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Does this sound familiar?

submitted by correctness to TellUpgoat 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 10:31:10 ago (+33/-4)     (files.catbox.moe)


127 comments block

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist 1 point 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 19:21:49 ago (+1/-0)

In my experience, a right wing atheist goes super hard.

This isn't compensation, this is their autism taking every philosophy to the logical extreme.

They aren't merely conservatives, they are full on natsoc, fascist, imperialist, monarchist, or feudalist.

They aren't merely libertarians, they are full on anarcho-capitalists or nws minarchists.

They occupy only the extremes and are total fucking psychopaths.

Like myself, I want to being back slavery for all but a select convergence of demographics.

I want an imperialistic monarchy that seeks to conquer the planet and either exterminate or enslave everyone but white men.

Aside from that you know I fall into the NWS minarchist faction despite having been an ancap before that.

And of course I want to do things like end intellectual property and corporate personhood, establish complete separation of state and market, restore full freedom of association, and am all about that monetary reform.

Having the state print their own money and run the banks, with a prohibition on fiat currency, charging interest, fractional reserve lending, and the other practices.

I'd also like a decent taxation system that only charges you a percentage on the financial transactions you make using the national currency.

I'd want a rehabilitation focused justice system, with those unable to be rehabilitated being entered into gladiatorial battle royale death games.

[ - ] NamelessOne 0 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 18:37:58 ago (+0/-0)

Pray to a jew or you're not White goyim.

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 0 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 17:41:13 ago (+1/-1)

If you're a hardcore materialist who places little to no belief in the spiritual or religious realm, then it makes perfect sense to be a christian - just hijack the label, pay lip service to the jew messiah, and use it to rally whites against the jews.

On the other hand, if you actually believe there is spiritual truth, then why are you giving your worship and spiritual power to a jewish god?

If there is a spiritual realm, there are a few possibilites.

1. The jew god is the true god of this universe and you should worship him as the descendants of abraham rule the world.

2. The jew god is just one of many gods (as even the bible itself implies) and worshiping the jew god grants the jew god power over you and empowers jews to rule the world.

3. There is one true god but it is not the jew god and the jews are tricking people into all sorts of other things from false religions like islam and christianity to atheist and agnostic ideologies to keep you away from true spirituality.

If 1, then you're already fucked, enjoy that jew cock. If 2, then you're only fucked if too many people continue sucking that jew cock and worshiping the jew god. If 3, you still need to explore outside of jew controlled religions and jew books to find the truth. If enough people find alternatives - preferably spiritual alternatives such as Odinism/Asatru that help you empower yourself and your own people and Gods spiritually against the evil jew god - then we can defeat the jew god and restore our own Gods to power (or find whatever deeper truth there is outside the jew matrix).

So if you believe there is no spiritual realm, continue to be a cultural christian. If you believe there is a spiritual realm, find alternatives to jewish controlled religion.

[ - ] Inward 1 point 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 16:53:57 ago (+1/-0)

The responses here are filled with jews.

Anyone with any interest in defeating jews would not attack a Christian at this site. Nobody is bringing up Christ until after the Satanists pipe up.

[ - ] aldecal 0 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 18:51:22 ago (+0/-0)

Tell Christians to stop shoving their religion in everyone's faces like a guy at work trying to show you picture of his kids and then maybe people will stop resisting.

[ - ] Inward 0 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 21:21:41 ago (+0/-0)

You are a projecting heeb. I've been here since the beginning. Nobody brought up Christ until one of you Satanist started insulting.

Instead of focusing in jews genociding Whites, you focus on people who talk about their religion. You either a shortsighted loser or a jew.

[ - ] Wahaha -2 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 15:45:42 ago (+0/-2)

Christianity is a Jewish invention designed to spiritually enslave non Jews. Same as Islam. If you are religious, try to free your mind of that virus.

[ - ] Kozel 0 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 15:45:19 ago (+1/-1)

ConPro is userbase significantly more christcucked than upgoat.

They are also significantly dumber than upgoat. All retorts to challenges of their religious position are met with replies that are the written equivalent of sticking two circumcised jew dicks in their ears and saying nananana can't hear you.

[ - ] Rob3122 2 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 14:56:12 ago (+3/-1)

It's almost like religious people can't comprehend why someone wouldn't believe the same bullshit as they do.

[ - ] letsgetit 2 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 17:30:37 ago (+2/-0)

Christian spirituality needs reforming. Too many weak men ready to give up their homelands to migrants. This turn the other cheek nonsense is poison to our people. It's co-opted by NGOs, Jews, Liberals in the worst ways.

