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5 comments block

[ - ] didyouknow 9 points 7 monthsOct 17, 2023 17:48:36 ago (+9/-0)*

ProudZionist, it's clear by this article you've chosen to believe (or rather push) Israeli propaganda.

Let's see. Israel has been bombing Gaza indiscriminately for the last 10 days, not caring who gets caught up in the bombings. Israeli officials have already stated that there are no innocents in Gaza, they referred to the Palestinians as 'human animals' and IDF said that this phase of war is going to be different from the usual expectations.

Israel has already bombed schools and hospitals. Israel are known to give false sense of security by telling Palestinians which areas are safe only for the Palestinians to gather in that one spot and then get bombed by the terrorist IDF. This is what happened with this hospital, people fled their homes and gathered in that hospital believing it was safe.
And anytime they cause massive amounts of civilian causalities, like in this instance, it's always, 'OHH BUT IT WASN'T US, IT WAS HAMAS OR SOME JIHADI EXTREMISTS' or they use the usual 'Hamas using human shields' excuse.

But you want us to believe that THIS TIME, Israel was not behind this bombing, even though they have already been behind all the bombings in Gaza? Even though their bombings have caused thousands of deaths already? Also since when did the Palestinians possess missiles that could do that much damage and why have we never seen them being used on Israel?

This video demonstrates that it was an airstrike.


jewish scum who works for Netanyahu as PR for Israel admitted that they were behind the airstrike before quickly removing the tweet;


[ - ] mxcviel 1 point 7 monthsOct 17, 2023 20:34:37 ago (+1/-0)

confirmed, that is an airstrike sound yes. evil.

[ - ] FreeinTX 4 points 7 monthsOct 17, 2023 18:07:43 ago (+4/-0)

Nigger, kasam rockets can't destroy a hospital.

Fuck you people are dumb.

[ - ] RepublicanNerd 2 points 7 monthsOct 17, 2023 19:16:58 ago (+2/-0)

Despite all other arguments this is the most important point. Their home made rockets only have a 10kg warhead, thats not enough explosive to cause so much carnage!

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 2 points 7 monthsOct 17, 2023 19:06:46 ago (+2/-0)

Jews shoot and kill women and kids: "oy vey it was the Palestinians! and if you goyim don't believe then you are Nazis!"