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Anyone have any experience with CPS?

submitted by anon to askanon 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 08:13:05 ago (+14/-0)     (askanon)

If you take in someone with cps on their ass how involved do they get with you? Are there weekly visits? Do they ask about the other kids in the house or do they just leave the host alone?

39 comments block

[ - ] H8Texpress 15 points 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 08:15:30 ago (+15/-0)

Bunch of shitheel government kidnappers. CPS is filled with faggots and dykes who absolutely hate straight people.

[ - ] anon 3139380 [op] 4 points 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 08:34:11 ago (+4/-0)

We know this. Thats why the question. Take in or shut the door? I know minimal involvement if the kids are alone (another persons house) but mom will be with them (2/5) so would cps be coming around more with her in the same house?

The other kids (3/5) are with another family member but we are not related at all. Does that make even more of an issue?

Its a homeless thing not an abuse thing.Since she's on all of the services and sends her kids to public school ...well now it's a thing.

[ - ] H8Texpress 7 points 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 08:36:19 ago (+7/-0)

CPS can and will absolutely come to your house, likey with ZOGbot badge niggers in tow.

[ - ] anon 4135447 2 points 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 14:39:36 ago (+2/-0)

And they will try everything they can to take your kids.

[ - ] s23erdctfvyg 1 point 6 monthsNov 29, 2023 00:10:10 ago (+1/-0)

Can confirm. I had a couple CPS men visit my house about a neighbor who had gone through a divorce.
Both obese faggots, I'm not saying that as an insult, that was literally what they were. They took his kids, gave them to his ex wife, and the wife fucked off to who knows where, ignoring all visitation orders.
Last I heard he still wasn't sure where she went.

Also yes OP, they will talk to your neighbors, and will lie about what your neighbors said under the guise that they "misunderstood".

[ - ] AugustineOfHippo2 11 points 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 11:12:12 ago (+11/-0)

NEVER let CPS into your house! They have every incentive to add you and your family to their "list" so they can justify their job. They can and will take your kids away for the slightest "infraction" and happily ruin your and your kids lives just to show they are doing their job. And they hate White people.

[ - ] anon 3190536 1 point 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 15:49:40 ago (+1/-0)

By "slightest infraction", I would like to elaborate some... if you have dirty dishes in the kitchen sink, just a normal meal's worth of dishes that haven't been processed yet, or if you have a counter with stuff on it in a seemingly unorganized manner, or if you have a pile of dirty laundry on your closet floor because the laundry basket is in use in the laundry room, they can take your kids. I am not fucking with you. If your home does not look like some picture perfect house from a magazine, they can, and will, take your kids. NEVER LET THEM INTO YOUR HOME, OR EVEN SEE INTO YOUR HOME.

[ - ] AugustineOfHippo2 1 point 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 17:52:08 ago (+1/-0)

Thank you for the elaboration, kindly anon person.

[ - ] soupnazi 1 point 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 19:27:19 ago (+1/-0)

Don't forget to baby proof everything if there is a kid under 10 there. No chemicals under the sink. No outdated and banned pesticides collecting dust from 10 years ago. No hair in the bathtub drain. And mildew of any kind in a bathroom could be interpreted as black mold.

You better hope you don't own any guns.

[ - ] anon 3190536 1 point 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 20:00:15 ago (+1/-0)

Everything you just wrote is 100% correct. Be perfect, or get your kids napped.

[ - ] anon 1427781 7 points 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 10:24:57 ago (+7/-0)

Wouldn't touch it with a million foot pole

[ - ] deleted 0 points 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 10:52:42 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] anon 3655414 4 points 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 11:47:07 ago (+4/-0)


[ - ] anon 2267445 4 points 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 12:39:17 ago (+4/-0)

Simp here. Listen my guy, I love dating single mothers. They are so easy. Last couple women I've dated have had open CPS cases before I started dating them. CPS only came around once per month, if that. As long as the house is decently clean and the food is stocked and the children have no bruises or major cuts, they eventually have to close the case. We always knew in advance when CPS was coming to check in, and id leave and take my son with me for a couple hours, to avoid getting us involved. The more stable the mother's mental health is, like If they can hold a lucid conversation with CPS, the better. They usually come with a couple of our quality men in blue, but they park down the street and wait, so they are close if called upon.

