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Are you fucking shitting me? The IRS is taxing ebay sales and gig work at TWENTY FOUR GOD DAMN PERCENT? These motherfuckers. They ruined the fucking country, extorted us, lockd us down, called us all terrorists, and they're gonna extort us at 24 fucking percent? I'm done with d.c.

submitted by anon to AnonTalk 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 04:28:29 ago (+51/-1)     (AnonTalk)

Utterly and completely done. You can't get ahead in america anymore.


In egypt 20% taxation was considered slavery.

We revolted over a fucking tax on tea.

This shit is unreal.

I'm fucking livid.

I've struggled all my life while these cocksure cocksuckers in D.C. have raped, ruined, and robbed this country fucking blind, laundered it to congress through ukraine and associates, and have the fucking gall on top of it all to tell us WE OWE THEM, and that
we should all just accept a lower standard of living 'for the climate' while these lobbyist-loving motherfuckers jet set on our dime.

Fuck all them. Fuck every last one.

They're taxing this, jobs people work to make up for all the fucking taxes, regulations destroying the economy, on top of all the jobs they exported, on top of all the illegals they imported by the boatload to drive down wages.

And you're gonna tell me, the jobs i work to make up for all your FUCKERY, you're gonna go and tax at 1/6th to 1/4th of what I fucking make?

On top of the illegal-as-fuck ammo taxes which we have no say in. The never ending 'reevaluations' of property value to artificially jack up taxes. "consumption taxes" and gasoline taxes to force us to do what they tell us to do, while they eat fucking steak and cavier in the dnc and gop and all the unelected bureaucracies?

No, fuck that. Fuck all these people. Fuck everything they do. Fuck anything they got to say. Fuck anything they think they're in charge of.

There needs to be backlash for this shit. Immediate fucking backlash.

96 comments block

[ - ] anon 8404870 6 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 06:31:06 ago (+6/-0)

Those " migrants " need housing,food , and the best medical care your money can buy goy.

[ - ] anon 2062825 5 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 11:35:58 ago (+5/-0)

I came to a realization last night. People back in the 1800s and early 1900s would burn your shit if you pissed them off. Completely destroy your business if you acted like a greedy fucking jew. These days these people would be called terrorists and sent away for decades. People in power DO NOT fear the people AT ALL,

[ - ] anon 2666098 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 21:15:25 ago (+0/-0)

These days these people ~~would~~ +are... called terrorists and sent away for decades.

Today, the leader of the Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, learned that the consequence of conspiring to oppose by force the lawful transfer of presidential power is 22 years in federal prison.”

Today’s sentencing demonstrates that those who attempted to undermine the workings of American democracy

Were not a democracy we are a constitutional republic. The occupiers of the peoples house need a rude awakening of what it means to serve and represent the people. Because right now they think we work for them.

[ - ] anon 4991572 [op] 0 points 6 monthsNov 26, 2023 22:03:47 ago (+0/-0)

I disagree, I think they do fear us. I've seen it. It's almost palpable the fear they have.

Everything they're doing is to secure themselves from us, from the consequences of what they're doing.

[ - ] PrincessRobotBubblegum 3 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 04:50:13 ago (+3/-0)

“It’s tribute;
like in the Old Country.”

[ - ] deleted 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 05:11:23 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] anon 3025962 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 09:49:39 ago (+0/-0)

Like in Hunger Games and The Dark Crystal.

[ - ] anon 4067902 1 point 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 10:16:05 ago (+1/-0)


please kill yourself

[ - ] purityspiral 0 points 6 monthsNov 25, 2023 06:31:43 ago (+0/-0)

read it in a book

[ - ] purityspiral 3 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 09:49:06 ago (+3/-0)

Chocolate Rations are up 10% from 40% now at 5%

[ - ] deleted 4 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 14:18:14 ago (+4/-0)


[ - ] purityspiral 0 points 6 monthsNov 25, 2023 06:53:31 ago (+0/-0)

we have always been at war with Oceania.

[ - ] deleted 3 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 10:17:52 ago (+4/-1)


[ - ] anon 2819888 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 12:12:52 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] anon 2341827 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 12:33:12 ago (+0/-0)

This is great stuff. Thank you.

But what do you do to make 20k a month?

