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Passive aggressive hilarity to stingy shitskin chipoltle worker

submitted by spaceman000 to whatever 7 monthsOct 14, 2023 03:40:19 ago (+4/-1)     (whatever)

So short backstory. I enjoy working out and therefore like to get a minimum of 150 - 200 grams of protein daily. This usually means lots of chicken and when im working, a chipoltle lunch stop for a bowl with double chicken, no cheese and guacamole. There's a worker who doesn't often work the front line, he's some kind of east indian and while he technically is a man, he's also a total fucking cunt. I had him last week prepare a bowl and I did my scheme where I tell him I want chicken, I let him put a healthy amount of chicken into the bowl, I pause for a moment and then pretend to decide that I actually want double chicken after the fact, so he has to reach in with the same amount of chicken on the spoon and literally double the chicken. This detail is important because Mr shitskin only likes to do 1.5x chicken, not 2x chicken if you say up front that you want double chicken, because hes from a foreign country where people are starving and dying in the gangis river or something. It's pathetic. Anyway, I catch him offguard this time, I tell him to double it after he already loaded a whole spoon. He snaps and says "YOU Have to tell me double BEFORE I scoop". It caught me off guard. He gave me the scoop but his attitude really pissed me off something terrible and I had been waiting, just waiting to get him to be my servant again in the front of the line. Today it finally happened and it was fucking hilarious.

I walk in, tell him bowl, brown rice, black beans and chicken. I let him do whole scoop of chicken. He rushes towards salsa and I say wait, hold on, I'd like double chicken. He looks up for the first time and recognises me from last time and says again that I have to tell him double BEFORE he scoops, I tell him "the customer is always right, if you won't double my chicken, get her to double it, and I point to the better worker, he's east indian so he's extra pissed I prefer a woman's work over him. He ignores my suggestion and scoops another chicken and slides it over to salsa side. Im not finished though. I say hold on, Im in the mood for beef too. Lets get a scoop of steak too. He pauses and looks at me. I maintain straight face. He puts a scoop of steak and I tell him lets double that steak. The guy in line to my immediate left starts chuckling. I keep a straight face. He doubles my steak and pushes it to the salsa. I tell him to back up. I'm also in the mood for barbacoa, get me a scoop of that. The bowl already has steak tumbling off the fucking sides. He grabs another bowl, I tell him I want it all in the same bowl. Loads my barabacoa and I ask for another scoop. Hes given in to defeat now and not even looking up. I broke his spirit. This bowl cost $26 from triple double proteins and I didn't give a shit. It made my day. Don't let them have dominion in any facet of your life. Never accept lower standards. Don't let them tell you what the score is. You decide with every moment.

3 comments block

[ - ] Localuser 0 points 7 monthsOct 14, 2023 12:30:29 ago (+0/-0)

Lmao nice. Not sure what goes through the chipotle people’s brains. Do they get in trouble for not rationing the protein?

[ - ] Trope 0 points 7 monthsOct 15, 2023 01:53:02 ago (+0/-0)

Find a real Mexican restaurant where you can load up on just meat for a fraction if the price.

[ - ] observation1 1 point 7 monthsOct 14, 2023 03:59:18 ago (+1/-0)
