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The cabinet pill

submitted by PeckerwoodPerry to whatever 6 monthsNov 22, 2023 07:45:28 ago (+26/-0)     (whatever)

So, along with being a wagie that makes food for people I also build cabinets. I've recently stumbled upon a vast conspiracy which I've dubbed "the cabinet pill"
Let me explain.

It's no secret that a couple handfuls of kikes own most of the apartments in NYC, many of which are slum lords. It's also no secret that in order to stay within compliance of code they have to update their properties ever six or seven years.

Stay with me here, so some kike got the idea that if he just bought a cabinet manufacturer he could update his properties for, get this, not just next to nothing but less than nothing.

Let me explain. Cabinets have the highest profit margin when it comes to renovations. You can't own carpenters, or tile guys, or installers, but if you are the one that owns the company that makes the cabinets then you're sitting on a gold mine. So, all your units get new cabinets every how ever many years, you "sell" those cabinets to yourself AND all your jew friends that also happen to be slum lords, tax credits and write offs abound and the next thing you know some hook nosed fuck that goes to the same synagogue as you wants to do the same thing in his slum.

Fast forward thirty years, and all ready to build cabinet companies are owned by Hasidic kikes. They're manufactured in Mexico or Vietnam, but their home office is in fuckin Jersey.

I was talking about this with my buddy yesterday and we were both wondering how many other industries are driven, managed, and owned this way. Kind of a mind fuck.

Anyway, I told him I would run it past y'all and share the thread with him after 24 hours. Whatcha'll think?

15 comments block

[ - ] Name 10 points 6 monthsNov 22, 2023 08:00:56 ago (+10/-0)

Any time you have a shift away from small locally owned and operated businesses it will have a lot of negative consequences. The custom cabinet maker or a small cabinet shop with five employees is a thing of the past. The large big box cabinet manufacturers got too efficient at the same time that the public schools stopped teaching people how to work with their hands. Now we have crappy cabinets made by a company with 1500 employees 1000 miles away while I have a bunch of people locally who are marginally intelligent but can earn a fairly high income when they work with their hands. They are now unemployed.

The property owner owning the companies that service his property is just vertical integration. They’re copying Henry Ford’s methods because they haven’t had an original idea of their own in the last hundred years.

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry [op] 4 points 6 monthsNov 22, 2023 08:09:00 ago (+4/-0)

There's just two of us at the shop I work at. My buddy owns the business and installs, I help him build. It's actually a pretty sweet deal.

As far as vertical integration goes, go to a cabinet convention in Vegas or Orlando. Count the Hasidic kikes. It's disproportionate.

Edit: also to add to that there's three other guys in the same facility that have small cabinet shops with five guys or less. Talking a stone's throw away.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 1 point 6 monthsNov 22, 2023 13:50:20 ago (+1/-0)

One of the great projects in my house is to eventually take down the cabinets, sand them down, and fix them up and re-install. Dunno yet what I want to cover them with though. Something that's good in the kitchen.

The wood is ancient and nice-looking under the grime and... Varnish? I guess, it's bad and sticky now though so it needs replaced.

Any tips?

This is of course after the (lead)painting is replaced, the (probably asbestos) attic insulation re-do, and the (possibly failing) creaky-as-hell floor re-do.

[ - ] Name 1 point 6 monthsNov 22, 2023 17:01:26 ago (+1/-0)

I guess I sort of misunderstood when you said “cabinets are the highest profit margin” or something like that. I presumed you meant installers purchasing stock cabinets and charging $175 an hour to install. I know a couple of businesses like that and they are moneymakers.

Also, really, Observant at the trade conventions? In the cabinet making industry? I am currently watching some of the wives-wear-wigs jews have some problems in the stone industry. Are they seriously fucking trying to get into all the industries? What the fuck. There’s no way they can pull that off.

[ - ] herbert_west 1 point 6 monthsNov 22, 2023 13:28:09 ago (+1/-0)

I have a bunch of people locally who are marginally intelligent but can earn a fairly high income when they work with their hands.

You also have the problem of the over academization. In the past, a guy who was in the upper 30-40% of the bell curve could open a successful carpentry, employ guys of average or slightly below average intelligence and they all would enjoy a nice income.

Now this guy takes up a loan an go to college to study some bullshit because he isn't smart enough for STEM and the guys he'd be employing aren't smart enough to start a good business.

Just watch any old building and ask yourself who can build something like that today. Basically no one because all smart men are sucked into college.

[ - ] Name 1 point 6 monthsNov 22, 2023 17:09:29 ago (+1/-0)

“ all smart men are sucked into college. “

Yes this is absolutely key. The public school system is designed to recruit talent out of the ranks of the common people. That government indoctrination and advancement enterprise has become ridiculously efficient at doing its job.

Nobody goes to college finishes in the top 10% of their class and returns to their hometown to open a business. They work in some far off city for some even farther off corporation. They forget who they are and where they came from.

[ - ] Stonkmar 4 points 6 monthsNov 22, 2023 09:14:14 ago (+4/-0)

It might be easier to list indrustries that aren't.

[ - ] TheGreatWar 1 point 6 monthsNov 22, 2023 09:10:01 ago (+1/-0)

See, Jesus was an actual carpenter.

[ - ] Trope 0 points 6 monthsNov 23, 2023 04:01:58 ago (+0/-0)

I think this is a good idea and would do the exact same.

Although I’d much rather produce quality cabinetry for both my clients and tenants.

[ - ] nephileon 0 points 6 monthsNov 22, 2023 16:08:47 ago (+0/-0)

i better learn how to build cabinets.

[ - ] germ22 0 points 6 monthsNov 22, 2023 11:08:04 ago (+1/-1)

I don't mind paying a local small business a little more compared to the big box stores. But the small business prices are far out of reach.
My brother is building a house and was shopping around at the hardware stores in the area for kitchen and bathroom cabinets. A friend heard of this and builds and installs cabinets, told my brother he could do the same cabinets, better quality for roughly the same price. His quote ended up being $90k for a kitchen and two bathroom. The hardware store (i think it is Rona) quoted the same at $20k.
The Hardware store has sample displays where you can touch and feel the expected quality. Joe blow small business: "trust me bro".
I've noticed that quality in service and craftsmanship of the small businesses has fallen so far off the cliff it gets harder every year to shop local.

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry [op] 1 point 6 monthsNov 22, 2023 11:18:48 ago (+1/-0)

90k? How many fuckin cabinets did he want installed, 100? That's fuckin robbery. Two bathrooms and a kitchen should be closer to 12k installed depending on the size of the house and the cabinets going in.

[ - ] Sector2 2 points 6 monthsNov 22, 2023 12:34:43 ago (+2/-0)

Unless he's using some super-exotic woods for "the same cabinets", the price difference seems unreasonable. Maybe he didn't want that job, but would do it for an outrageous price.

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry [op] 2 points 6 monthsNov 22, 2023 12:37:10 ago (+2/-0)

That's exactly how you avoid installing cabinets in nigger nests.

[ - ] germ22 0 points 6 monthsNov 22, 2023 11:39:29 ago (+1/-1)

It is a somewhat large kitchen, and with granite or marble counter top. The $20k (Canadian rubles) is a reasonable price.
It's not hard to spend over $100k for a "high end" kitchen. But it wont make the sandwich you make in it taste any better.