[ - ] deleted 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 13:00:27 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] anon 2341827 0 points 6 monthsNov 22, 2023 01:07:34 ago (+0/-0)

Nice. Do you enjoy that? Seems like it would be pretty cool.

[ - ] anon 3412787 2 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 08:50:55 ago (+2/-0)

Welcome to hell

You can break out of this hell by realizing these people putting you in this hell have addresses and take shits

Climate control, supermarket groceries, and digital entertainment will work with their hormonal chemical poisoning to keep you from acting on any errant thoughts

Welcome to hell

[ - ] ItsOk2bArian 2 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 11:47:56 ago (+2/-0)

This is why I work a basic office job part time and do all my real money making under the table.
I give those bastards the absolute minimum, just enough to stay off the radar.
I'm thinking about growing illegal plants for sale, purely out of spite for the "rule of law".

[ - ] anon 1751990 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 19:00:02 ago (+0/-0)

Too late. It's practically free now that anyone can grow. Even the fruiting fungus is "not illegal" anymore, depending on your location.

[ - ] ItsOk2bArian 1 point 6 monthsNov 23, 2023 02:03:42 ago (+1/-0)

There's always something the people want that the Man say we can't have.
I'll grow motherfuckin' endangered plants you aren't allowed to own and sell those. I'm crazy like that, I don't give a fuck

[ - ] anon 1751990 0 points 6 monthsNov 23, 2023 02:17:57 ago (+0/-0)

[ - ] FuckShitJesus 1 point 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 07:49:59 ago (+4/-3)

Jesus Christ, you fucking ignorant plebs are given all the tools you need to succeed and you're so goddamn feckless you just can't help yourselves.

Spend $300 (or less) to incorporate a LLC.


You'll get money back. EVERY SINGLE FUCKING YEAR.

Who gives a shit what they "tax" you, when you use the system the way your owners designed.

[ - ] we_kill_creativity 5 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 08:32:10 ago (+5/-0)

True, but if everyone jumps through that hoop then why have the hoop in the first fucking place. In fact, as a matter of principle alone, why have that hoop at all. It shouldn't even be a thing, and everyone knows it. So I have an even better solution. Don't even participate in their retarded fucking game at all. Remove yourself from it.

[ - ] purityspiral 1 point 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 09:51:40 ago (+1/-0)

a fine and noble proposal... except you can't

[ - ] we_kill_creativity 1 point 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 16:11:28 ago (+1/-0)

Yes you can. Why wouldn't you be able to? It's a voluntary system. Hard to imagine I know, but it's true.

[ - ] anon 1751990 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 19:01:54 ago (+0/-0)

👆 This is correct.

[ - ] anon 2819888 1 point 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 12:19:55 ago (+1/-0)

Probably the hoop is so that anyone willful enough will not have the motivation to organize action.

What should be done is to take action to remove this tax.

[ - ] anon 3073609 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 08:38:12 ago (+1/-1)

why have the hoop in the first fucking place

Because it separates the sheep from the wolves.

[ - ] purityspiral 1 point 6 monthsNov 25, 2023 06:39:07 ago (+1/-0)

That is not a good enough reason to suppress everyone in the world.
These acts are acts of evil. The are manifestations of the desire to control others. Evil.

The mere fact that we have developed such animosity towards all others is evidence of the enemies many victories.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 10:42:16 ago (+1/-1)


[ - ] anon 2561791 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 14:09:17 ago (+0/-0)

The hoops are there, literally, to revenue gather from all the useful idiot normie npc's .... why should i pay when tens of thousands of normies will pay as they cant be bothered 'jumping through a hoop'

[ - ] anon 2480597 1 point 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 08:04:39 ago (+2/-1)

This is the solution. You have to do your paperwork. Otherwise they're gonna fuck you.

[ - ] FuckShitJesus 1 point 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 08:06:04 ago (+1/-0)

They are, quite literally, already fucking you.

Fuck back.

[ - ] Inward -1 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 08:15:49 ago (+1/-2)

They are, quite figuratively, already fucking you.


[ - ] FuckShitJesus 1 point 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 08:20:43 ago (+1/-0)

Dunno, man. I feel that pain in my ass.

[ - ] anon 2666098 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 21:21:18 ago (+0/-0)

Tell your boyfriend to be gentler

[ - ] anon 6536194 1 point 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 09:21:56 ago (+1/-0)

This isn't obvious nor easy to do. So after creating the LLC how do you get money back?