[ - ] soupnazi 1 point 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 19:30:24 ago (+1/-0)

No bruises or cuts! How are you going to control that? Keep them in bubble wrap the whole week in anticipation? You would have to have an abusive relationship with your kids to guarantee that.

[ - ] anon 2267445 1 point 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 22:10:34 ago (+1/-0)

Youre right, my guy. This doesnt really apply to minor cuts and bruises but you still have to be careful. Here's the deal, bruh. And it's sinister. They expect you to take you child to the doctor for things like cuts and bruises. Like a show a goodwill. Makes you look like a good parent. If you have an open case for CPS, you're better off having a doctor record for shit like that. The shit no one would bat an eye for in The 80s or 90s. Because kids get hurt. Things are different today. You get in trouble for smacking your kid upside the head today.

[ - ] Inward 3 points 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 10:42:43 ago (+3/-0)

Their are zealots in CPS, but generally they are accused of barely doing their jobs. They will likely want to see the environment the 'accused' lives in. They may investigate further if the children are still under the custody of the 'accused'. If kids are present, they will be asking about firearms in the house. Your willingness to cooperate will affect the cases outcome.

[ - ] anon 3139380 [op] 2 points 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 10:49:28 ago (+2/-0)

they will be asking about firearms

Didnt even think about that. Fuck.

[ - ] anon 1123449 3 points 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 12:15:53 ago (+3/-0)

I think it's like being on probation. They can do surprise visits and rummage through everything in your house. They'll be looking for evidence to use against you and are trained to identify 'red flags'.

When they question the kids alone, better hope the kids don't fall for the rhetorical tricks they use to justify their investigation.

Zero stars. 0/10

[ - ] anon 1734857 3 points 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 11:05:48 ago (+3/-0)

MY only semi experience with this was 25ish years ago, my dads co-worker / friend married an alcoholic single mom. My dads friend was an unattractive overweight man with 2 kids of his own that he had every other week, this alcoholic woman was very pretty.

She had a pre-teen daughter that was younger than me by on year but had had a rough childhood including the moms previous boyfriend molesting her. That guy went to jail but apparently the mom knew and didn't stop it so CPS was on this moms ass like a pitbull on a pre-schooler.

The girl hated her new living arrangement, she had to share a room with her new step sister every other week, which iirc they did not get along at all.

So one day dad goes over to help his friend build a fence and I get stuck watching all the younger kids including this girl. In the 4 or so hours I was there this girl started telling me about giving boys blowjobs all the time, showed me and my younger brother her boobs, asked me if I had ever got a handjob or a blow job, called me a loser for being a virgin... The worst kinda of girl, keep in mind she was only like 12 at this point.

CPS came one day and she told them that her new step-dad made her bathe naked with the door open and he would watch her. This was not true but CPS actually had this man move out of HIS OWN HOUSE for a month while they "investigated."

They did file chargs on him just so they could close the report and then coached him on how to beat the charges because while they did not believe the girl they did HAVE to file the report to the police.... "Luckily" for him he died in an unrelated accident like a year later and never had to go to trail.

[ - ] anon 3139380 [op] 3 points 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 11:14:49 ago (+3/-0)

How lucky for him he died. /s Thats fucking awful he had to even go through that.

Yeah I already had a few "outs" with this person and one of them was too may unrelated males in the household. Now inward brought up the firearms. I'm already at not worth it. I'm stressing the fuck out that she's even around here.

Government money brings government rules. Maybe she'll learn after this to not be dependant on them but I doubt it.

[ - ] anon 3331969 2 points 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 13:07:08 ago (+2/-0)

if they were mexicans living 20 to a house with cartel traffickers, the state would have no problem with it.

it's only illegal to have lots of people in your house if you're white, christian, and conservative.

