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It just keeps getting worse

submitted by NukeAmerica to Faggots 9 monthsNov 29, 2023 00:53:59 ago (+29/-2)     (files.catbox.moe)


I'm about to become a terrorist at this point.....in minecraft or whatever

13 comments block

[ - ] dulcima 3 points 9 monthsNov 29, 2023 01:02:37 ago (+3/-0)

Poor Argentina.

[ - ] Outlaw_Aryan 1 point 9 monthsNov 29, 2023 01:26:18 ago (+1/-0)

So does he give the check to Clinton and then he gets to meet with Biden because agent Neri is already busy with big Mike and Barack?

[ - ] paul_neri -3 points 9 monthsNov 29, 2023 03:35:53 ago (+1/-4)


[ - ] GrayDragon 1 point 9 monthsNov 29, 2023 03:51:21 ago (+1/-0)

cries wolf

[ - ] chump 8 points 9 monthsNov 29, 2023 01:30:24 ago (+8/-0)

It’s going to get much worse.

[ - ] FuckShitJesus 3 points 9 monthsNov 29, 2023 05:13:57 ago (+3/-0)

As always.

As long as the sheep are fed, distracted by their niggerball & pretend politics, and otherwise doing absolutely nothing legitimately actionable to preserve their best interests - it will only get worse before it gets worse.

[ - ] Belfuro 1 point 9 monthsNov 29, 2023 13:29:35 ago (+1/-0)

It's fucking hilarious.
They play both sides of the spectrum. OK pacify normies who are slightly right.

But then do everything possible to expose that he is yet another controlled left wing puppet pedo?

Before he has even started?

Are they that retarded?

[ - ] BulletStopper 2 points 9 monthsNov 29, 2023 04:41:18 ago (+2/-0)

"Buckle up, Spanky, 'cause here... we... go."

[ - ] fritz_maurentod 1 point 9 monthsNov 29, 2023 06:57:03 ago (+1/-0)

Argentina is bankrupt and this guy basically promised privatizing everything, so the Jews will buy up the whole country like they are doing with Ukraine right now.

The problem with this guy, and Argentinians in general, is that they don't seem to understand much English so they base their opinions on translated articles/books from the controlled press.

His heart is in the right place wanting to minimize the size of the state, but he seems to be unaware of the globalist cabal.

It's a pity that we lose, even when we win.

[ - ] NoRefunds 1 point 9 monthsNov 29, 2023 12:27:50 ago (+1/-0)

His heart is in the right place wanting to minimize the size of the state, but he seems to be unaware of the globalist cabal.

He converted to judiasm and immediately flew an israeli flag during his coronation then went to israel, you fucking retard.

[ - ] herbert_west 0 points 9 monthsNov 29, 2023 13:59:50 ago (+0/-0)

He was "contemplating conversion" but didn't convert.

[ - ] NoSalvation 0 points 9 monthsNov 29, 2023 09:47:18 ago (+0/-0)


pro-jewish but hating all jew Ideology?

[ - ] iThinkiShitYourself 0 points 9 monthsNov 29, 2023 18:54:25 ago (+0/-0)

If anyone can pass the word to china that if they attack Taiwan, Jews will then likely launch terrorist attacks from their synagogues in the USA prompting mini civil wars across the USA thereby increasing their chances of taking Taiwan