[ - ] anon 3073609 -1 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 09:24:11 ago (+1/-2)

If you're not capable of following through here, you're a sheep. Just go back to being a debt serf and paying slave taxes.

This shit is so easy a child can do it. Fucking TurboTax literally asks you every possible question and you just need to wipe the drool off your mouth long enough to use your hand to control a mouse and click a box.

[ - ] anon 6536194 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 09:25:06 ago (+1/-1)

enjoy audit

[ - ] anon 3073609 1 point 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 09:25:38 ago (+2/-1)

An audit is meaningless if you just do the bare minimum required to document this. Christ, you're such a faggot.

[ - ] anon 1751990 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 19:05:12 ago (+0/-0)

Easy for anyone who can pass an IQ test to see why the elites have contempt for the masses.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 11:06:38 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] deleted 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 14:21:09 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] anon 6536194 -1 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 09:28:39 ago (+0/-1)

enjoy audit

[ - ] anon 3412787 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 08:51:49 ago (+0/-0)

This is the way. You can literally get a king ranch truck paid for through taxes this way

[ - ] FuckShitJesus 1 point 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 08:57:47 ago (+2/-1)

Talk about business? Your meal is now 100% deductible.

Clothes? Uniform.

Electricity, cell phone, internet service, Netflix? Home office utilities.

Groceries? Business team building exercise.

Legal expenses? Deductible.

Parking? Deductible.

Gas? Deductible.

Medical? Deductible.

And so on, and so on, and so on.

Everyone complaining is just fucking lazy at this point.

[ - ] anon 2452595 3 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 09:03:01 ago (+3/-0)

Uh... didn't the IRS recently vastly expand so it could hit small businesses with a lot more audits?

[ - ] anon 3073609 1 point 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 09:04:19 ago (+1/-0)

Who cares? Document all this and they can get fucked, they have to pay.

Stop being a lazy faggot.

[ - ] anon 4991572 [op] 0 points 6 monthsNov 26, 2023 22:07:24 ago (+0/-0)

"Stop being a lazy faggot."

reads like "everything bad that happens is the victims fault."

Reads like a screed written by a weinstein jew.

get fucked cunt. you and your whole family belong in a death camp.

[ - ] anon 6536194 -5 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 09:24:18 ago (+0/-5)

Enjoy your audit

[ - ] anon 3073609 2 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 09:26:14 ago (+2/-0)

Oh no. An audit where I have all the documentation and can simply provide it. How terrible. I'm so afraid. Please, don't, staaaahp.

[ - ] anon 6536194 1 point 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 09:31:34 ago (+2/-1)

an LLC with 0 revenue and all these expenses? Enjoy your audit. IRS will take its time.

This whole plan is retarded b/c with no income for years, the IRS will target you once enough charges can be made. They will go back years to get back their money.

[ - ] anon 6536194 -2 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 09:29:48 ago (+1/-3)

an LLC with 0 revenue and all these expenses? Enjoy your audit. IRS will take its time.

This whole plan is retarded b/c with no income for years, the IRS will target you once enough charges can be made. They will go back years to get back their money.

[ - ] anon 3025962 2 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 09:52:07 ago (+2/-0)

They won't audit him for zero revenue. They'll audit him for whiteness.

[ - ] FuckShitJesus 1 point 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 09:33:48 ago (+1/-0)

Nice try, IRS guy.

[ - ] Autismo 1 point 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 09:41:53 ago (+1/-0)

ad hominem attacks b/c you can't answer the audit question. $0 income + constant business expenses? They haven't come after your broke ass b/c you don't make enough money.

[ - ] anon 3073609 1 point 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 09:52:22 ago (+2/-1)

Every single major company and billionaire does this, already.

Nice try, IRS guy.

[ - ] anon 6536194 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 12:10:21 ago (+0/-0)

because they make millions and billions of dollars in revenue, dumbass. Not $15,000 a year like you McDonalds wage cucks.

[ - ] anon 1751990 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 19:08:12 ago (+0/-0)

Where are you getting the "$0 income"?

[ - ] anon 3025962 1 point 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 09:52:50 ago (+1/-0)

Gotta stay in the black.

[ - ] anon 2031953 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 10:09:16 ago (+0/-0)

Those aren't tools we are given..those are hoops to jump through. To receive our own money back. And by the time we get it back, the government has used it to inflate next year's expenses by 12%

[ - ] anon 3990478 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 10:21:24 ago (+0/-0)

Is it really as simple ad this?

