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Beer makes me feel like shit

submitted by anon to Confessions 6 monthsOct 18, 2023 13:49:30 ago (+1/-1)     (Confessions)

I can't drink 12 fl oz of beer without feeling like shit. Strong indigestion followed by a shitty feeling. I can drink hard liquor all day long though. I wish I could just sit down and enjoy a beer like a normal person.

16 comments block

[ - ] anon 3618576 2 points 6 monthsOct 18, 2023 14:09:58 ago (+2/-0)

I can't touch a drop of liquor without if ruining my life. Id love, LOVE to have ONE beer or a shot. Or fucking smoke a bowl. There's consequences though. Have a few dozen shots for me though bro.

[ - ] anon 1631466 1 point 6 monthsOct 18, 2023 14:02:32 ago (+1/-0)*

Your gut flora might be out of whack.

Fermented-Pickled-Cultured foods actually help your gut flora produce the right kinds of bacteria you need to be healthy. Spirits do the exact opposite.

It might just take 2-3 days for the shitty feeling to subside while your gut bacteria adjust. It's the same thing as your gut flora makes the change during "Keto-Flu".

[ - ] anon 7112858 [op] 0 points 6 monthsOct 18, 2023 14:08:46 ago (+0/-0)

Guess I should mention my stomach has always been out of whack. I drink a ginger tea every other day to help it. I've tried probiotics but there was no changes. It's something I've grown used to. I can eat and drink pretty much all food with an acid reducer, but beer fucks it up like no other.

[ - ] anon 1631466 2 points 6 monthsOct 18, 2023 14:15:07 ago (+2/-0)

The constant use of Antacids to get relief should be taken as a warning sign. Something is not working correctly with your liver, or gall-bladder if you need to chew that stuff regularly.

Be careful no matter what you do to attempt to change things. Alcohol is the one drug that can actually kill you during the withdrawal process.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 1 point 6 monthsOct 18, 2023 14:27:53 ago (+1/-0)

Alcohol is the one drug that can actually kill you during the withdrawal process.

You gotta be pretty fuckin' hard-core for that to happen though. And you'll know it.

[ - ] anon 1631466 0 points 6 monthsOct 18, 2023 14:52:24 ago (+0/-0)

True. Constant, and excessive bile production is one of symptoms you shouldn't ignore.

[ - ] anon 7112858 [op] 0 points 6 monthsOct 18, 2023 14:26:50 ago (+0/-0)

I drink a lot of caffeine. Could that be it?

Alcohol is the one drug that can actually kill you during the withdrawal process.

I've had my hay day with alcohol. My drink of choice was vodka. I don't think I'll ever go down that path again.

[ - ] anon 1631466 1 point 6 monthsOct 18, 2023 14:54:37 ago (+1/-0)*

It's hard to tell really.

Coffee is/can be acidic if you are not adding other things to it like creamer-milk-etc. Things like Red Bull and others are even harder on your gut than coffee as well.

[ - ] anon 1631466 0 points 6 monthsOct 18, 2023 14:44:22 ago (+0/-0)

Think of your body, and your gut as a living chemistry set. You body wants to stay in a certain range of what it considers a "normal chemical state".

You drink alcohol and then body uses chemicals (bile, water, fats) to deal with it, and return to that "normal chemical state." You feel ill with heartburn, gas-indigestion as this chemical process is taking place in your stomach and gut.

The antacids you take, and ginger beer help your body to speed up the process to get back to that "normal chemical state."

You can either slowly make changes to your gut flora, or try fasting for 48hours and see if that clears things up.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 6 monthsOct 18, 2023 19:06:35 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] deleted 0 points 6 monthsOct 18, 2023 19:05:06 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 0 points 6 monthsOct 18, 2023 14:30:52 ago (+0/-0)

Besides your underlying acid-reflux/antacid/gingershit problems, you could try beer alternatives. Most beer nowadays is waaay too full of hops. You could try cider, ale (beer without hops), mead, wine, etc.

Of course, if you are fat you need to fix that first. That can cause all sorts of weird shit to happen.

[ - ] bobdole9 0 points 6 monthsOct 18, 2023 14:07:42 ago (+0/-0)

Any beer or a specific type?

[ - ] anon 7112858 [op] 0 points 6 monthsOct 18, 2023 14:10:06 ago (+0/-0)

All beer. I imagine even non-alcoholic beer would trigger it.

[ - ] bobdole9 0 points 6 monthsOct 18, 2023 14:15:05 ago (+0/-0)

Do you have issues with bread or pasta?

[ - ] anon 7112858 [op] 0 points 6 monthsOct 18, 2023 14:24:21 ago (+0/-0)

Nope. I love it. It could give me heartburn though.