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Ukrainian soldiers are now committing suicide in the field.

submitted by Rotteuxx to whatever 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 12:32:50 ago (+17/-3)     (files.catbox.moe)


20 comments block

[ - ] goatfugee12 14 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 12:36:27 ago (+14/-0)

that's white man killing white man to satisfy the kikes. The ukranian men are being forced into this pointless war which is just a farce to send white me to the meat grinder, wouldn't be surprised if they had him loaded to the gills on SSID's and 20 other drugs too.

[ - ] Thyhorrorcosmic103 5 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 17:10:44 ago (+5/-0)

They had to make space for israel 2.0

[ - ] goatfugee12 1 point 6 monthsNov 22, 2023 09:29:42 ago (+1/-0)

this is the real reason, Ukraine is perfect for the kikes. All the natural resources they could need, isn't bound to the rules of NATO, the jews already own Putin so there won't be any issue there.

The "holocaust" lie is getting less important so my guess is all the kikes move to Ukraine. They get a million attractive eastern European women to pillage since all their strong white men are dead / gone, and they get the defenseless kids. And they give up on "Israel" seed it to the muslims and claim victimhood for another 100 years.

[ - ] herbert_west 4 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 15:05:44 ago (+4/-0)

In this case it's more like a brothers war. Both look alike, share a common history and speak basically the same language.

[ - ] uvulectomy 9 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 16:34:18 ago (+9/-0)

They should be killing their ZOGbot commanders. IIRC some colonel tried to order a bunch of soldiers into the meat grinder as cannon fodder. Instead, one of the NCOs splattered his brains with a shot to the head.

[ - ] Rotteuxx [op] 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 18:47:50 ago (+1/-1)

I remember seeing something about that, hopefully they surrendered afterwards.

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 21:02:47 ago (+0/-0)

All traitors should be dealt with in this manner.

We have a lot still breathing in the US.

[ - ] Sector2 4 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 15:28:47 ago (+4/-0)

Yes, Ukrainian soldiers have been committing personal and national suicide for almost 2 years now.

[ - ] BannedEverwhere 0 points 6 monthsNov 22, 2023 21:51:33 ago (+0/-0)

They never had a choice.

[ - ] Sector2 0 points 6 monthsNov 23, 2023 01:50:11 ago (+0/-0)

Fleeing the regime as a refugee, bribing your forced recruiter, jail, prison... All better than becoming one of those bodies littering the fields.

[ - ] lord_nougat 4 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 12:41:56 ago (+4/-0)

[[[whoever]]] is responsible for all of this needs to pay.

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 21:03:28 ago (+0/-0)


The unvaccinated?

[ - ] ModernGuilt 3 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 18:46:22 ago (+3/-0)

Never grant the jews any such favor

[ - ] carnold03 1 point 6 monthsNov 22, 2023 05:45:07 ago (+1/-0)

Where have you been? They've been committing suicide for over a year now.

[ - ] Clubberlang 1 point 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 21:01:37 ago (+1/-0)

That's sudden onset climate change bigot!

They'll soon need to be climate refugees to the US!

[ - ] correctness -2 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 13:54:59 ago (+0/-2)

Typical war propaganda.

Two guys in daytime running in open field.

So guy in front of monitor say, that they're drugged and don't understand what they're doing and this is reason why they kill themselves.

[ - ] yesiknow 4 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 15:14:58 ago (+4/-0)

One video is the determinant of exactly nothing.

It still stands as fact that White men are being slaughtered to make the globalist cult laugh.

It still stands that choosing any side against your fellow Whites should be reason enough to end you.

It still stands that internet activists pretending to be White to increase bad things are the enemy and offing their country is a much more fun endeavour for Whites. It all revolves them getting angry. Don't make the Whites angry at you.

[ - ] Sector2 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 20:58:11 ago (+0/-0)

Would someone killing his brother not cause your support to drop a bit? What if it was your country paying him to do that?

I take it you avoided watching the torture-murder videos the Ukrainians started publishing in 2014? Even last year, the SBU organized mass slaughters to blame on the Russians.

Evil bastards are white to me, not White.

[ - ] yesiknow 0 points 6 monthsNov 22, 2023 02:29:35 ago (+0/-0)

And do you also hate the brainwashed feminists who were taught since birth there was a war between the sexes and they have to make White men homeless?

[ - ] Sector2 0 points 6 monthsNov 22, 2023 03:17:53 ago (+0/-0)

I rarely experience 'hate'. That's an excessive level of emotionality that interferes with judgement.

As for the brainwashed feminists, I don't think about them much at all. But when I do, I recognize female behaviors don't occur in isolation from male behaviors. Once males became pussified and gave them an inch, they naturally responded by taking a mile. Perceiving weakness and exploiting it is a well known phenomenon in life forms.