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Report: Congress sneaks through $34,000 pay raise for itself Can get additional money for housing, meals, without receipts confirming the bills

submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to news 7 monthsNov 7, 2023 11:43:04 ago (+33/-0)     (www.wnd.com)


Bidenflation apparently isn't a worry to many members of Congress who are taking advantage of a $34,000 "pay raise" that they voted for themselves through an internal rule change that avoided the political backlash of openly allocating themselves more money, according to a new report.

3 comments block

[ - ] GrayDragon 0 points 7 monthsNov 7, 2023 15:45:20 ago (+1/-1)*

And most of you faggots are still paying taxes.

"Fool of a took, throw yourself in next time!"

E: I just want to make it clear. I have not paid since 2001. That is 22 years. Join me.

E2: I got one sternly written IRS message around 2014. I shredded it and nothing happened.

E3: I'm convinced audits only happen to those that play the game.

[ - ] NukeAmerica -1 points 7 monthsNov 7, 2023 16:16:08 ago (+0/-1)

The faggots here are too pussy to do that.