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Elon success - reminder, i told u to tweet elon every day. now elon stands to lose billions for allowing the criticism of jewish power on his platform

submitted by oppressed to WhiteNationalism 5 monthsNov 18, 2023 11:44:03 ago (+4/-3)     (WhiteNationalism)

i'm the one who told u to tweet elon, bill gates, and other white billionares once a day to try to redpill them. and now we have elon tweeting redpilled things.

put yourselves in their place, they have high IQ's, and WN is correct. any high IQ person should be able to agree with WN reasoning on jews and race.

even some jews can be brought to our side.

imagine in your head how you would convince someone like mark zuckerberg that race is important, if u had a minute to talk to him. you should be able to convince high iq elite of your WN positions. if u convince some, it could save the white race.

zuck might say yes race might be important, but asians have even higher iq's than whites. so USA should be an asian country if anything. then u respond....

a more typical response that a bill o'reilly would say, is that yes races might vary in average IQ and behavior, but grit and hard work matter most of all in life, and therefore diversity works. you need to respond with something convincing....

the bottom line is multiracialists are saying iq and behavior doesnt matter for society, since we say race affects iq and behavior and they disagree. you have the statistics to prove race matters, and that racism against blacks would save lives. you have WN videos to prove things.

tweet elon these WN things once per day to encourage him. dont lead him to failure though, or to financial ruin of the platform. jews are boycotting X and he should be encouraged. he stands to lose billions for allowing the criticism of jewish power.

5 comments block

[ - ] we_kill_creativity 1 point 5 monthsNov 18, 2023 11:48:57 ago (+1/-0)

Twitter, if not all social medias, will move to a subscription based model, which will, ironically, allow them to better protect freedom of speech.

[ - ] oppressed [op] 0 points 5 monthsNov 18, 2023 15:23:51 ago (+0/-0)

will it still be worth as many billions as s subscription based model, or will elon lose even more money?

[ - ] Cantaloupe 3 points 5 monthsNov 18, 2023 12:04:41 ago (+3/-0)*

Just donate to his platform, you don't need advertising money if you have sales.

We need to destroy the ability for reputation to be used as a cudgel against those who are truthful.

Also even Asians say white people have a flatter IQ curve, reaching further right


One problem is Communist killed all the smart dissenters


To be an inventor - discoverer you have to be a smart dissenter, non-compliant; you have to be brave enough to say everyone else is wrong and only you are right even if it hurts others feelings. Asians are more compliant. You need the balance between independence and intelligence. Their brains are also physically different - wider and a bit larger, as opposed to elongated; the latter provides for more abstract thought. Also they would need more freedom, why make an effort without benefit.

[ - ] beece 0 points 5 monthsNov 18, 2023 15:24:15 ago (+0/-0)

Good points Oppressed. It's hard to see posters here on upvoat calling Elon all kinds of bullshit. It does explain why the jews always win. They'll isolate and bankrupt Elon, and that will keep anyone with money or power from stepping out of line again. Watch it happen. Elon may be smart, but he was stupid to start calling out the ADL and other jews.

I wish him well, but he doesn't have 1/100 of the resources Hitler had and you all know how that went.

[ - ] TheSimulacra 0 points 5 monthsNov 18, 2023 15:34:55 ago (+0/-0)

Elon is a scam artist. Why the fuck should anyone care about him.
Bill Gates? Lol

Its funny you think any of those people give a shit about you, the human race or white people in general.

Their love is for money and power and thats it.
But yeah, tweet a billionaire to change the world.