[ - ] Ragnar 0 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 14:52:54 ago (+0/-0)

Oy vey not my based Vikings.
We wuz Vikings n sheiiit

[ - ] chrimony 1 point 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 15:04:36 ago (+1/-0)

We wuz Vikings n sheiiit

Except northern Europeans actually WERE Vikings, unlike the "w3 wuz h33bz n' sheeit", Aryan nigger claims on this forum. Europeans had their own gods and religions before being cucked by Saul the Pharisee to worship the god of Israel.

[ - ] Ragnar 0 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 15:06:04 ago (+0/-0)

Yes yes I know

[ - ] deleted 8 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 14:50:06 ago (+10/-2)


[ - ] Inward -3 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 16:38:15 ago (+0/-3)

Satanist. KYS.

[ - ] deleted 2 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 18:57:28 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] Inward -1 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 21:16:52 ago (+0/-1)

I do. And it was all Christian.

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 1 point 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 17:28:26 ago (+3/-2)

Nah, satan is a jewish god, Odin is a European god. Big difference between jewish gods and European gods.

[ - ] aldecal -1 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 13:16:51 ago (+2/-3)

Tons of goys use christcuck. I'm not jewish and I have multiple White nationalist friends who aren't jewish and all of us are agnostic. Not everyone who disagrees with you is a jew and when you say stupid shit like everyone who denies Christ will burn in hell we who don't believe naturally start to feel a little bit hostile. Then I see people celebrating Boniface, who destroyed a sacred European religious symbol, and all the other examples of Christianity wiping away traditional European practices by force, and yeah, I view it as something inherently dangerous and anti-European. It destroys national identities in many ways. A slave can't have two masters, as y'all say, so you have to pick between pro-white and pro-Christian, because Christianity is naturally in favor of a pan-racial brotherhood accepting of all who embrace your religion.

[ - ] Equalizer 6 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 12:59:58 ago (+8/-2)*

You don't have to be a believer to see what jews are doing and arguments based on "Christ is king" is only relevant to believers imo. There are christcucks but we also know jews like to use it as a way for people to drop their religion and by extension attack Christianity in general.

"Turn the other cheek. . ." whilst other religions do anything they want (lie to infidels) to progress their brand. But we see Eastern European Christians have no qualms getting over that and putting themselves and their Church first instead of jews and muslims.

Whilst Christian boomers who say shit like "muh greatest ally" and are full open borders, give money to Christian (jew-run) charities to help immigrants, do anything the pope says, eat anything mainstream are cretins. . . the jews, communists and everyone who hates whites would like nothing more than Christianity to go extinct, all Churches destroyed and replaced with mosques or some jewish propaganda movie theater, just one more step allowing them to say white people have no "culture, identity" etc.

Christian zionists are more like traitors, they stop any in-group preference whilst other jews and muslims laugh at them, a lot of it based on being giant normie pussies brainwashed from the start in school and their religious leaders, they have no understanding just follow the western mainstream perspective.

[ - ] Sector2 0 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 16:58:50 ago (+0/-0)

You know the pope is Catholic, not Christian?

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 2 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 17:30:29 ago (+2/-0)

Catholic is a subset of christian. Unless you only include specific denominations in your definition of christian in which case most whites are not christian so who cares?

[ - ] The_Reunto 1 point 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 18:32:58 ago (+1/-0)

The only ones I've seen to make the arguement "Catholics aren't Christian" were Dispensationalists which themselves are not Christian.

Catholics are Christian, Dispensationalists are not.

[ - ] Sector2 -2 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 20:48:40 ago (+0/-2)

Might as well say Catholics are Buddhist, Moslem, or Pastafarian, since they follow those books as much as they follow the Christian bible. (which is not at all)

Catholicism is an anti-Christian satanic cult with 'leaders' who rape children, and greedly accumulate vast wealth.

Compare Catholic Doctrine with the Christian bible sometime. You'll be wondering how they have the chutzpah to claim to be Christian.

[ - ] The_Reunto 1 point 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 20:56:26 ago (+1/-0)

since they follow those books as much as they follow the Christian bible. (which is not at all)

Prove it

[ - ] Sector2 0 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 21:33:36 ago (+0/-0)

Compare Catholic Doctrine with the Christian bible sometime.

I might be tempted to prove it if I cared enough, and if the google still worked for search. Neither of those are the case, but if you have an interest in Catholicism, your standards for vetting might make the research worthwhile.

I've read point by point comparisons between Catholic Doctrine and the Christian bible that satisfied my level of interest. I've experienced some shocking changes in my beliefs and world views after comparing them to relevant data. It's more than a little unsettling, but one of my highest values is an accurate apprehension of reality.

Anyway, the only person who can prove the validity of your beliefs is you.

[ - ] The_Reunto 1 point 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 22:32:44 ago (+1/-0)

I believe I see you for you. And maybe I speak as a fool here, but Godspeed, friend.

