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whats fucked up is i only make $29/hr as a full time hvac service tech with multiple certifications. yes, i started at $10/hr as a helper 6 years ago. i busted my ass just to see mcdonalds hiring over $20/hr. oy vey. 57 Reply InarosPrime 13h I still get job leads from retarded recruiters for IT

submitted by anon to AnonTalk 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 12:02:31 ago (+16/-1)     (AnonTalk)

whats fucked up is i only make $29/hr as a full time hvac service tech with multiple certifications. yes, i started at $10/hr as a helper 6 years ago. i busted my ass just to see mcdonalds hiring over $20/hr. oy vey.



I still get job leads from retarded recruiters for IT help desk positions offering $18/hour tops. I can't wait to go in to work and be verbally abused by people I'm trying to help. On top of that, my experience, knowledge, and certifications being worth less than fast food makes me so happy.

39 comments block

[ - ] anon 4137569 5 points 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 14:33:37 ago (+5/-0)

I once worked fast food, took it just temporary for a bit and never again. It was worse than doing parcel deliveries.

They make some profit, have shit hours, shit rotas, deal with niggers are on their feet all day long. They deserve the pay.

Oddly, one of the best paid jobs here is zero skill, night shift, picking and loading pallets. About the yank equivalent of 30-35 yankbucks an hour and they leak staff. It's just too hard and demanding to keep up the pace.

"Low skill" doesn't mean easy. I'm in low/mid management now and it's 100x easier than the entry level stuff.

[ - ] anon 1391066 [op] 1 point 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 17:32:19 ago (+1/-0)

What is picking and loading pallets?

[ - ] anon 1569770 0 points 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 20:23:09 ago (+0/-0)

You drive around on a pallet jack picking up orders. What you're picking up is what makes the job hard. If you're loading an order to go on a plane to some indian reserve, it's just a chaotic mix of everything a community would need. Dog food, cans, different sized boxes. You have to stack it 4 feet high and not have it fall over.

[ - ] purityspiral 0 points 7 monthsOct 22, 2023 02:01:39 ago (+0/-0)

the wrapping machines look fun, I didn't drive one but I saw them.
I did palletizing (mahatma rice factory), iirc we made shit but it wasn't so bad except the heat.
It was easy, but it was a grind for sure.

I had a rental house, a girlfriend, a dog and a car. I think I got about $5/hour. Twas a while back tho.

[ - ] anon 1045772 4 points 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 13:28:43 ago (+4/-0)

You do residential services? Commercial is where the money's at. Always do commercial and industrial. Fuck working with retail customers. That's for the birds.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 14:05:32 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] anon 1045772 0 points 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 14:45:58 ago (+0/-0)

No not at all. Most residential hvac guys work for someone

[ - ] anon 1546410 1 point 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 16:43:57 ago (+1/-0)

The AC guys that I have hired keep quitting. I think this post indicates why.

[ - ] anon 1045772 0 points 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 22:38:29 ago (+0/-0)

Yeah they can work for commercial clients making more for less headaches. Especially new construction on big projects is gravy.

[ - ] anon 1546410 0 points 7 monthsOct 22, 2023 22:11:14 ago (+0/-0)

The ones I talked to complained about their knees and shit. I don't know if that's any better in commercial. Maybe they just weren't cut out for the work.

[ - ] anon 4125363 4 points 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 12:27:57 ago (+4/-0)

McDonald's is just going to use machines and only need 5 people instead of 10. Then it will be 1 instead of 5. Enjoy that $20 hr lol

[ - ] anon 7844906 2 points 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 14:27:57 ago (+2/-0)

29 an hour and for 6 months out of the year you get 20 hours overtime, should get a company truck and gas card.

make sure u dont have ur boss on facebook and advertise sidework on facebook. you can make 3k cash for 4 hours of work on weekends.

[ - ] anon 1913801 0 points 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 21:00:16 ago (+0/-0)

Yeah and if you have a non-compete clause then actually make the mother fucker take you to court. Most of the time the threat to enforce the non-compete is a bluff.

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 2 points 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 14:13:54 ago (+2/-0)

Breaking my fuckin ass with two jobs. One I average about $22/hour the other I make $25/hour. Get up at 5:30am most days and get home after midnight. I know I'm gonna break down here eventually, I'm being rode hard and put away wet. I don't have a choice right now though, because even with as much as I work and what I make it's just not enough. I have a day off today, and I feel guilty for not working. Shit's hard right now, no denying that. I'm just trying to keep myself from getting pissed off or depressed. If I sink into the mire of the basic reality I'm fuckin done. Only thing I can do is keep working until I can't anymore.

[ - ] anon 4137569 3 points 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 14:28:32 ago (+3/-0)

You're sacrificing your life for shekels. Lack of sleep(under 7.30 hours) is associated with a bunch of negative health outcomes.

It's crazy how bad things are in the states.
Hope you manage to reduce your hours soon.

