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Why don't you blame men?

submitted by correctness to Hiddenlol 11 monthsOct 10, 2023 18:22:23 ago (+5/-2)     (files.catbox.moe)


5 comments block

[ - ] Hobama 1 point 11 monthsOct 11, 2023 05:08:29 ago (+1/-0)

“You were young and stupid and now youre old and stupid”. Thats a good one, going to use that.

[ - ] ilikeskittles 1 point 11 monthsOct 10, 2023 18:50:49 ago (+1/-0)

I know I’ve heard his voice but I can’t place his name?

[ - ] correctness [op] 1 point 11 monthsOct 10, 2023 19:06:22 ago (+1/-0)

here is another one. Check top comments.


[ - ] ilikeskittles 1 point 11 monthsOct 10, 2023 19:26:55 ago (+1/-0)

Tom Leykis. Yes!

[ - ] Clubberlang 2 points 11 monthsOct 10, 2023 20:59:38 ago (+2/-0)

Leykis 101 used to listen to his show when I was on the west coast.