I've done years of vetting, and I haven't found anything that is contrary to scripture when taken in context. Catholicism represents a school of thought relative to scripture, and from the nature of schools of thought, of course it will clash with other ideologies that may be mutually exclusive to Catholicism but consistent with scripture in their own right.

The equation for Christianity is always going to come down to more than just scripture though. Tradition is an important part of any Christian faith. Even Luther's claim to "sola scriptura" was not a true 'sola scriptura' because he still placed importance and value in built up traditions such as rites and sacraments, the Lord's prayer, etc, that are not explicitly present in scripture but are nonetheless foundational to what Christianity truly is. Luther's perspective was categorically a prima sciptura perspective.

I would go beyond just testing against scripture. Any purported version of Christianity must also be tested against foundational Christian Tradition. If a version of "Christianity" rejects the Lord's prayer and the Nicene Creed, they aren't Christian. If a version of "Christianity" is not logically consistent with scripture, it's not a true form of Christianity. If a version of "Christianity" strategically removes portions of scripture to suit an ideology (such as Galatians 3), it's not a true form of Christianity.

All this said, although I have tested Catholicism as best as I can, I acknowledge that I can be wrong, that there could always be something I am missing. And the most successful strategy for finding a correct belief that I have experienced is the willingness to put a concept out there and be proven wrong. If I present an idea and someone corrects me, thereafter that will be one less thing that I am wrong about. If I present an idea and it holds true to testing and discourse, that will be one more thing that I have a more rounded understanding of.

The veneration of saints, the repurposed imagery brought from other religions, the priesthoods and governance from the papacy... those are usually the big three items that people have a problem with in Catholicism. Although I believe these topics may be approached incorrectly even by Catholics, I believe that they do not in themselves represent real contradictions against scripture when understood in context.

There are certainly extra-Biblical elements such as the concept that Mary remained a virgin after the birth of Christ, and that Jesus' brothers and sisters are understood in Catholicism as cousins rather than true brothers and sisters, etc. But those extra-Biblical pieces are still consistent with scripture even if they may differ from other possible schools of thought.

I usually poke and prod to see why someone objects to Catholicism. For a long time I too was opposed to Catholicism, but over time I found that it was largely because I didn't understand it for what it was. I was quick to judge the faith on the basis of those that called themselves Catholic rather than the doctrines of Catholic faith itself.

I don't mind testing faiths. I believe the truth will always shine through, and that no amount of testing or challenging will shake the truth from its place. We can't be afraid to let go. If anything presented itself as an irreconcilable challenge to Catholicism, I would let it go. But, while I admit I can't always reconcile everything in a split second, there are usually answers that come when the time is right.

Fire away if you have points of contention between Catholic doctrine and the Bible. I have yet to find anything that is irreconcilable.

[ - ] Sector2 0 points 10 monthsNov 21, 2023 19:55:59 ago (+0/-0)

First, thanks, The_Reunto.

I believe that they do not in themselves represent real contradictions against scripture when understood in context.

You have access to the same info as me, so if you can make it credible for you, then that's it. The only thing I'll say is don't work too hard to explain away the contradictions.

Do you remember when you obtained software programs by copying the text out of a magazine? One single typo meant it didn't work at all. The Bible is wide-ranging, with only small parts being critical to function. For me, one of the most instructive sections (referencing those critical parts) reads:

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.


[ - ] Inward -3 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 16:39:50 ago (+1/-4)

"Turn the other cheek. . ." does not mean what you think it does and it shows your pure ignorance or willful slander. KYS.

[ - ] aldecal 0 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 19:31:43 ago (+0/-0)

"KYS" how Christian.

[ - ] Inward -2 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 21:15:38 ago (+0/-2)

See, you don't know Christianity.

[ - ] AugustineOfHippo2 7 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 11:56:00 ago (+13/-6)

The users of the term christ-cuck are just as brainwashed as the climate changers or woke fags. No amount of logic, evidence, or reason can get through their programming.

You can tell they are programmed by how irrational they are about it. Even in this post you can see the histrionic behavior and anger of conditioned humans following their programming.

Many people here aren't Christians, yet they are good people with intelligent ideas and rational conversations. The whole raging anti-christian group is really difficult to communicate with on any level.

[ - ] aldecal 8 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 13:22:37 ago (+12/-4)

It's not irrational to hate something that hates you. I became anti-semitic because jews are trying to destroy my people and look down on me as a slave. That's the same instinct that leads me to hate a religion which tries to gaslight me into thinking a loving and merciful god is going to eternally torture me for not believing in him. Christians often gleefully gloat about how people like me are going to be eternally tortured even though I've often been asked if I'm a Christian by strangers because I behave more like one than most of the southern Baptists you'll find. If a group is happy to see me suffer over something I can't help (I tried to believe growing up, but it's bogus) then fuck them.

