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most businesses(or at least whats left of them) are running in spite of gov not because of it

submitted by heytheremyfriends to TellTalk 11 monthsOct 20, 2023 22:29:56 ago (+15/-0)     (TellTalk)

Gov is always there to tell us (read lie) about how we would be nowhere without them and they do so much. Such contributions the gov has given is include: quarterly estimate filings, social security double tax as self employed, mandatory insurance based off states, excise use fees, collected sales tax, and a hose of arcane bullshit no one has ever heard of or cared about. And it makes sense from an evil perspective: you have thousands of useless parasites all trying to make a name for themselves and forcing their will on others, hence the need for additional cost centers.

Outside the zombie companies, most small businesses surive in spite of the government. If we look closely (i think someone had mentioned it), an 80K job as self employed nets you 35K after all the taxes, insurance and fees are taken out. AND there's NO guarantee you won't get audited by the IRS. The IRS pretty much audits self employed businesses as aggressively as possible to either get rid of them or ban them out of existence.

They've been pulling the same crap with FFL gun shops by using the exact letter of the law (which they conveniently made up on the fly) to shut them down. It got SO bad my home state had to re write all their private gun laws at one point to ensure private sales required no background checks, etc. The feds are trying to get around these laws by creating a national background sales/check whatever the fuck they want to call it.

What makes this all so weird is that after the IRS is done robbing us, they then complain they need to rob us some more! How can one be so incompetent so as to go broke printing money?! ( i know the answer, its still frustrating)

3 comments block

[ - ] albatrosv15 2 points 11 monthsOct 21, 2023 04:07:49 ago (+2/-0)

I have been in some enterprise trainings and my wife has also been in some other enterprise trainings. In all of them a good chunk of time was contributed how to avoid paying taxes.

[ - ] heytheremyfriends [op] 2 points 11 monthsOct 21, 2023 11:49:26 ago (+2/-0)

I used to work at a company who went OUT of its way to not pay taxes, the amount of legalistic bullshit they did that year was astounding