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Here's a births statistics in my country; No more explanation needed. We are absolutely fucked.

submitted by albatrosv15 to TellUpgoat 6 monthsOct 20, 2023 07:06:58 ago (+22/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


Or maybe... it's opposite. Purge of NPCs.

19 comments block

[ - ] UncleDoug 2 points 6 monthsOct 20, 2023 07:09:20 ago (+2/-0)

All by design

[ - ] Sleazy 1 point 6 monthsOct 20, 2023 11:42:46 ago (+1/-0)

wouldnt you think after a pandemic with quarantine of the healthy in their homes a massive uptick in pregnancies would occur?

[ - ] albatrosv15 [op] 1 point 6 monthsOct 20, 2023 13:48:03 ago (+1/-0)*

Usually, yes(I'm contributing). Also take into account that only about two third took the shots. This is the biggest thing in our history and almost everybody is silent.

[ - ] localsal 0 points 6 monthsOct 20, 2023 14:10:46 ago (+0/-0)

Maybe, and maybe not.

With the quarantine many healthy individuals just stopped going to hospitals (I read somewhere that 40% of the covid cases were from hospitals) and maybe (smart) people voluntarily refused to put themselves into a situation where many visits are needed?

However, if this hypothesis is true, then there should be a corresponding uptick in births corresponding to the lifting of the quarantine - as couples make up for lost time in starting the family.

Hard to say if that trend emerged anywhere.

[ - ] Sleazy 0 points 6 monthsOct 20, 2023 15:16:02 ago (+0/-0)

I mean more women should have gotten pregnant during the quarantine as they were kept in the home with their husband all day long, what else they going to do but get it on

[ - ] localsal 1 point 6 monthsOct 20, 2023 16:39:31 ago (+1/-0)

I understand your point. My thought is that many were upping the preventative measures to stay out of the situation where hospital visits for prenatal care and birth would be needed. The "we can have kids after" mentality was probably pretty strong.

[ - ] fritz_maurentod 1 point 6 monthsOct 20, 2023 10:35:04 ago (+1/-0)

It's far worse than that. The ones having children are either white trash or muds and niggers. There is tiny group of very religious whites having more than one kid but they are statistically pretty irrelevant. Idiocracy is coming.

[ - ] Doglegwarrior 1 point 6 monthsOct 20, 2023 10:54:42 ago (+1/-0)

People hate him here because of the trolls. But do your own research I saw it with my own eyes. Owen benjamin is promoting whites to get moral get out of jew debt and have lots of kids.

I saw lots of kids at the festival and all the whites were talking about having kids and big families.

But go ahead and believe the gatekeeping kikes around here who shit on him.

[ - ] heroinwinsagain 1 point 6 monthsOct 20, 2023 11:27:04 ago (+1/-0)

Owen Benjamin is a fucking kike.

[ - ] GhostCow 0 points 6 monthsOct 20, 2023 17:16:06 ago (+0/-0)

He says some good things, but he ruins it by being a complete psycho and going full ape on people who were previously his friends.

[ - ] _Obrez 0 points 6 monthsOct 20, 2023 12:53:24 ago (+0/-0)

Urbanization and hyper efficiency are the two things that have killed white birthrates the most. We need small towns as a way to feed second sons into the cities, suburbia saps vitality in almost the same way as the cities. I suggest converting the now unused business parks into micro arcologies, and converting malls and their parking lots into european style villages in the midst of a city, these two things will begin to kill big box stores and eventually we can convert those supercenters and parking lots into small european style villages. Make the suburbs mixed use and slowly over a century they will become like the new villages. This should re-moralize cities and stabilize their birthrates while boosting local economies.

It would also make cars largely obsolete and so long as we don't fall into the traps of 15 minute cities, limiting travel we can achieve all the benefits of having walkable or bike-able towns and because the parking lots we are converting to mixed use housing and business are private drives these tiny villages could have legal golf kart transport, that means driving with no license or insurance.

[ - ] Monica 0 points 6 monthsOct 20, 2023 12:14:27 ago (+0/-0)

Those who win the wars write the history. It's not so hard to believe they are lying about these stats also.

[ - ] Cantaloupe 0 points 6 monthsOct 20, 2023 10:59:19 ago (+0/-0)

Do you have foreigners in Estonia?

[ - ] albatrosv15 [op] 0 points 6 monthsOct 20, 2023 11:08:56 ago (+0/-0)

Of course. Students and the delivery companies are pretty jewish so they explicitly hire foreigners(a lot of niggers).
Then we had a good chunk of influx of ukrainians since last year and some shops will hire just ukrainians(financial support from a state), so it feels like i'm in another country.

[ - ] localsal -2 points 6 monthsOct 20, 2023 09:25:49 ago (+1/-3)*

Edit: Nothing I said was false. Retarded downvoating goats don't know how nature works. Tell me, at what point will a population decrease will be treated as a good thing then?

Regular "boom - bust" cycles in populations are part of nature.

Humans have outwitted nature to allow population increases to this point.

There are a few problems with decreasing populations - the biggest political issue is always going to be the ponzi scheme called welfare/social insurance/healthcare. These pools need more people paying in that taking out.

Old people suck funds out at a dizzying rate. None of these funds can survive long term without a huge pool of younger people to steal from.

On the non-political side, fewer young people produces a higher burden per person from the older people, and not just monetarily. More workers are needed for care and assistance - maybe robots will be able to take over, but not likely for a while.

On the flip side - lowering populations have positive effects too. Everything becomes more affordable due to supply and demand finally stabilizing. More land for younger people to start families. More and better job opportunities, etc.

Too high of population - especially elderly as medical care keeps them alive longer - and a situation like Japan arises. Children living with parents well into their 30s, no prospects of starting their own family, too expensive to actually engage in society, and people start marrying pillows... Not the desired outcome.

[ - ] albatrosv15 [op] 0 points 6 monthsOct 20, 2023 13:46:13 ago (+0/-0)

The shots taken is not natural though. Or maybe it is. In a very hypermeta viewpoint.

[ - ] localsal 0 points 6 monthsOct 20, 2023 14:07:15 ago (+0/-0)

Was your intent to use the clot shot as the explanation for that? That contention is not directly implied - without giving the stats on the percent of the population in each age group who took the clot shot.

There was a post I read somewhere - might have been here - that the population of the world is likely to begin declining in the next 30-50 years. Some places will obviously begin declining sooner, and have already.

[ - ] albatrosv15 [op] 0 points 6 monthsOct 20, 2023 14:16:09 ago (+0/-0)

The timeframe of decline is pretty much spot on. December 2020/January 2021 was the time people got the first shots.

[ - ] localsal 0 points 6 monthsOct 20, 2023 16:45:14 ago (+0/-0)

It does show some correlation - but as the saying goes, "correlation does not equal causation".

Many other factors could be having some impact here - like people wanting to avoid hospitals, so putting off having kids during the plandemic, and now the economy is pretty hammered everywhere, fear of war, etc. All those can also have some effects.

The statistic you really need to find is how many miscarriages and other loss of viable pregnancies there are. Combine those with the vaxx status, and a big jump in those numbers can lead to a causation investigation for blaming the vaxx.