[ - ] anon 3609048 3 points 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 12:05:55 ago (+3/-0)*

Stay the hell away from social science graduates, no matter what. They live in Freudian inspired stereotypes pumped into their heads, and are completely incapable is seeing what and whom they're looking at.

Social science is the hive from which they send out "every child can choose what sex they want to be"

Social science social workers, psychologists, reporters and police with social science criminology created Satanic panic in the day cares, and made opening a daycare an impossibly dangerous situation.






[ - ] Reawakened 3 points 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 13:05:47 ago (+3/-0)

CPS are cops. Same rules apply. Nothing you say can help you. Everything you say will be used against you. Go in the house and make them get a warrant. Say nothing without a lawyer present.

[ - ] anon 4063555 1 point 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 16:18:43 ago (+1/-0)

This ^^^. IF ANY law enforcement come to your door follow these easy steps:

1) Walk outside
2) CLOSE THE DOOR behind you
3) Ask who they are, who they are with, see a badge (photo the badge), and ask to SEE A WARRANT. If they produce the warrant then hopefully you saw it coming and already are dealing with it.
4) If they say they do not have a warrant. Tell them I HAVE NOTHING TO SAW, PLEASE LEAVE MY PROPERTY and do not say anything else. Go back inside, CLOSE THE DOOR. If any other doors are open (like garage door) CLOSE THEM. If night time TURN OFF THE LIGHTS. Make them stand there in the dark. Do not answer the door anymore.
5) If they linger around or keep knocking on the door call the local cops (or county cops if local ones are at your door) and inform them of persons claiming to be X agency are at your house, have no warrant, you've have asked them to leave and they are refusing to do so and need them to come and get rid of them.

Your mileage may vary but this should work in most areas of the US.

[ - ] soupnazi 1 point 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 19:33:51 ago (+1/-0)

Walking outside is debatable. Now you are inviting more interaction. The best advice for dealing with cops is state the fifth once and then be a board. Don't even respond to their questions. The more boring you are the faster they get board enough to walk away.

[ - ] anon 4063555 0 points 6 monthsNov 29, 2023 09:26:24 ago (+0/-0)

You walk outside because you don't want them in the house. Cops are trained to find anything to charge you with a crime. Anything. They can see a wad of cash on the table and they can assume you deal drugs or a movie on TV with a child on screen could be called CP. Go outside and close the door. Ask for warrant and when they don't produce it, go back inside and close door.

[ - ] Master_Foo 3 points 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 13:06:05 ago (+3/-0)*

CPS is one thing, the person who caught the attention of CPS is another thing all together.
Be honest. Even if CPS wasn't involved. What kind of chaos are you inviting into your life?
Fuck around and find out.
$5 says you get accused of child abuse shortly after you refuse to give money for meth.
CPS is going to come sniffing around one way or another.

[ - ] anon 3331969 3 points 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 13:06:07 ago (+3/-0)

NOTE - NONE of this is legal advice. I am not a lawyer. You should not take what I write as legal advice. Consult a lawyer about the utility of any advice you find on the internet.

get everything in writing when dealing with them.

if its not in writing, its not legally binding.

if a court orders you to do something but says "we're just gonna tell you to do it. its fine. its just a verbal order." do not comply until you get it in writing. signed. by the judge.

if you are appointed an attorney, they will likely find out last minute who you are, and will definitely not be given any of the correct details of the case. correct them on it.

do not agree to anything in the first hearing if possible.

DO have a court reporter present. that YOU paid for.

if you are allowed to record audio, absolutely do so.

DO get the transcript of the reporter. the court will try to deny you this. the court will also go out of its way to say you don't need your own reporter. YOU HAVE a right to hire your own court reporter. After each hearing, be sure to go over the transcript. Many court reporters have to be 'approved' by the local court, and the reporters know this, and they are known to make 'mistakes' where they put lines out of order, or forget to add lines, or add transcript lines even that were never said at all to begin with. Again, a recording will help here. These 'mistakes' are often, conveniently in the courts favor, which they can and will capitalize on later.

