll say shit about the Jews because Jews get in the way of him playing minecraft, and he'll backpedal because that's the easiest way to the jews to shut the fuck off so he can get back to playing minecraft.

[ - ] Sector2 0 points 6 monthsNov 29, 2023 21:00:20 ago (+0/-0)

Yeah, but what texture pack does he use?

[ - ] PhantomXLII 1 point 6 monthsNov 30, 2023 00:51:55 ago (+1/-0)

Seeing his love for Space and sci-fi retro shit...

Halo texture pack for sure.

[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey 6 points 6 monthsNov 29, 2023 20:36:19 ago (+7/-1)

Elon may be a reptilian alien or some shit. Also, he’s no inventor of anything. What he does is bilk taxpayers to incentivize his products that he simply invested in. He doesn’t know Jack shit about a car. Henry Ford knew about cars.

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 6 monthsNov 29, 2023 22:56:36 ago (+0/-0)

Henry Ford knew about cars.

Henry worked on cars. He didn't know everything there was to know about them.

He's famous for quoting:

You Don’t Need to Know it All To Succeed

[ - ] WNwoman 7 points 6 monthsNov 29, 2023 20:54:30 ago (+7/-0)

Here’s my hot take:

He’s a lot like Trump. He gives us good laughs with his mean tweets and wild comments but don’t trust him. He’s not going to be our savior.

[ - ] Ragnar 0 points 6 monthsNov 30, 2023 09:17:39 ago (+0/-0)

That’s not hot at all

[ - ] FreeinTX 2 points 6 monthsNov 29, 2023 20:56:07 ago (+2/-0)

Not our guy.

He's rich as fuck on our dime, wants to stay rich as fuck and not go to prison.

[ - ] yesiknow 5 points 6 monthsNov 29, 2023 20:59:09 ago (+5/-0)

Elon made his money with the cult. They got politicians to give him tax subsidies for every over priced car.They wouldn't have done that if he wasn't one of them.

He knows how it works and all he has to do is itemize a small portion of the criminal ripoff they'e been using to strip our countries.

Has he pointed to the criminal organization 501C of tax shelter and social control pushing their religion on us? No, So he's a fake.

Canada has a piece of shit member of the cult running the Conservative party who shakes his fist at the World Economic Forum and only the world economic forum. The UN is the same group. All the foundations are just the Marxist international bankers enslaving people to serve jews and israel. Politicians who don't point at them are corrupt mother fuckers, liars, thieves and murderers.

Canada blocked Canadians from medical school in subsidized University they all have to pay for by selliong all the seats to other countries. THey wanted to funnel the kids into the kaballa fake reality of social science, and did.

So the fake conservative says he's going to license all the Nigerian, muslim, and whatever "doctors" who don't want to save any White patients.

Can't vote them out, you have to take them out. It's an absolute necessity now.

[ - ] NoRefunds [op] 0 points 6 monthsNov 29, 2023 21:33:07 ago (+0/-0)

Yea you're right.

[ - ] TheSimulacra 0 points 6 monthsNov 29, 2023 20:59:58 ago (+0/-0)

The interviewer - Andrew Ross Sorkin
"He is not related to writer Aaron Sorkin nor defense lawyer Ira Lee Sorkin.[5] His family heritage and religion are jewish."

other than his gargantuan nose, the look of shock on his face gives it away

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 2 points 6 monthsNov 29, 2023 22:08:18 ago (+2/-0)

No. He got hosed down by a jew on a yacht. His mommy goes around doing illuminati symbolism in pics. He lived in a gated jewish community in South Africa and went to a jewish school yet he's never said anything about the white genocide that goes on there daily. There's many many other things but no he is not on our side. He's part of the elites and does some controlled-op theatre.

[ - ] Reawakened 0 points 6 monthsNov 30, 2023 08:43:44 ago (+0/-0)

Elon's not our guy. Trump's not our guy. Both may be useful in turning the tide. I think they are both controlled opposition, whether directly or indirectly, but jews always overreach. The back burn they are trying to set may spring to life on its own.

Let the holocaust begin.

[ - ] namefagsrgay 1 point 6 monthsNov 30, 2023 16:38:07 ago (+1/-0)

Back when trump was getting elected, what my friend had been saying to me about a 'savior complex' started to click. You guys really want a 'guy' to save you.

Chances are it's not happening, and you die whether you fight for the future generations of those you love or not. We probably aren't making it out of this alive. We probably won't get to live in the world we're hoping to create. We have to be the saviors.