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 1 point 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 15:49:06 ago (+1/-0)

I know, but I'm trapped right now and I gotta fight my way out. Trust me when I say I know where this path can lead. For right now my only option is to work as hard as I can. It'll be a lot better in the next six months or so, but right now shekel mining is basically all I can do. I'll be alright, just pitching a bitch really. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

[ - ] anon 1481369 2 points 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 14:21:33 ago (+2/-0)

And your expenses are lego sets or something?

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 4 points 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 15:44:44 ago (+4/-0)

I don't buy toys. I have a wife that came from the 1% of her country and doesn't understand the value of a dollar. That and two car payments, insurance on two vehicles, rent, gas on two vehicles, real food, and I got about enough for a six pack a day and a pack of smokes leftover to have fun with. If I had time for Legos, I'd spend it making money.

[ - ] anon 1045772 1 point 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 14:56:48 ago (+1/-0)

Just get one job that has overtime it is better that way

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 2 points 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 15:54:58 ago (+2/-0)

lol. I'm working overtime at my primary. I'm not the only one that needs hours. That's why I have two jobs.

[ - ] anon 1045772 0 points 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 22:36:23 ago (+0/-0)

Alright. Well think about going to the oilfield. 2 week on 2 weeks off. Like 90 hours a week but in rotation. They're paying like $35 for entry rig hands in ND. It's shitty but you'll only have to work half the year and make the same if not more..

[ - ] anon 3882037 1 point 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 14:32:04 ago (+1/-0)

Youre still a wage slave dude. HVAC isnt easy and certainly everyone can't do it. That doesnt make HVAC tech a high end job though. The only way youre going to do well is to go out on your own, and the only way youll be able to do that is to save enough money to cover your bills for 3-6 months and run a ppc advertising campaign.

[ - ] anon 2582634 1 point 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 14:25:13 ago (+1/-0)

That sucks and blows

[ - ] anon 2449935 1 point 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 14:02:04 ago (+1/-0)

Apply for a job but pretend to be really dumb like a nigger. Talk nigger when they ask questions. They will hire you and have you doing the easiest job. If you can make it 40 hours being around disgusting prone to violence niggers you can make $800 (not counting jew tax). If one nigger assaults you you can sue McDonlads for millions like a jew.

[ - ] anon 9239268 -1 points 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 16:56:17 ago (+0/-1)

That's brilliant! He already writes like a nigger.

[ - ] anon 3251267 1 point 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 12:57:50 ago (+1/-0)

Those niggers in mcdonalds can't do their job. Order a cheeseburger, the buns are fucked up, the cheese is half on. They make $16 an hour. You think paying them $4 more an hour is going to make that right? Expect full automation.

[ - ] anon 3868997 0 points 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 22:30:58 ago (+0/-0)

That $20/hour for McDonalds is for an excellent manager with maybe 15 years of experience. Managing a fast food place is NOT easy.

[ - ] anon 1784987 0 points 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 20:55:08 ago (+0/-0)

Trains is hard job

[ - ] anon 1569770 0 points 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 20:24:09 ago (+0/-0)

Stop being a wagie.

I'm worth $20 an hour working for some faggot worm that doesn't work.

I'm worth $50-100 tax free working for myself.

[ - ] anon 3910135 0 points 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 18:45:29 ago (+0/-0)

You should've opted for a career in something that requires an IQ lower than 80 like the niggers do. They might be worthless individuals with no intellect whatsoever, but they are great at getting people to kneel for them and give them money for merely existing.

[ - ] anon 3699848 0 points 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 12:25:08 ago (+0/-0)*

That's average

Specialize in solar energy systems or industrial process control.

10% of workers in HVAC earned more than $82,220 annually, which equates to approximately $39.54 per hour.

Alaska has a shortage and pays on average $76,000 or $36.48 per hour

[ - ] anon 1391066 [op] 0 points 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 14:24:48 ago (+0/-0)

In solar work or hvac work? Its cold AF there is that why there's a shortage

[ - ] anon 5660349 0 points 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 12:19:42 ago (+1/-1)

Go flip burgers then faggot.

[ - ] anon 1391066 [op] 0 points 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 12:30:27 ago (+0/-0)

Not my comment retard kike

[ - ] Spaceman84 0 points 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 12:05:05 ago (+0/-0)

I've never known a fast food worker that got paid $20 an hour. Last I heard they're getting $14 an hour.

[ - ] anon 1349495 0 points 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 12:22:37 ago (+0/-0)

I saw signs advertising $15 an hour back during the wu-flu. A couple months ago I went by one in a rural area that had a sign offering $18 an hour. It's a good demonstration just how badly the jews at the fed and their political pawns are bleeding us dry.

[ - ] anon 7857521 0 points 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 12:04:02 ago (+0/-0)

Go into businsss for yourself Tuesdays

[ - ] anon 1060610 -1 points 7 monthsOct 21, 2023 12:23:48 ago (+0/-1)

Crabbucket mentality is for faggots, kikes, and niggers.