Do not allow them to schedule 'services' for your kids. Plead poverty if possible. A common scam they use it to 'put in for state funding', but they are NOT allowed to do this if you still have the kids in your custody, not without your permission anyway. Refuse to provide them this permission. If they insist that they don't need your consent to apply for state funds (medicare or whatever), explain to them you want it in writing, and that you are going to document your refusal.

And on the topic of documentation, check ALL your cases numbers match, check that everything is in fact signed by the correct people, and everything is in fact stamped by the clerk of court. They will very often try to get away with illegal orders by putting no case number, or the wrong names, or failing to stamp it (or delaying delivery while claiming delivery was attempted in order to make default judgements).

And if you send ANYTHING to them, 1. send it in writing (print it with a printer, don't write it in pencil). 2. on EACH page write the current page number in one of the corners, and the total pages 'page 1 of 10', 'page 2 of 10' etc. This is so the clerk of court can't "accidentally" leave out any pages. Serialize each page. Make THREE copies. Send certified.
So they can't claim "you never sent it", or "we never received it", or "this wasn't what was in the files you sent us", each of which they can and WILL attempt.

Send one copy to the clerk of courts. Send one copy to yourself. And send one copy to your lawyer. Again, make sure it is certified mail.

They will attempt in subsequent hearings to claim it wasn't received, or something else happened. Bring the certified mail receipts. It officially becomes their problem, not yours.

On the topic of them attempting to file for funds (usually as part of scam where third party providers in the county get funding for services, which in turn they kick back to the local political party and the judge during reelection): again, if they are still in your custody, refuse to let the court "file in your stead", and document your refusal as "you do not believe it is in the best interest of the children, and attempting to file for medicare, medicaid, or other services, on my behalf and theirs, without the guardians permission, constitutes felony fraud."

The other thing is, if they do somehow order services, go to the service, but do not cooperate. Explain you "only showed up because I was ordered to."
Often the service providers themselves have no idea whats going on, and only know the story the social workers told them. This is the same sort of setup they had in soviet russia, the same damn thing, down to the name 'social workers', whose job it was to punish political dissidents by taking their children, but I'm getting off on a tangent here.
Explain to the service worker that the state is committing welfare fraud and gave you an illegal order, and that you have it in writing. Explain your predicament. These people ultimately are there to make money, and will very quickly drop services.

If you're ordered anyway, and the only choice is to get services or go to jail for "not cooperating with a judges orders", retain custody if you can, agree to services (verbally if possible, off record), refuse if at all possible to file the paperwork for funding, delay, delay, delay, plead ignorance even, and when you get to the service provider, do everything I already explained, and double down by saying you don't have funding, and refuse to fill out paperwork FOR funding. They're not gonna provide service if they can't get funding, and you refuse to fill out paperwork. If they offer to 'help' fill out the paperwork refuse, and get this all on audio if you're a one-party state.

If social services come to 'talk to your kids' or do a 'welfare check', especially if they come with police, refuse to even answer the door. If they want to break it down, you can talk through the door and explain that without a warrant you aren't required to open the door, and then proceed to ignore it. If they insist and seem like they're gonna break it down, be sure you are recording, and explain THROUGH the door you are recording the interaction. Not only that imply that you have cameras watching the porch and the living room, and all of this will be sent to the news and the officers CO if "anyone, such as myself or my family happens to be standing behind the door when you kick it down."
The officer will already be leery because of the cameras, but the prospect of being chauvin'd and socially cancelled, combine with the liability of people getting injured will likely cause them to tell the social worker theres nothing they can do without a warrant.

if they persist anyway, explain through the door, you're not opening as long as the social worker is present. That you are not cooperating without a warrant or unless the social worker is told to get in their car and wait. That you will let the officer in, "UNDER DURESS" (is the words you want to use), with the stipulation HE may speak to the kids, with you present, and that if you let him in, the social worker will have to wait outside.

The officer can and will consent to this, most of the time, as it is a reasonable compromise.