[ - ] Kozel 5 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 15:47:03 ago (+5/-0)

Christians often gleefully gloat about how people like me are going to be eternally tortured

It is funny that they do this, given that hell and eternal torture is not part of original scripture, but some shit fags made up at a later time to exert control over people.

[ - ] Clubberlang 1 point 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 19:37:28 ago (+1/-0)

When this happens I usually call them out. Because that's not the intention of the Bible. A true believer would share their faith with you even if your convictions cause you to be blinded by ignorance.

[ - ] The_Reunto 0 points 10 monthsNov 23, 2023 19:17:17 ago (+0/-0)

eternal torture is not part of original scripture

"And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever." - Rev 20:10

[ - ] Kozel 0 points 10 monthsNov 23, 2023 20:05:17 ago (+0/-0)

new testament is not original scripture you retarded faggot

[ - ] The_Reunto 0 points 10 monthsNov 23, 2023 21:07:38 ago (+0/-0)

"And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh." - Isaiah 66:24

[ - ] Kozel 0 points 10 monthsNov 23, 2023 22:02:36 ago (+0/-0)

"This will be a day long remembered. It has seen the end of Kenobi. It will soon see the end of the Rebellion." -Darth Vader Episode IV: A New Hope™

[ - ] The_Reunto 0 points 10 monthsNov 24, 2023 06:00:35 ago (+0/-0)

If you wanted to say that Darth Vader didn't appear in episode IV, you would be wrong. It doesn't matter that Star Wars is fiction, there are factual statements that can be made about the material. The same premise is true of scripture, regardless of whether you consider it fiction or not, there are factual statements that can be made about the content.

[ - ] Kozel 0 points 10 monthsNov 24, 2023 06:41:12 ago (+0/-0)

If I smash on my keyboard long enough you might find a morsel of truth in that wall of otherwise incomprehensible text.

[ - ] The_Reunto 0 points 10 monthsNov 24, 2023 08:32:30 ago (+0/-0)

That morsel of truth within random keystrokes will always be a reflection of a truth realized within.

[ - ] Sector2 3 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 16:43:30 ago (+3/-0)

Christians often gleefully gloat about how people like me are going to be eternally tortured

How exactly does that behavior make you think: "That's a Christian"?

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 1 point 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 17:17:39 ago (+1/-0)

How does it not? There are plenty of people who call themselves christians who do exactly that.

Either christianity says only our people are good and everyone else sucks, in which case it's saying that jew worshipers are better than people who don't worship jews, or christianity says everyone is good and god will be merciful to all, in which case god is merciful to jews and thus not moral.

Either way, it's a shit religion and you should explore the religious beliefs your ancestors held - which share commonality among all ancient Aryan civilizations - prior to jewish subversion.

At the very least, stop worshiping jews and stop reading the jew book that starts with the jew torah as if it's anything but jew propaganda.

[ - ] Sector2 0 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 17:39:58 ago (+0/-0)

Okay, and 99%+ of people calling themselves Christian are not. What does this have to do with Christians?

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 1 point 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 18:37:34 ago (+1/-0)

So much for christianity uniting the white race. If less than 1% of people who call themselves christian actually are christian then there are about as many christians as Odinists.

[ - ] Rawrination 0 points 10 monthsNov 24, 2023 06:10:22 ago (+0/-0)

A potentially useful thing is the Jesus is white, and the people calling themselves jews are not the real jews. It helps get Christians on our side and can be used to short circuit kike programming.

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 0 points 10 monthsNov 24, 2023 12:40:07 ago (+0/-0)

That's completely wrong, though - the jews are the real jews, and the "jews are khazars" theory is not only provably wrong, you're also basically saying "jews are really Europeans and Europeans are really jews". It might short circuit some programming but to most people it will just sound ridiculous and ultimately it doesn't actually work against the jewish narrative and keeps people worshiping the jewish god.

If this was a purely materialistic fight and there was no spiritual aspect to it, then maybe pushing whatever lie you need to push to unite christians against jews would be appropriate considering all the lies they've pushed onto us. But we are in a spiritual war with them as much as a materialistic war, and as long as you're worshiping jews, you're aiding the enemy on the most important battlefield.

[ - ] Rawrination 0 points 9 monthsNov 26, 2023 07:12:07 ago (+0/-0)*

Don't know if true, but it's currently what I belive.


Biggest problem I have with other religions is they end up sounding a lot like Luciferianism.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 1 point 9 monthsNov 26, 2023 14:33:13 ago (+1/-0)

I like that website. I don't spend a lot of time on religion. I like the historical and esoteric aspects of it.

