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Have you given an ounce of thought to the black nobility instead of stopping at "jews are behind everything, 100%" ?

submitted by Rotteuxx to AskUpgoat 7 monthsOct 12, 2023 20:49:25 ago (+5/-8)     (AskUpgoat)

Could jews, the askenazi & co, be nothing but pawns, a distraction from the true powers who have you barking at cattle?

I've been reading about the black nobility & the 13 bloodlines, it gave me an alternate perspective on things... jews as we know them are in a caste system. Orthodox are the niggers the world over, regular ashkenazi low level normies & mid level kikes holding power while the black nobility is the true master class, not even in the picture except for 2nd level families like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Onasis, etc.

The ones in charge don't give a flying fuck about them besides having been made an extremely useful tool, a means to an end. What Albert Pike wrote in 1871 about the 3rd world war supports this:


There are much older groups with much deeper pockets pulling much bigger strings out there than kikes.

Rothschild's israel is obviously a big part of the plan but it's no more important than the 3 city states that preceded it: the vatican, london & DC. Rothschilds aren't at the top like I mentioned, more of a 2nd level family by marriage to the Orsini who, reportedly, trace their lineage back to Babylon & Egypt. The 13 Saturnalian bloodlines are who control everything under the grey pope, the king of rome, Pepe Orsini.
They control all secret societies through the jesuit order & the knights of malta.

They are the true synagogue of satan.

Now, before any of you reply with idiocies of me being a kike for typing this, give me one, a single, unique example of kikes fucking with one of these families:

- Orsini
- Farnese
- Breakspear
- Somaglia
- Aldobrandini
- Borgia
- Chigi
- Colonna
- Conti
- Este
- Medici
- Pallavicini
- Pamphili

A good springboard for this rabit hole:





44 comments block

[ - ] Spaceman84 0 points 7 monthsOct 12, 2023 21:05:15 ago (+1/-1)

You’re trying too hard Moishe

[ - ] Rotteuxx [op] 1 point 7 monthsOct 12, 2023 21:23:47 ago (+3/-2)

That's אברהם, dipshit.

[ - ] Lost_In_The_Thinking 0 points 7 monthsOct 13, 2023 00:31:44 ago (+1/-1)

Completely unsourced, and complete nonsense.

[ - ] Rotteuxx [op] 0 points 7 monthsOct 13, 2023 06:28:57 ago (+0/-0)

And your reply is completely tarded. It's at the end

[ - ] Lost_In_The_Thinking 0 points 7 monthsOct 13, 2023 10:42:18 ago (+0/-0)

That's not a source, it's a like to the article, which itself has no sources, references, or citations for literally anything in the article. It has no attribution (i.e., no named author) and it makes a lot of bold claims that are passed off as if they're common knowledge. That's unacceptable. Every claim needs to have a footnote and a reference where the reader can verify it himself.

[ - ] SumerBreeze 0 points 7 monthsOct 13, 2023 01:16:58 ago (+0/-0)

Aren’t Medici Borgia Orsini of the Canaanites?

[ - ] Rotteuxx [op] 0 points 7 monthsOct 13, 2023 10:23:28 ago (+0/-0)

Good question, I haven't gotten to their origins yet... it's a huge rabbit hole.

[ - ] PhantomXLII -1 points 7 monthsOct 13, 2023 01:41:23 ago (+0/-1)

Nah, Medicis are chill. They helped the Auditores. The Borgia are dicks. As are the Pazzi.

If you people gave an ounce of time to Assassin's Creed II y'all would get this... Jeez.

[ - ] SumerBreeze 1 point 7 monthsOct 13, 2023 02:29:18 ago (+1/-0)

Medicis are responsible for placing the most pedophilic faggotkikes in the seat of the Roman Catholic Church - get out of here with your GAYmer bullshit made by literal kikes.

[ - ] PhantomXLII -1 points 7 monthsOct 13, 2023 10:27:34 ago (+0/-1)

Oh shit, right, no fun allowed. Excuse me.


Nobody will ever do anything, so why does any of this matter? Who fucking cares anymore? Even if someone tries, it will only be them, they will never reach anything of use, and will only tighten the noose around us with their actions. Nobody is coming to save us, God has left us, and there will be suffering across the world that no generation has ever seen before. Hope you don't have daughters, or a wife.

[ - ] SumerBreeze 0 points 7 monthsOct 13, 2023 18:25:09 ago (+0/-0)

Nobody will ever do anything, so why does any of this matter?

Damn, you are one retarded faggot. Go back to your video games.

