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my first thoughts of NYC: it's the prisoner's dilemna in real time

submitted by heytheremyfriends to TellTalk 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 18:14:20 ago (+6/-0)     (TellTalk)

I went there as a weekend trip to go check it out, visited Manhattan, Brooklyn, Hoboken, and Staten Island. My impressions: its a complete shithole. And not just the people are assholes, the infrastructure is crumbling to oblivion.

I crossed the verazanno bridge, the flagship bridge. I noticed that it had insane rusting streak marks everywhere. Some browning is expected on a bridge, especially a large one. But when did anyone bother to paint or maintain this bridge? From the looks of it, some of the sections of the bridge were close to rusting out completely. Would not be surprised if that bridge collapses in the next 10 years. You have to PAY to use the bridge, but its very clear all the money is NOT being spent on bridge maintenance.

The second issue i noticed is the attitude of NYers is ... delusional? Im not sure where to place it, but these people know they are prisoners, know their city is a complete shithole, but they keep talking it up as if its not. The prisoners need to convince themselves they aren't in a prison. NYers really believe that they can sue or vote themselves out of tyranny, and it will work out. They don't even understand that using a government means that the taxpayer is paying the relief of the funds. They think just because a law exists, the government (who routinely ignores the law when convenient) will honor that law, and wont just trample on citizens.

Then there's the very thin veneer of jew meddling that is coming home to roost. See, NY decided to go import a bunch of migrants ... but the problem is none of them like jews. Whilst the jew thought they had this in the bag, its become clear, they lost control. Sure, the plan has always been to control the goy, but what exactly did the jews think would happen here? They imported goat fuckers, and niggers who are too stupid to understand jewish victimization, they never grew up around the holocaust propaganda, or whatever other jew crap. So how can they relate to any of it? They cant, and the entire thing is a powder keg waiting to explode.

And then the icing on the cake, i went to visit a gun store all the way out in the boonies of NY. A few things popped out as weird to me that day. The first is that NY does NOT use NICS, it uses state police to do background checks. This is because NICS isnt harsh enough, so the state police is just a more strict background check. That part was obvious. But then the guy told me that NY classifies a shitty ruger 10/22 as a "pistol" because it has the same loading mechanism as a Glock. I was dying of laughter at the absolute stupidity of the statement.

The ONLY way to buy a rifle in NY that's mag fed is to buy it as a pistol? And the only way to do this is to wait 1-2 YEARS to get the right endorsements for both a rifle and a pistol. AND the absolute mind boggling part was that on top of all this, you have to do ANOTHER background check to buy the ammo!

If you get a CHL in NY (the state), its also not valid in NY (the city). This is the only state i can think of where a state issues permit is NOT valid in the state it was issued in. This also boggled the mind, because not even the most liberal dump i can think of out where im from (Boulder, Denver, Bozeman or Kalispell) are this bad!

What made the gun store so funny is the rah rah bullshit about how if NY police tries to take away the guns, the people would revolt. They've apparently stood up to this much bullshit as it stands, who are they kidding? These assholes would willingly hand those guns in, no questions asked. I mean, there apparently is NO amount of bullshit large enough for NY to do jack shit.

2 comments block

[ - ] Lost_In_The_Thinking 1 point 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 19:22:42 ago (+1/-0)

We know that the CIA has a liaison office in Hollywood and regularly works with the studios to tease dystopian information that will eventually happen. This is true. It seems like "Escape from New York" was a long range signal to the public that this is what's going to happen to Manhattan, but they won't have to bring in prisoners and felons. There's plenty of people who tolerate the degrading infrastructure and may piss and gripe when the island is eventually isolated except for a single ferry, they conform to it.

Oh, and who do you think will be the wardens of this isolated island? The jews who live there.

Does anyone remember the movie "The Running Man", that began with citizens of Los Angeles rioting because they were hungry and wanted food? Then a single man rebelled because he wasn't going to kill citizens just because they were hungry? We can expect this, too.

OP, thanks for your post. It's stuff like that makes me thank god I don't live in either NYC or anywhere close to Los Angeles.

[ - ] con77 2 points 7 monthsOct 22, 2023 00:54:54 ago (+2/-0)

I worked in NYC 40 years ago. I met NY'ers that had never driven a car or been west of the Hudson River. They were convinced that the rotten apple was the center of the universe.