[ - ] Clubberlang 1 point 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 19:33:52 ago (+1/-0)

My response to the would be. The Bible says to hate the sin and love the sinner. We are all God's children some just haven't been guided down the right path. So instead of judging share the gospel. You never know in what direction the word will turn people. But it definitely won't be towards destruction.

[ - ] deleted 3 points 10 monthsNov 21, 2023 02:02:32 ago (+3/-0)


[ - ] aldecal 2 points 10 monthsNov 21, 2023 10:26:08 ago (+2/-0)

And I have no problem with people like you, I wish more had that attitude. Sadly, your type is way less outspoken than those like in the OP.

[ - ] Inward 1 point 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 16:43:47 ago (+2/-1)

If you don't believe you will suffer after death, why would you care? You're exactly what OP is talking about. If you don't slander Christians they don't tell you will will suffer.

Yeah, you could focus on the actual problem of jews that are genociding your people or you could focus on a guy laughing at how you will exist in the afterlife thatbyou don't even believe in. It is this stupid fucking view that reveals you are a useless idiot or a jew. No other way about it.

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 1 point 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 17:19:16 ago (+2/-1)

When you criticize jews, do you also criticize marxist/progressive/wokeist leftists who support jews? Do you also criticize neocons and the banking establishment and all the other arms of the jewish octopus? Do you criticize the muslims that jews import by the millions? You can recognize that jews are the central, core problem and also recognize that jew worship cults like christianity and islam are part of the jewish problem.

Stop worshiping jews and their jew book.

[ - ] Inward -1 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 21:24:08 ago (+1/-2)

You're a divisionist jewish operative. I see you.

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 0 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 21:42:50 ago (+1/-1)

Nah, you just haven't figured out that the same jews who lied to you about politics, economics, science, and history also lied to you about religion and spirituality.

I hope you figure that out someday and stop wasting your spiritual energy empowering the enemies of our people.

[ - ] Inward -1 points 10 monthsNov 21, 2023 05:51:09 ago (+1/-2)

Nah. You're just JIDF geiing your shekels.

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 1 point 10 monthsNov 21, 2023 11:42:11 ago (+1/-0)

If I was getting paid, it'd be to shill some form of jew worship, not to tell you to respect your Aryan ancestors and the religions of Europe over the false religion of the sand merchants. Venerate your own ancestors, not ancient jews.

[ - ] Inward 0 points 10 monthsNov 22, 2023 12:16:41 ago (+1/-1)

No, it would be to hide amongst us and create division, discord, and demoralization. Which is exactly what you do.

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 1 point 10 monthsNov 22, 2023 12:26:23 ago (+1/-0)

Did you say the same thing to people who told you Trump wasn't your ally in 2018? Turns out they were right, but they created division and their message was demoralizing to some. Sometimes the truth sucks and you have to deal with it. The truth is that the jews have been lying to our people about spirituality and religion for at least 2000 years, and a lot of our people fell for it. How you deal with that is up to you, but at some point we need significant numbers to reject jewish false religions and start fighting the war for our people spiritually.

[ - ] aldecal 0 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 18:23:55 ago (+0/-0)*

Are you dense on purpose? I don't care that you think I'm going to suffer in the afterlife, I care that you believe it and are happy about it. I am focused on the actual problem, it's Christians constantly pushing their shit in a movement that should be about fighting jews that's the issue. I'm never the one to bring Christianity up, it's you guys who never change the topic.

[ - ] goatfugee12 2 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 14:23:30 ago (+4/-2)

No amount of logic, evidence, or reason can get through their programming.

when I think of religion, I immediately think of LOGIC, EVIDENCE, and REASON... lmfao you can't be serious.

whaaaa if you're not a brainwashed christian like me you are a jew.

yet christians overwhelmingly love Israel, they worship Tucker, Trump, and Hannity and those guys worship at the alter of Israel.

christcucks are just like niggers. The 10% or so that can coherently put a thought together pretend like the other 90% aren't low IQ retards but rather victims of oppression and/or subversion.

It is a slave religion, just sit around and wait for your jewish based savior to rescue you and bring you up to the ice cream stand in the sky and the rest of us will be sent to time out. Literally child mentality.

Religion has always been just a tool to keep the witless masses wholesome. Current White christian culture is the perfect example. Completely subverted and tool being used to sway the witless masses to accept pre-marital sex, slut-forgiveness, faggots, trannies, and shit skins, while also tolerating other religions in their community.

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 1 point 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 17:26:32 ago (+1/-0)

It wasn't always just a tool - once upon a time it was part of our ancestors' cultural heritage, but that was a totally different religion that was similar across all ancient Aryan societies before jewish subversion destroyed our ancestral cultures and religion.