Be recording, but if you are a one party state, don't tell him that. What you want is for him to be on record, after talking to you and your family, verbally stating everything is clear. Afterward, if you already have a court date for a follow-up of any sort, you want to get a copy of the police report, any transcripts, any call logs, etc. Have it all handy. Be sure to have certified copies.

You can explain to the officer the situation, how the social worker is distorting the facts, and present your position, make the worker sound as wild-eyed and crazy as possible. Be sure to highlight any lies.

Another thing you will want to do is doublecheck, if your lawyer is appointed, what their political donation history is. Leftwing lawyers are known to work defense for THESE specific cases, and throw the cases for their local party. Yes, for real.
Get a republican if you can. World of difference there.

Be sure to file a judicial appeal, highlight ANY and ALL self-insertion by the judge into the case (usually they're not even judges, but magistrates), any statements that even SOUND biased. Judges only get something like three strikes.

Go over there head at every turn. If the clerk of court commits violations, report them to both the state and the judge. That way if the judge doesn't do anything, you can then report the judge. And if the judges boss doesn't do anything, you can report them, and so on.
Make a big nasty mess of it, as much noise as possible, get them pointing the finger at one another, and weighing their options about how to cut their losses and not get dragged down with their underlings.

Make it messy enough and the prosecutor may just try and drop the case.

Likewise do this to the social workers. If they're dressed 'inappropriate' even a little, that goes into a report, tattoos? Sure. Vaping? Especially on your property? In front of the kids? Or only minutes before entering the home? "I could smell smoke on them as they went to talk to the kids", second hand smoke is bad mkay, etc.

You want to make the social workers, the clerk, the judge, any officers in on it, look as bad as possible, like total derelicts, just like they're gonna try and do to you. The only difference is, when you do it, you're telling the truth.

They'll try hearsay from neighbors, which you'll have to have struck from the record, as hearsay.

Officers will try lying on the stand. It might be big lies, or it might be little things like the order things happened in, or who exactly they heard some hearsay from, or who called who. First thing you do is say "impeached!", or get your lawyer to, and present the relevant transcripts, call logs, etc.

At this point many attorneys will try to regain control of the case, or even get angry with you. And your job is to say, stone cold, matter of factly "listen. these are my kids. I have to defend them the best way I can, and if I feel you're not defending me as I expect you to, then I have to do what I think is best, and your job is to file the paperwork I tell you to. If you can't do that I can file a report on how my lawyer is refusing to honor my wishes about how to carry out my case, and is failing to properly defend me, and I can drop you and find someone else." and they'll back off.

Once you have the state in a corner, they'll try dropping the case, but filing a "follow-up motion" or a retrial. This is illegal if they already adjudicated no harm and no crimes were committed. Like everything DOCUMENT DOCUMENT DOCUMENT. Write-up what was said in the court, by who, what they did that was illegal, cite relevant cases and law, make copies, get certified, send to the court, file the relevant judicial complaint, outright refuse to cooperate with the follow-up, especially if the judge 1. did not sign the order, 2. did not deliver it certified, 3. does not have jurisdiction because the prosecutor/county attorney dropped the case or there was a finding of no harm/neglect/criminality.

If any officers come to the door, refer them to your attorney and explain theres no case. If they insist, explain again "no, I mean theres NO case at all. It's an unlawful order by the judge. The judge is under investigation for fraud on the court" which is technically true if they had a judicial complaint filed against them, most cops will go away scratching their head after this.

If your kids are in public school, they will also try and meet them there, without your consent, to interview them, without jurisdiction or a case. This can happen at any point.
From the moment you have a case, you have to pull your kids out of school, and start homeschooling in order to prevent this.

Theres way more to cover but thats all I got time for.

tl;dr my sister went through this with her kids a few years ago. A neighbor, who happened to be a social worker, called on her, because I shit you not, the neighbor found out my sister was a trump supporter and "had guns and drugs in the house and let her kids have sex with other kids in the neighborhood" according to the neighbor.