[ - ] PhantomXLII -1 points 7 monthsOct 13, 2023 20:15:27 ago (+0/-1)

Why did you type that at your reflection? Fucking weirdo.

[ - ] SumerBreeze 0 points 7 monthsOct 13, 2023 20:20:37 ago (+0/-0)

I don’t understand nigger speak. Are you trying to defend your retarded reading comprehension?

[ - ] lord_nougat 2 points 7 monthsOct 12, 2023 21:04:53 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] deleted 2 points 7 monthsOct 12, 2023 23:30:44 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 2 points 7 monthsOct 12, 2023 23:43:02 ago (+2/-0)

Those who own the federal reserve and central banks control everything, and yes, they are jewish. They have plenty of zio slaves on all sides who help them. The families mentioned are servants to jews.

[ - ] PhantomXLII 2 points 7 monthsOct 13, 2023 01:40:04 ago (+2/-0)

Looked into it somewhat, makes sense, but any good lie has truth in it.

The Synagogue of Satan has tiers to it, this is clear. Small jews get sacrificed for the sake of the whole all the time. Not to mention all the infighting. Such is the nature of their ways. It's a sort of natural balancer, to prevent them from ever being invincible. It takes a rare individual to have as much power as these hostiles have and not abuse it or fight over getting more.

So, as I see it, if it's true then we'll get around to dealing with them soon enough. If not, then all the henchmen we have to cut through to get to them will be dead and guess what? Those henchmen will actually have been the leaders and the like, all we were doing was "chasing Satan", trying to kill something that's not even there. Physically at least.

Either way, the objective does not change, neither does the methodology.

[ - ] deleted 3 points 7 monthsOct 12, 2023 22:40:40 ago (+3/-0)


[ - ] OoklaTheMok 2 points 7 monthsOct 12, 2023 22:58:47 ago (+2/-0)

Although rare, I have met very few niggers with above average intelligence. I'm not saying they were a genius by any means, but they weren't stupid either. I skipped two grades in school, was in the tag program and learning has always came easily. Except friggin language arts and spelling, but math science and history, I soaked it up like a sponge. The niggers who were there were always treated like shit. Accused of acting White and beat up all the time. Long story short, niggers are retarded, but not all of them were. Just my two cents.

[ - ] purityspiral 1 point 7 monthsOct 13, 2023 09:10:12 ago (+1/-0)

even the smart ones respond to their kind's call for union.
Every last one will turn on you when prompted by the group or situation.
never relax

[ - ] BulletStopper 0 points 7 monthsOct 13, 2023 02:39:28 ago (+0/-0)

Been to africa 4 times. Haven't met a nigger there yet that could organize a two car funeral.

Sneaky? Always. Brutal? Yes. Genuinely intelligent? No.

[ - ] MasterSuppressionTechnique 4 points 7 monthsOct 12, 2023 21:03:07 ago (+4/-0)

Those are also fronts, plus their power has waned dramatically.

The real power you are looking for are the mining powers... the groups who, thousands of years ago, learned to take metal from the ground and then sell to those who wanted to make war.

In Japan, the Black Ocean Club came from the early mining families in Japan.

When Rome came to the British Isles, their first order of business was to eliminate the druids and steal their wealth of knowledge regarding local mines, which they had cleverly hidden in many ways.

China had their own early mining magnates and these societies who knew the secrets of metallurgy guarded their secrets closely.

These are the power behind the power and their product is the basis for an, essentially, holographic projection of their output.

They can control world productivity by pulling materials out of the earth or not, then creating things that maximize the value of the product. A piece of metal is worthless to most people. But it gets made into something, then sold, then put into something else and sold, etc.

Just like a dollar is spent and taxed 1% over and over again, a hunk of metal pulled out of the ground is similarly spun out over and over. This reflective or holographic generation of wealth is the basis of most "elite" magic.

You'll not have heard of most of the names involved and many of them are in kanji or cyrillic or arabic. There are jews among them, but I don't think they're all jewish and, besides... modern jews have no genetic link to Israelites.

The jews in power over other jews are crypto jews and worship darker gods.

So, while "It's the Jews" is an okay start, you generally won't find people naming specific names or spelling out exactly which jews are in power.

The reality is that if you start digging into the real powers that be, your content will get deleted and banned.

[ - ] HeyJames 1 point 7 monthsOct 12, 2023 21:59:36 ago (+1/-0)

Nathan Rothschild didn't need to get into mining. Well later on his family did when England conquered the boers in South Africa. But he was able to acquire $300 billion in gold bullion through currency manipulation during the napoleonic wars.