[ - ] Sector2 0 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 16:50:08 ago (+0/-0)

You admit the reality in your last paragraph, but previous to that you're literally calling them Christians.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 2 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 14:33:48 ago (+3/-1)

I've explained to them multiple times that I am a cultural Christian, and a believer, and yet a man of little faith. I only really believe in what I can touch, and for the rest I will consider many suggestions.

So I ought to be the perfect go-between the Christians and the atheists/Wotanists.

But no, there's no real dealing with the anti-Christians. I can get along with the Christians.

The criers-of-Christcuck can't be compromised with. Which makes me think they're forum-shifting.

[ - ] Rawrination 0 points 9 monthsNov 26, 2023 07:35:54 ago (+0/-0)

I'm there with you. Raised in church and have turned into a National Socialist, but I think https://christogenea.org covers my current beliefs. How about you?

[ - ] Autismo 1 point 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 13:06:29 ago (+7/-6)*

Xtianity is simply Judaism lite. It’s ok to admit Judaism and all its derivatives are a scam.

Europe did better under the Greek pantheon and Odin. No Catholic endorsed faggots Mexicans or niggers back then.

All the christcuck on here whine about brown people but Jesus was a literal Jew rabbi sand nigger. Enjoy waves of literal subhuman trash defiling ur daughters bc of christcucktianity.

Xtians could only worship Jesus if they made him white blonde and blue eyed.

Hopefully in another 2000 years eugenics is a thing so we can finally cull out all these smooth brained religious nut heads.

[ - ] Belfuro 3 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 13:47:11 ago (+6/-3)

Fun fact. Atheism was started by jews to destroy the orthodox church in Russia.

How do you feel about that and why ignore the history of your own religion?

[ - ] Autismo 1 point 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 14:26:24 ago (+3/-2)

Agnosticism isn’t atheism . Agnosticism is simply “I don’t know what the true meaning of life and reality is or why anything is.” And certainly not some sand nigger rabbi or Muhammad etc that claim to know the answer know either. It’s all one big elaborate ruse. Don’t misunderstand Judaism is a scam as well.

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist 1 point 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 14:54:06 ago (+2/-1)

Agnosticism was created by a jew plagarist, previously to that atheism was the title used to describe any lack of belief in god or gods. The first most famous atheist lived in ancient greece and he coined most of the arguments that were used by the new atheists.

[ - ] Autismo 0 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 16:08:44 ago (+1/-1)

did jews create water too? Because agnosticism is simply the idea that "I dont know fucking know the answers to the mysteries of the universe, life, and everything." People certainly believed even back to pre-xtian times a la Greeks/Romans/etc that the universe is a mystery. Every religion asserts itself to be correct and when asked to present evidence fail to do so. "Just believe."

[ - ] Inward 0 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 16:44:58 ago (+0/-0)

Everything you believe is jewish. LOLOLOLOL

[ - ] Autismo 1 point 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 19:06:53 ago (+1/-0)

me believing "I dont know the answers to the universe" is Jewish? Yet a Christcuck that states God chose Jews as the chosen people, and then said "Nah any Christian Is" isn't Jewish? Yeah ok.

[ - ] Inward 0 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 21:16:20 ago (+0/-0)

Jewboy. Keep on heebin'!

[ - ] Autismo 0 points 10 monthsNov 21, 2023 09:13:26 ago (+0/-0)

Not a Jew. Don't like Jews. But keep on prattling goycuck. You're literally following a sand nigger Jesus and his God. You couldn't stomach that Jesus was a brown Jew so you had to aryanize him.

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist 0 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 18:36:09 ago (+0/-0)

Stephen Gould created agnosticism in the same way he claimed credit for other people's work.

He drew a circle around a particular form of atheism and gave it a name he made up for it.

[ - ] Autismo 0 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 19:05:10 ago (+0/-0)

did jews create water too? Because agnosticism is simply the idea that "I dont know fucking know the answers to the mysteries of the universe, life, and everything." People certainly believed even back to pre-xtian times a la Greeks/Romans/etc that the universe is a mystery. Every religion asserts itself to be correct and when asked to present evidence fail to do so. "Just believe."

[ - ] goatfugee12 1 point 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 14:27:55 ago (+5/-4)

Atheism existed before ANY religion.

Christianity was started by jews to destroy paganism.

How do you feel about that and why ignore the history of you own race?

[ - ] Inward 0 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 16:47:01 ago (+1/-1)

Nope. Not as a thing, it didn't. People just didn't believe anything, but now it's a group intent on bashing Christians.

And how does bashing Christians help fight jews? Oh, it doesn't, just like niggers in commercials doesn't sell hamburgers.