Took her almost a year to beat the case, but thankfully she has a really good head on her shoulder.

These people, the social workers, the liberals, and the cockroaches that support them, are all scum of the lowest order.

NOTE AGAIN - NONE of this is legal advice. I am not a lawyer. You should not take what I write as legal advice. Consult a lawyer about the utility of any advice you find on the internet.

[ - ] deleted 2 points 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 15:46:28 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] ItsOk2bArian 2 points 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 11:17:44 ago (+2/-0)

Make sure all your guns, alcohol, and drugs are safely secured.
Never take a lie detector test. if you pass it means nothing, if you fail they will use it to destroy you in court.
Tell them nothing and talk to them as little as possible.
CPS is designed to destroy families, not protect children.
Every case is different and every CPS officer will handle situations in their own way. The one thing you need to remember is they are a cop trying to make arrests to further their career. They are not trying to make anyone's life better but their own and they will use intimidation to attempt to dominate. Feel free to tell them to fuck off when they overstep.

[ - ] deleted 2 points 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 15:35:00 ago (+2/-0)*


[ - ] anon 4063555 2 points 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 15:50:31 ago (+2/-0)

Never take a lie detector test. if you pass it means nothing, if you fail they will use it to destroy you in court.

Sometimes used as an empty threat as well. One of my first jobs was at a shitty common chain grocery store. Some theft was happening so the manager ordered everyone to get a polygraph or lose their jobs. 70% of the store quit and the shit for brain nigger (yep, first boss was a nigger) that ran the store figured the thief left so no one got pollyed. I was one of that 70% and theft kept continuing and expanded. A lot of meats never seem to make it off the truck. No clue who was stealing but I do know that manager and his asst manager got axed for losses.

[ - ] anon 4063555 2 points 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 11:45:06 ago (+2/-0)

I have had a few minor experiences with CPS, stemming from my shit for brains brother back in the late 80s but nothing to really write about. As for CPS, part of the problem was back in the 70s Carter implemented "bonuses" for CPS workers that "saved" kids from "dangerous" homes. That is basically how zog started the war against families in the US.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 15:29:01 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] anon 2264229 2 points 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 14:20:56 ago (+2/-0)

They will focus on the people with cps called on them. But they will inquire about your household and Make sure there are enough beds and it's a good environment the kids. I have had cps called on me, because my wife got into a fight with one of her friends. They did it to be an asshole. Told them we were on drugs (we arent) they basically just asked each of the kids if we beat them (we dont) gave us a drug test (we passed) then they left us alone and closed the case.

[ - ] anon 1830936 1 point 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 09:54:59 ago (+1/-0)

Depends on a lot. What state, what city, what situation was going on... They will definitely snoop. I doubt it'll be every week but they might show up a week later, and then a month, etc.

[ - ] soupnazi 1 point 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 10:02:38 ago (+1/-0)

Government will always snoop maximally. If you have something to hide you better clean up thorough. If those freaks talk to any of your kids that could be a real danger though.

[ - ] anon 2759665 1 point 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 14:30:13 ago (+1/-0)*

Consider what states have the lowest amount of CPS abuse and the lowest CPS budgets.

Lowest abuse
Utah, New Hampshire, Idaho, and Wyoming

So consider moving to Idaho or Wyoming, make it almost impossible for CPS to visit you.

Lowest rates of removal Vermont, Utah, Connecticut

Highest removal
Alaska, Oklahoma, West Virginia, Kentucky

Lowest budget
Arizona, Louisiana, New Mexico, Texas

So it sounds like, move to Utah for awhile. Also try to get better data.

[ - ] anon 4063555 -1 points 6 monthsNov 28, 2023 15:53:09 ago (+0/-1)

Just about every horror story I've ever heard about CPS involves:

1) A legit abused kid is never removed OR
2) A child is removed for some bullshit reason and the family ends up being destroyed by the state because reasons and bonuses. Usually non-white CPS workers targeting middle to upper middle class whites. Race is almost always a factor for these removals.