[ - ] anon 1751990 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 19:11:00 ago (+0/-0)

Corporations have more possibilities, but an LLC is simple enough for the little guy.

[ - ] anon 4991572 [op] 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 14:07:10 ago (+0/-0)

Yes lets all create a pretext for politically-weaponized IRS audits, thats the ticket! /s

Jesus Christ, you fucking ignorant plebs are given all the tools you need to succeed

Is that before or after consumer price inflation, general interest rates, jerry-rigged elections, infinite foreign labor, infinite export of production, ever more regulations licenses and fees, ever more requirements to seek permission to do anything.

Was that before or after 1/3rd of businesses went out of business because they were shut out of business during lockdowns?

Or do you just like talking out your ass?

What I'm saying is, it doesn't matter what you do in the short term, because in the long term their goal is to bankrupt america, including you. You're playing a game where they make the rules, its why we keep losing everything without a god damn say in how anything is ever fucking done or rolled back, or how policy is written. Not one fucking jot or iota of it.

It's enough to drive a man stark raving fucking mad.

[ - ] anon 1751990 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 19:13:47 ago (+0/-0)

1/3rd of businesses went out of business because they were shut out of business during lockdowns

Only ZOG licensed businesses. Why is upgoat overrun by normie-tier plebes?

[ - ] anon 4991572 [op] 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 22:48:09 ago (+0/-0)*

muh "ZOG normie plebes" fucking cope. "I know, we can just attach ZOG to it and then everything will be fine in magical fairy land, where if we break the law nothing will happen! And if anyone disagrees they're a normie and a sheeple!"

How long have you been a faggot?

Let me explain something to you. Lets say you're a hardcore motherfucker. Lets say you ignore licensing. And the cops come to shut you down and give you a court appearance. But you're such a shit-hot die-hard-with-a-vengeance type motherfucker, you don't show to court. "let em come!" you yell at the clouds. A month later the city officials show up with police escorts. But see, you're not having none of it.
So you've setup some rube-golderberg esque IRA minefield because, fuck it, you've finally had enough of ZOG and its overreaching bullshit and now you're going to jail anyway!

One cop immediately loses two balls, a chin, an elbow. A city social worker rapidly becomes red paste. You yell TALLY HO as you fire your antique cannon from the roof of your atilus gym franchise location you ran a business out of. "AFFIX BAYONETS!" which you do.
At the end of the day because one person died (social workers are arguably not even human so we won't count them), you are now a hunted man.

And because that one person happened to be one of orwell's SuperMan Ultrahuman+, a fucking cop, "someones whose death matters (tm)", and is defacto protected from criminals (unlike the rest of society which they drag their god damn feet for), now you've really fucked up. If he'd been a tax collector on the weekend, maybe they woulda waited till monday to come pick you up, but you killed a cop, now you're F.U.C.K fuckity-fucked my friend. A little oopsie-woopsie. A little fucksie-wucksie. And the entire nest of thoughtless automatons, happily letting murderers and rapists and looters and arsonists and cartel criminals, and chainsaw maniacs from san fran, and kid fucking politicians, and intelligence agencies moonlighting as plane bombers--the same braindead army of pensioned modern day dickless knights-in-service of king george's corpse, are all out for absolute blood, like you lit a wasp nest on fucking fire.

So while you're hiding out in your fallback position somewhere in the woods, or if you're not a total fucking retard, in the most abandoned segment of the detroit projects that has ever existed, the kill squads are now gearing up with cops out to skullfuck you, your corpse, and when they're done, burn down the building you were hiding in, because that place is now hated too simply by proximity, and then feed your bullet ridden carcass to their "loyal and protective K9 OFFICERS serving in Muh-Dangerbus-Lina-Dooty!" while they use their dogs to hunt you down like a betty crocker fucking christmas turkey, or a jihadist hiding in a latrine rathole in the middle of fucking afghanistan. Nevermind they had no fucking problem not arresting a single motherfucker in charge of leaving our guys to die in that utter shithole, nope, can't be arresting no criminals if not ordered to. Just gotta suck it up. But lets not get distracted by the false virtues of false enthusiasm for pseudo-patriotic exclamations of "fighting terrorism and stopping crime" while theres time yet to disabuse you of your simple-minded soft-serve bullshit about "fighting the man."