[ - ] MasterSuppressionTechnique 1 point 7 monthsOct 12, 2023 23:11:16 ago (+1/-0)

Rothschilds are middle men and part of the holographic process of converting raw resources into wealth.

[ - ] Rotteuxx [op] 0 points 7 monthsOct 12, 2023 21:22:18 ago (+2/-2)

So, while "It's the Jews" is an okay start

I don't expect this post to pick up much since it's guaranteed to trigger all the edgy autists on here.

I have no doubt that eastern asia & the middle east have powerful bloodlines similar to the black nobility but I doubt their power has wained much. Probably concentrated into fewer bloodlines which I figure is natural.

You think western powers, including the black nobility, are wading away while middle eastern & asian bloodlines are stronger than ever? It could explain present geopolitics a bit more, asia just waiting patiently for things to run their course. Knowing that power, not money, is the opium for these types, it's difficult to imagine the western bloodlines just wading away though...

[ - ] Sleazy 3 points 7 monthsOct 12, 2023 21:54:24 ago (+3/-0)

Hitler kicked the jews out of the banks, that's all it took, there was no recourse beyond destruction for them

[ - ] deleted 2 points 7 monthsOct 12, 2023 23:31:31 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] MasterSuppressionTechnique 1 point 7 monthsOct 12, 2023 23:10:34 ago (+1/-0)

Yes, Asia has used the West to eliminate their competition.

In Japan, the Shogun families served up the emperor with frowns on their faces but smiles inside.

Similar in China.

Rothschilds are middle men. Rockefeller, splintered, but still around. Sassoons, older than both... still around. They are money middle men and they are a piece of the holographic chain and not the primary beneficiaries.

Their spigot can be turned off.

The new contenders are the "tech gliteratti" who are all gay, Trans, hermaphroditic and other weird shit.

This new contender is fucking with all the old dynamics and isn't part of any family as they rely on buttfucking and mind control to create more.

They were fine until the AI plus satellites started finding mining stuff better than the miners and the eunuchs have started to come off the leash.

The eunuchs have control of spigot, which was never intended, I don't think. But, here we are.

[ - ] OoklaTheMok 0 points 7 monthsOct 12, 2023 21:47:13 ago (+2/-2)

I like you Rotty and always have so I will look into this more. I have never even heard of it, ever, and I thoroughly enjoy learning history. If it came from someone else though I would have just blown it off as a distraction. Thanks for the heads up and post saved for reference. Thank you.

[ - ] Rotteuxx [op] 3 points 7 monthsOct 12, 2023 22:15:04 ago (+3/-0)

Thx, appreciate the kind words.

That albert pike letter got me thinking & an anon linked me to black nobility stuff while discussing it. It's never been a secret that kikes will sacrifice kikes for gain so there's obviously a caste system going on there.

I downloaded Asha Lago's channel on yt recently and rewatching all his hidden history stuff has me questioning everything i take for granted.

[ - ] OoklaTheMok 1 point 7 monthsOct 12, 2023 22:35:42 ago (+1/-0)

Thanks for the heads up, brother. I'll check it out.

[ - ] DeusExMachina -1 points 7 monthsOct 13, 2023 21:42:18 ago (+0/-1)*

The real power you are looking for are the mining powers...

You clearly do not understand the mining industry at all. It's an industry that hasn't changed much since nearly it's inception. The core tenet of mining being borrowing or otherwise eliciting other people's money with a wink and a promise and then promptly throwing that money in a hole in the ground. And there is no guarantee there will even be a hole! For this reason fraud and liars are a part of the industry and have been for as long as it's been around. Mark Rich being a recent example. To say that shadowy mining magnate families are the real powers who are running the world is laughable. Outrageous amounts of debt are owed to banks and other creditors. Without a creditor there are no mines. It's certainly not the debtor that calls the shots in any financial relationship.

Besides, producing raw materials is generally both expensive and risky. Mining being particularly so. For this reason raw material producers have always been at the bottom of the food chain. Always will be.

Rockefeller bought steel for cheap and turned it into railroads which made him vastly more money than any mining magnate you can name. He made so much money that his money is still making money and is currently financing the destruction of western civilization. Henry Ford (RIP) took the same steel and did something similar. It's a damn shame how control of that money has been co-opted and weaponized by jews towards the same ends Rockefeller had in mind.

What about the big timber families? Are they the second tier in the power structure in your hierarchy of the world? Where do the chicken farmer royalty slot in?

Even with data/information the raw harvesting of it is the bottom of the food chain. It's not the bulk harvesters that make all the money. It's the people who take that raw material and do something useful with it.

