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All of this clown world stuff is just gas lighting

submitted by Nozyedys to ClownWorld 7 monthsOct 15, 2023 17:50:52 ago (+4/-0)     (ClownWorld)

They take things that are unequivocally true, i.e. that you're born a girl or a boy (except in some extremely rare medical conditions).

They they try to convince you that it's not true.

It's 2+2=5 to keep everyone in a state of confusion.

If you have ever been gaslit by someone you know the feeling and it's the same.

So when anyone tries to push this stuff on you just call it what it is - gaslighting. And if they continue with it then avoid them. Problem solved.

2 comments block

[ - ] Trope 0 points 7 monthsOct 16, 2023 01:12:02 ago (+0/-0)

I call it faggot shit.

[ - ] Empire_of_the_Mind 1 point 7 monthsOct 15, 2023 18:20:59 ago (+1/-0)

look up "Satan"