Very quickly the FBI "who couldn't catch a j6 pipebomber", along with the NSA, and sixteen other agencies, locate you far faster than anyone, including you, coulda ever imagined, considering how slow they were to deport illegal squatamalans murdering, raping, and looting this country Like a swarm of flies. Or better yet, how little they could do about squaters, open air drug markets, and the crime wave, until suddenly the order came down the pipe to clean things up for Xi. Then it was all "rah-rah, we're the police! We serve the community! We enforce the law", yeah only on the second tuesday of next week, when blm hasn't been authorized to be out rioting and murdering and raping while you cocksuckers stand by like the fucking subhuman parasites that you are following orders to stand down, and arrest and terrorize anyone not wearing a mask or anyone going to work during lockdown while america burned.

But lets get back to the story ya little shits, so grandpa can explain to you the reality of living in a murderous pile of shit dictatorship.

So then 24-48 hours later, you see through your drone camera, like a black swarm of hungry ants, an approaching wave of mraps, and men in armor, converging from all directions, along with helicopters on your little safehouse. I sure hope it has hard cover, unlike the woods the red dawn retards were programmed to run to when things go south. You did select a hide out with escape tunnels and hard cover right?

But of course you didn't. So now your little concrete shitbox, or woodland excursion has turned into a fucking tomb as swat moves in. And every one of these roided-up tattoo'd pseudo-gang cocksuckers, neck deep in cartel heroin money, are safety-cameras on kill-mode on after 24 hours of riding around diesel-therapy like thinking only about how badly they want to murder you harder than their coworker next to them. And half these guys are psychopaths with IQs of 90-110, just enough to do what they're told, and just low enough to believe they're justified in the holy crusader they're about to rain down on your ass.

But once again, clever as you are, you've rigged up more jigsaw traps for darwin-award participants in uniform, eager like murder hornets to get you for the one death of some fucko cop they don't even know.

Four of them immediately die when an mrap rolls over an improvised landmine. Five more die to the three jerry rigged turrets you built out of a shitty full auto glock and a movement tracking camera. Two makeshift kamikaze drones take out a errant cnn reporter with a hooked nose that would make rumplestiltskin fucking jealous, and accidentally wound the mayors corgi, the mayor of color who promptly is NOW upset about crime in his city and ready to do something, versus the 200+ murder, and 1500+ rapes and armed robberies that have happened in his city so far this year which he was happy to let his DA keep sliding on. Immediately fifty buck niggers converge from the local gangs, the same ones that got the mayor elected, followed by another 200 on the way. its tense as the weasel pensioner brigade of halfwit mercenaries realize the low-rider craclhjead halfrican heroin brigade has arrived to the commotion.

Someone pops off at the mouth, and then gun fire. Naturally you're blamed on national news, you and you alone for all of it, when you clearly left rigged loud speakers telling the tard-army not to keep stepping over red lines because they were walking through an actual real life minefield and you "didn't want to make it any worse!".

This falls on deaf ears, as grabbler executives in dozens of hollowed out glorified "journalist" outfits, little more than intelligence cutouts, spontaneously start foaming at the mouth, with the exact same scripts, like some sort of weird hive-mind animatronic slug that horribly screams in yiddish as it melts from all the salt. Suddenly a horde of shitheads all over youtube, "alt" news sites, and social media, come in, with accounts that all use deepfaked avatars, with no posting history, claiming to be cops, veterans, christians, all eager to encourage the crowd to one-up each other in the horrible ways you should die or be tortured. The mob is now hungry for blood. And off in some distant trailer on a military base, serious men in problem glasses, "storied" men, self important men, discuss the "narrative surrounding this 'situation'" about what to do with one wannabe-rambo hold up in some shithold of a bunker in bumfucked nowhere, while congress critters convene Very-Important-Meetings about the "rash of terrorism and violence in this nation and what to do about it", like the reality just so happened to set in for them at-this-very-moment, and not after all the people callously murdered, tortured, raped, robbed, burned alive by antifa, blm, sundry cops and fbi agents and informants given free passes to do these things, or by terrorists and cartel members allowed to flood over our borders. No, it was jihadi-john and his one moment of clarity in this utter semi-oligarchical shithole of a dictatorship, that was the 'straw that broke the camels back.' Now is Their-Golden-Moment-To-Shine, to care-about-"our cops", to protect Law-And-Order...to fund-raise!