So, while "It's the Jews" is an okay start, you generally won't find people naming specific names or spelling out exactly which jews are in power.

The reality is that if you start digging into the real powers that be, your content will get deleted and banned.

Please tell us which mining overlord has had you censored and banned?

It's funny, webofslime, how you started shitting on jews with this alt just long enough to fit in only to tell us "Nooooo, it's not a jewish cabal destroying the west, guys! It's actually mysterious mining families that I won't name that are behind it all!"

Fucking top kek.

You are very clearly all about attempting to set or redirect narratives. I would bet you are paid to do so. This one was particularly laughable. I don't know who is paying you but they should get their money back.

[ - ] MasterSuppressionTechnique 0 points 7 monthsOct 14, 2023 04:48:38 ago (+0/-0)

Frank Giustra is very protected, for starters.

Remember Marc Rich?

The industry utilizes human trafficking more than any other, so you are essentially, talking abut the slavers.

That's the part you forgot.

The human trafficking networks have always existed to serve the mining interests.

And I am on point on my criticism of Israel, and I'm detailed about it.

It's more nuanced than "It's the Jews" for a variety of reasons.

However, it is important to name specific names, otherwise it is aimless messaging that serves as neurolinguistic programming.

Personally I don't think you know anything about the mining industry because you forget about black market oil for uranium deals, weapons deals, free power for underground and undersea bases, etc.

I promise I don't get paid and I've proven it repeatedly. I've been doxxed. It's not like I'm some anonymous poster and I do post at personal risk because of "Jews" specifically who work for the ADL, the school boards, and subcontractors the monitor online forums who hv3 passed along my information to bad actors.

I've seen it all.

So, your accusation of me being uniformed most1y just reveals you're the uninformed one.

For me, it's always been about the human trafficking.

Look at all the kvetchers when y1ou point out there are other powers that need criticized.

What shills you are.

[ - ] MasterSuppressionTechnique 0 points 7 monthsOct 14, 2023 18:25:23 ago (+0/-0)

So... no comment on Frank Giustra or Marc Rich or Uranium for trade on the black market or child slavery?

Didn't think so, you retard.

[ - ] DeusExMachina 0 points 7 monthsOct 15, 2023 16:04:24 ago (+0/-0)

What part of a mine being a hole in the ground you throw other people's money into did you not understand? Of course it's rife with fraud and corruption. It's a highly speculative industry. Always has been.
You said mining families are the secret shadow powers behind the jewish banking cartel. That's absurd. Frank Guistra and Marc Rich are the proofs of your assertion? Clinton cronies are the top of the pyramid? Give me a break.

[ - ] MasterSuppressionTechnique 0 points 7 monthsOct 15, 2023 18:59:24 ago (+0/-0)

They are a start.

How many names of human traffickers who get away with it do you want?

All the world's military, law enforcement and average people haven't shut them down from using literal slaves and operating literal slave networks.

And you forget about the underground facilities and what goes on in them.

How many names of mining magnates would you like that boss around world leaders?

The proof, from where I sit, is simple. They run the human trafficking networks with impunity. They run the black markets with impunity.

They have the ability to make clean power and water for the world and they are allowed to hoard that ability.

I think you're a tucking retard who is missing a lot of details.

[ - ] DeusExMachina 0 points 7 monthsOct 16, 2023 23:54:02 ago (+0/-0)

Sure, let's here some names of these mining magnates that are above the banking cartels. I've worked for a number of the major miners in the industry over the years in various capacities. My final stint was in data management and I am well aware of how scummy the industry is and how they mislead investors for capital expenditures.

The fact that you place, as yet unnamed, mining magnates above people like the Rothschild's, Rockefellers, warburgs and so on in the nwo/global agenda scheme is something I find to be absolutely absurd

[ - ] MasterSuppressionTechnique 0 points 7 monthsOct 17, 2023 00:17:52 ago (+0/-0)

Again, there are people like Marc Rich who gets away with trading people, weapons, uranium on the black market, that we know of with a group of Swiss. Are lots of them Jews? Yes, but not all.

But are you going to name names? Doubt it. The louder a person screams Jew, the less likely they are to name actual Jewish names.

Black Ocean Society is definitely not Jewish, being founded in Japan by Hiraoka Kotarō, but enjoys the same immunities regarding black market trading.

Telis Mistakidis is Greek with ties to Rome.

Chinese mining also gets leniency in the slave trade. Are their mining interests also Jewish? I don't think so. How much do they rake in per year? A trillion?