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 1 point 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 17:23:58 ago (+1/-0)

This is like saying "bashing Republicans doesn't help us fight jews". If you're wasting your energy supporting jew puppet B against jew puppet A, you're not actually helping us fight jews. If you're supporting jew worship religion A over jew worship religion B, you're not actually helping us fight jews. One golem may be slightly better than another but it's still a golem, and the best bet is not to be a golem and to return to the beliefs of your ancient Aryan ancestors prior to jewish subversion.

[ - ] Inward 0 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 21:22:17 ago (+1/-1)

Fuck off, gatekeeper.

[ - ] goatfugee12 0 points 10 monthsNov 21, 2023 00:11:27 ago (+0/-0)

dont play victim now that your argument fell flat faggot, take your bashing retard.

[ - ] Inward 0 points 10 monthsNov 21, 2023 05:48:21 ago (+0/-0)

My argument stands. Here's another shekel, jew.

[ - ] The_Reunto 0 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 19:10:42 ago (+0/-0)

Atheism existed before ANY religion.

Prove it

[ - ] Kozel 0 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 15:49:08 ago (+0/-0)


Atheism was started by jews

That's like saying niggers invented peanut butter. Sure buddy, nobody has ever hit peanuts with a mortar stone. And sure buddy, nobody for tens or hundreds of thousands of years has considered atheism, until some jew in the last 2000 years introduced that idea.

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker -2 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 17:22:07 ago (+0/-2)

So go back to Odin worship and explore the spiritual beliefs common among ancient Aryan civilizations before jews subverted society with jew worship. There are far better alternatives to jew worship religion A than ignoring spirituality during a spiritual war, just as there are far better alternatives than jew worship religion B.

[ - ] Belfuro -1 points 10 monthsNov 22, 2023 00:39:07 ago (+0/-1)

You seemed to lack comprehension so I will state it clearly.

Atheism is a jewish made religion.

At the core of judaism is the synagogue of Satan.

His worship involves.
Hedonism (easy path only, never completing tasks).
Porn, addictions, gluttony, dispair. Self harm.

Sound personally familiar?

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker -1 points 10 monthsNov 22, 2023 00:51:09 ago (+0/-1)

I'm not an atheist and not telling you to become an atheist, I'm telling you to stop worshiping jews. Atheism is only one of many options that doesn't result in you worshiping jews, though it is not going to spiritually empower you to oppose jews.

This satan you speak of is a jewish deity just like yahweh and jesus.

I've struggled with some of those things the same way most people in modern society do (including most people who worship yahweh and jesus). But my Odinic friends all recognize that those things are bad and we encourage each other to resist porn, addiction, gluttony, etc. Meanwhile plenty of christians will simply tell you to forgive others as they sin in ways that hurt not only themselved but their people.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 1 point 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 14:37:06 ago (+1/-0)

The only contemporary accounts of Jesus say he was light haired (specifically Chestnut, whatever that means) and fair skinned. Whatever that meant to them. It may not have been as white as Europeans painted since like nobody in that region was Nordic at that point. And all of this is also wrapped up with the divine glow Jesus always seems to emit.

[ - ] Kozel 4 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 15:51:22 ago (+4/-0)

Akhtually, at that time the middle east was quite White. So was North Africa. Muhammad, Jesus, and Buddha were all White. Then came the demographic change.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 0 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 22:02:25 ago (+0/-0)

I said something about the gene pool changing in my other comment. I'm just speculating. I don't know how you know, but I don't claim to know.

[ - ] Kozel 1 point 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 22:12:27 ago (+1/-0)

[ - ] Ragnar -1 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 15:05:19 ago (+0/-1)

Chestnut is a nut.
I have read the exact same description for mohammad too. You can derive your own conclusion.

However, Nordics were in that region prior to the semites. The Nordics didn’t originate in Scandinavia, rather ended up in Scandinavia, led by Odin himself by some accounts. I’m gathering this information from the channel asha logos where the source used is ora linda.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 2 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 15:13:47 ago (+2/-0)*

One thing about color: The descriptions of it are very culturally specific and thus difficult to trace over time. Ancient people didn't know anything about spectrum, and they just made up words for things they saw. So the idea that purple exists, distinctly from fuchsia and violet, is culturally specific. In reality it's a spectrum. People choose different points on it to label, and it's not always 1:1 with Crayola.

My instinct on hearing chestnut hair is to suppose that Jesus looks like one of those Afghanis with red hair. Since chestnut has a lot of red in it. Chestnuts are also quite dark to me, although less so than say roasted coffee beans. And yet Jesus is described as light-everything, so you wonder if their religious ideas are leaking into the description. I believe his eyes were also described as some sort of brown, which you'd expect.