Now thousands of retards in hunting vests, armed with their best, are hunting you for the reward, like that one escaped illegal or that j-sixer who ran into the woods.

And so it goes. You pull out your bazooka, and your minigun and clear the entire crowd, or maybe you just wait for the black gangbangers, completely uncontrolled, and completely responsible for being the singular excuse used to day to raise taxes to extortion levels while disarming americans--until the black gangbangers and the cops all kill each other.

Finally, the coast is clear and you exit your fort.

As you do you here the rumble of national guard troops. All of them have heard the news "A filthy antisemite racist terrorist has murdered 500 people in detroit or some other vibrant and diverse city! You fought along kikes and blacks, and tax collectors, and police, well military police, but still brothers in blue! We have to defend the american way against this horrible terrorist!"

As the national guard caravan arrives, a single detachment, along with every state police vehicle, every swat team, and half the FBI, along with the CIA, DHS, and a dozen other agencies from across the country, you realize.

You shoulda paid your taxes.

You choose to defy the law you better be prepared to

1. go away for a long fucking time for being white/straight/christian/conservative and openly defying the law

2. die when you fight back like an ill-prepared retard.

For 1/3rd of those people, civilians, they effectively had no choice, you dumb bitch.

In otherwords, sit down and shut the fuck up.

[ - ] anon 1751990 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 22:58:02 ago (+0/-0)

Let me explain something to you. Lets say you're a hardcore motherfucker. Lets say you ignore licensing. And the cops come to shut you down and give you a court appearance. But you're such a shit-hot die-hard-with-a-vengeance type motherfucker, you don't show to court. "let em come!" you yell at the clouds. A month later the city officials show up with police escorts. But see, you're not having none of it.

You have no idea how retarded you are.

[ - ] anon 4991572 [op] 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 23:04:34 ago (+0/-0)

You have no idea how retarded you are.

You have no idea how big of an unappreciative bitch you are.
Go take your fucking prozac then, and talk about "the normies" like you don't like in a fucking basement or something.

[ - ] anon 1751990 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 23:49:47 ago (+0/-0)

you don't like in a fucking basement or something.

That is true. And I might as well go ahead and admit that no human has ever made $500 to $750K in 2023 dollars. We're all average IQ, and no one is more skilled than another. You've nailed it.

[ - ] anon 4991572 [op] 0 points 6 monthsNov 22, 2023 00:18:18 ago (+0/-0)

$500 to $750K in 2023

yeah sure, and I'm king fucking midas.

humble brag, denied.

[ - ] anon 1751990 0 points 6 monthsNov 22, 2023 00:50:53 ago (+0/-0)

I'm king fucking midas.

More likely, you're the king of not believing in yourself because you know yourself. Sad for you, but typical.

[ - ] anon 4991572 [op] 0 points 6 monthsNov 22, 2023 03:53:01 ago (+0/-0)

No unfortunately I'm cursed to make others lots of money but completely incapable of making any significant amount of my own.

And whats your beef with the world?

[ - ] anon 3650293 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 20:41:18 ago (+0/-0)

That doesn't work for people who have jobs. I'm not even sure it works for you. You may have just gotten away with it. A lot of people do.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 14:17:00 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] anon 4991572 [op] 2 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 15:04:07 ago (+2/-0)

you recognize right that the u.s. is run as an oligarchy in all but name?

The public has zero effect on policy. Zero. Like actually zero, not hyperbolic zero, not 'effectively no influence', actually no influence.

Your congress is a performative display put on by the domestic intelligence agencies in cooperation with the banks and stock markets, which is why congress and the senate never fix anything.

You are living in a dictatorship.

[ - ] purityspiral 0 points 6 monthsNov 25, 2023 06:34:57 ago (+0/-0)

This is absolutely true. Oligarchy in all but name. I will have to remember that phrase.
Fuck me that's a rough revelation for a country boy.

walks into sunset muttering about oligarchy

[ - ] anon 1795977 1 point 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 22:59:00 ago (+1/-0)

Haha my wife and I pay $8200 per month in taxes, then we have to pay our mortgage and then our property taxes, then our health insurance, then sales tax on our food, then our gas, then our utilities.