Cartels mining in Mexico? How much business are they doing with product from clandestine mines? Are they Jewish? CJNG, Sinaloa... all the cartels are doing mining both legal and illegal.

So, while you conflate it as a small industry, you neglected the corruption surrounding it, the political access required to even mine in the first place and the control over labor required.

The mining/energy conglomerates are not all Jewish and they are the top of the food chain and they are using uranium in ways that benefit them and ban it from everyone else's grasp.

All of these groups have massive literal underground structures and they even hire Tesla's tunneling machines.

So, yes, "It's the Jews" is a good start, but it isn't the whole picture, especially considering the kvetchers rarely actually name any Jews or even any other corrupt actors.

The mining and energy conglomerates are working hard to suppress cheap and clean energy which leads to clean and cheap water the world over.

They are the most powerful because they are pro slavery, with their hands in every pocket and they are actively denying the world of a clean free energy utopia.

From that stems dysgenics and all the other nonsense you see... tactics to spin out new bullshit markets and useless minimum viable products constantly.

They are the beating heart of consume and obey messaging.

[ - ] HeyJames 5 points 7 monthsOct 12, 2023 21:54:39 ago (+6/-1)

Nope, it's literally just jews.

The Nathan rothschild Ashkenazi kike family are at the top of the hierarchy. You can't convince me that Nathan's fortune of $300B in gold bullion and the subsequent gold his lineage stole from the boers South Africa suddenly dissapeared. There are no jews that "trace their lineage back to Babylon & Egypt." They're Slavic turk mutts LARPing as that certainly.

Bring your small brain back to reality. The ones we can name who run Hollywood such as the weinsteins and Spielbergs are Ashkenazi jews.

The individuals we can name such as Goldman or Ben Bernanke run finance.

There's no use fantasizing shit mystical jews that don't exist when the people controlling us such as Biden's cabinet walk around unfettered and without care.

Switching to a new sexy conspiracy when the obvious malefactors are in your face laughing at you is adopting a peasant mentality. Kind of reminds me of the brainlets that came up with the different conspiracies recently regarding the government signal being sent to everyone's phone without giving a second thought that the actual conspiracy is that they have the power to literally hijack your phone in the first place!

This is some WebOfSlime level retardation

[ - ] Rotteuxx [op] 1 point 7 monthsOct 12, 2023 22:03:32 ago (+2/-1)

It's not like i expect a retard with the emotional stability of a nigger to be able to even come close to questioning something he holds as a dogma.

Let bigger minds enjoy this thread, you'll hurt yourself.

[ - ] HeyJames 2 points 7 monthsOct 12, 2023 22:10:45 ago (+3/-1)

See this is the Qtard mentality at it's finest.

"Bro it's bigger than you think. Ignore what you're seeing it's not real! There's spooky shit you just don't understand yet."

The real conspiracy is what we can see. Blackrock buying up single family homes, brown cock suckers flooding and breeding like roaches, jews laughing as they profit from every manufacturered "crisis" such as 9/11 and covid-19.

Stepping back into the "spooky shadow lizard men" mentality reminds me of the early 2000s days of Ron Paul when we all thought libertarianism would save us and Alex Jones is right about everything and if we all just band together and don't hate anyone we can stop this!

No, you're naive to the highest degree. The masters of illusion and distraction run Broadway, Hollywood, "big tech", and other bread-and-circus industries for a reason. They're good at redirecting weak minds away from them.

[ - ] OoklaTheMok 3 points 7 monthsOct 12, 2023 22:47:58 ago (+3/-0)

Although what you say is true in the last half of your comment, why don't you give it a look see. I'm going to just to learn what we most assuredly were not taught in school and then form your opinion. I understand that you are angry with him, but would it hurt to look? I know for a fact that he isn't ignorant and you aren't either. If your not going to research, then I will and I'll give you a pro's and con's of what he is talking about, as I have never even heard of what he is saying. I swear that I'm not trying to insult you, I just like to learn and get both sides of an argument. take care, I have to get up at 4 a.m. for work. I'll let you know what I discover.

[ - ] OoklaTheMok 1 point 7 monthsOct 12, 2023 22:08:10 ago (+1/-0)

HeyJames, instead of going on a downvoat spree, prove him wrong. Your comment is my way of thinking, too, and that's why I told him I would do more research on the subject. I do not dislike you either, by the way, but just spewing insults accomplishes absolutely nothing. The infighting is fucking stupid and you are smarter than this.

[ - ] PhantomXLII 1 point 7 monthsOct 13, 2023 01:43:03 ago (+1/-0)

He is smarter than that, isn't he? 🙂