I have read the exact same description for mohammad too. You can derive your own conclusion.

The impression I get is the people of ME looked different in the 7th or 8th century. On average. I think the Islamic conquest itself changed the gene pool.

[ - ] Kozel -1 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 15:45:42 ago (+0/-1)

Ok buddy, bring me the evidence. I'm waiting.

[ - ] AugustineOfHippo2 0 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 17:05:59 ago (+1/-1)

That is really too much to unpack in a forum such as this, but I will say this, the evidence is history itself. Everything in the New Testament can be historically verified, and all the events following the NT time period can be verified. Also, even Aristotle (the founder of modern philosophy) determined there must be some type of God through pure reason. If you are smarter than Aristotle then please enlighten us with your conclusions based on reason and logic.

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 2 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 17:27:48 ago (+2/-0)

Verified by who, the jew Josephus Flavius who was an insanely subversive kike? Nothing in the new testament can be historically verified by historians or historical records of the time, everything comes from jews writing subversively after the fact.

[ - ] Kozel 2 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 18:05:51 ago (+2/-0)

✅ No evidence.
✅ Appeal to authority fallacy.
✅ False cause fallacy.
✅ Tu Quoque fallacy.
✅ Burden of proof fallacy.

[ - ] Monica 3 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 11:28:14 ago (+3/-0)



The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is the leading non-profit building bridges between Christians and Jews, blessing Israel and the Jewish people around the world with humanitarian care and lifesaving aid.

Founded in 1983 by Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, we have been leaders in Jewish-Christian relations, building bridges of goodwill that have led to greater understanding and cooperation between members of these two great faiths. We have helped hundreds of thousands of Jews escape poverty and anti-Semitism and return to their biblical homeland, funded humanitarian assistance that has touched the lives of millions of Jews in Israel and around the world, provided life-giving aid to Israel’s victims of war and terror, and much more. Learn more about IFCJ’s global reach.

As President and CEO of The Fellowship, Yael Eckstein oversees all ministry programs and serves as the international spokesperson. Prior to her present duties, Yael served as global executive vice president, senior vice president and director of program development and ministry outreach. Based in Jerusalem, Yael is a published writer and a respected social services professional. Learn more about Yael Eckstein.


Who We Help:

-Holocaust Survivors
Help impoverished Jews who escaped death during the Holocaust live out their final years with dignity.

-Orphans, Children and Families
Care for Jewish children and orphans living in extreme poverty who rely on The Fellowship for basic needs.

-Poor Elderly
Provide lifesaving assistance for elderly Jews who are suffering and lack life's basic provisions.

-Persecuted and Oppressed
Fulfill Biblical prophecy by helping Jews from “the four corners of the earth" (Isaiah 11:12) escape anti-Semitism and persecution.

-IDF Soldiers and Their Families
Honor Israel's soldiers who put their lives on the line every day through financial and emotional support for them and their families.

-Victims of Terror and War
Protect Israelis from terrorist attacks by providing food, medicine, emergency aid, and helping victims of war deal with physical and emotional trauma.

[ - ] correctness [op] 2 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 12:38:06 ago (+4/-2)

You're talking about jewish organization created by jew.
I checked Christian part and yep it was jewish televangelist Jerry Laymon Falwell Sr

Televangelists are self-proclaimed ministers who devote a large portion of their ministry to television broadcasting.

Nothing to do with European Christianity.

[ - ] olinneserpona 1 point 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 12:45:04 ago (+3/-2)

How is this not cherry picking?

[ - ] Monica 0 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 14:53:56 ago (+1/-1)

Pretend it doesn't exist in your mind.

[ - ] Sector2 0 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 17:02:23 ago (+0/-0)

Everyone wearing a blue shirt with beige/tan pants is a best buy employee.

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 0 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 17:31:25 ago (+0/-0)

How is it cherry picking when a huge portion of christians support shit like this?

[ - ] chrimony 1 point 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 11:06:46 ago (+6/-5)

Worships Rabbi Jebus. Follows the teachings of Saul the Pharisee. Gets mad when confronted.

Christian Zionists are the biggest supporters of Israel and lovers of jews.

[ - ] JustALover -2 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 10:35:30 ago (+5/-7)

Christ is king, indeed. That's why he allows the jews to control the world and flood the west with brown people who rape white women, murder white men and humiliate white children.

King indeed.

[ - ] mikenigger 1 point 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 12:14:46 ago (+2/-1)


[ - ] aldecal 1 point 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 13:24:35 ago (+2/-1)

They downvoted him because he spoke the truth.

[ - ] Kozel -1 points 10 monthsNov 20, 2023 15:53:30 ago (+0/-1)

King of the jews

βασιλεὺς τῶν Ἰουδαίων