[ - ] I_am_baal 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 05:49:42 ago (+2/-2)*

Fuck those fucking niggers. We need to start using decentralized crypto-using ebay clones anyways.

[ - ] purityspiral 1 point 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 09:53:16 ago (+1/-0)

what about when I want to buy something that isnt MDMA?

[ - ] deleted 1 point 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 14:23:19 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] anon 1751990 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 19:27:16 ago (+0/-0)

OpenBazaar was an open source project developing a protocol for e-commerce transactions in a fully decentralized marketplace. It used cryptocurrencies as medium of exchange and was inspired by a hackathon project called DarkMarket.

I prefer using money for obfuscation. Pieces of paper don't need computers, special software, and tech challenges that wipe you out with one tiny mistake.

[ - ] anon 3609364 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 06:02:48 ago (+1/-1)

The 24% is if you don't give the snitch your personal info. Then you can presumably report it as hobby income. The 24% probably just assumes the worst, i.e. self-employment (schedule C) plus federal.

[ - ] anon 1962398 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 07:40:39 ago (+0/-0)

Any good alternates to Ebay? Facebook Market Place and Craigs List but they don't help you sell much country wide.

[ - ] anon 4991572 [op] 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 14:09:35 ago (+0/-0)

Fuck facebook. Mark zuckerberg, the DOD, and the intelligence agencies who assisted him in setting it up, and running mass public manipulation, and mass censorship?

I hope every single one of them and theirs see the inside of prison cells for the rest of their lives.

That swift and speedy kangaroo trials just like they all gave the j6, followed by mass public executions.

[ - ] anon 1890167 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 09:05:22 ago (+0/-0)

Hilarious that the people who have been mooching off me for decades, and voting to make it worse, are now mad when they have to share a small piece of the cost of making it worse.

[ - ] anon 4991572 [op] 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 14:03:03 ago (+0/-0)

"Hilarious that the people who have been mooching off me for decades"

I never took government benefits you fucking dipshit. You're probably some fucking ghoul here to divide people anyway.
Hint: your job, getting paid in tax payer money, doesn't count as you "paying your dues".

Get fucked and stay away from my region cocksucker.

[ - ] anon 5612188 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 10:33:40 ago (+0/-0)

There's no saving this bitch

[ - ] anon 2410888 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 13:40:10 ago (+0/-0)

I hate when leftards use hysteria to push their agenda, please don't start.

24% withholding means it's 24% taxation if you refuse to file taxes. If you do file taxes, you'll most likely get most or all of it refunded.

[ - ] anon 4991572 [op] 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 14:01:15 ago (+0/-0)

" If you do file taxes, you'll most likely get most or all of it refunded."

Even when you take the self employment rate of 15% or so, and add in 'official' interest rates, plus 'official' consumer price inflation, it still effectively works out to 24+%.

If you only go by the self employment rate, thats still one sixth of your fucking income. And you are okay with this?

[ - ] anon 1751990 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 19:19:19 ago (+0/-0)

Only the compliant tax cattle pay taxes, so sure. "But I HAVE to pay taxes." Okay, knock yourself out.

[ - ] anon 4991572 [op] 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 22:12:36 ago (+0/-0)

"But I HAVE to pay taxes."

You better fucking pray to your god below I never arrive at the day I decide not to pay taxes.

[ - ] anon 1751990 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 22:55:22 ago (+0/-0)

You'll probably need to rearrange your life, since the system is set up to convince most people that wage slavery and paying taxes is just the way it is.

Fundamentally, you'll need to stop involving the government in your personal finances. Any significant assets, like a house, should be in a trust or owned by a foreign company.

Then you'll need like-minded people who will pay you cash. For what is up to your imagination.

They sent me stacks of letters for years, but finally quit at some point. I assume they finally accepted that "this guy shows no personal income".

[ - ] anon 3944689 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 19:28:25 ago (+0/-0)

What about the 40$$ surcharge at PayPal ..

[ - ] anon 2666098 0 points 6 monthsNov 21, 2023 21:09:39 ago (+0/-0)

If there were more people in the US with your level of disgust and conviction these people would leave for China.

But we're not a serious nation anymore.

We have 40+ year olds that care more about the MCU than the crimes against humanity commited by DNC in the last 3 years.

As long as their streaming and video games aren't interrupted and life's on easy mode someone else will fix it and put it back the way it oughta be.