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gud boy blocks traffic until they pay for his school books

submitted by drhitler to Niggers 6 monthsNov 23, 2023 03:18:48 ago (+17/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


2 comments block

[ - ] Peleg 4 points 6 monthsNov 23, 2023 10:07:17 ago (+4/-0)

A friend of mine at work loves telling this story about how his grandpa was big in the klan. He said they would grab a nigger or two on the weekend and take them out in the woods. They would then cut their feet and make the run, setting their coon hounds loose after them. When the hounds caught them the klan guys would hang them there wherever they happened to be.
Dude said his grandpa had pictures and other things like the hood and robe he would wear, but grandma burned everything after grandpa died.

This type of retarded behavior, in the video, is part of the reason those old klan guys did the things they did. It needs to be done to this dindu!

[ - ] con77 0 points 6 monthsNov 23, 2023 19:41:42 ago (+0/-0)

italians sure talk tough. they must be less italian in italy