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32 comments block

[ - ] Boyakasha 2 points 7 monthsOct 3, 2023 22:30:52 ago (+2/-0)

I don’t follow the MSM shit at all. I have no idea what the backstory or justification was for this.

[ - ] jigganiggaboo 3 points 7 monthsOct 3, 2023 20:56:53 ago (+3/-0)

Whoa I honestly dident think that would work and he would still be in

[ - ] Thought_Criminal [op] 1 point 7 monthsOct 3, 2023 23:27:33 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] texasblood 5 points 7 monthsOct 3, 2023 20:47:17 ago (+5/-0)

Bread and Circus distraction.
Can you see what's coming plain as day?

[ - ] chrimony 3 points 7 monthsOct 3, 2023 20:44:46 ago (+3/-0)

For those wondering about the vote, 208 Democrats and 8 Republicans led by Gaetz won the day, in a 216-210 vote. Republicans control a slim majority, 221-212, in the House.

Kinda curious that the Democrats would go along with this, as no doubt Gaetz is going to push for somebody more conservative than establishment McCarthy, and I can't imagine his caucus settling on somebody even more milquetoast.

[ - ] dosvydanya_freedomz 2 points 7 monthsOct 3, 2023 21:21:55 ago (+3/-1)

Kinda curious that the Democrats would go along with this,

its just simple, this is all a distraction like the above poster says. the idiots at zerohedge are claiming victory over literally nothing. its quite possibly that a worse speaker will be selected and even if its trump.

you dont do politics to get entertained you do it for the betterment of the nation. IDIOTS

[ - ] SecretHitler 3 points 7 monthsOct 4, 2023 02:33:42 ago (+3/-0)

You don't do politics for the betterment of the nation you do it to secure power.

Then you have a choice of what to do with that power, one option being the betterment of the nation.

But politics is literally the power game in it's entirety.

[ - ] chrimony 1 point 7 monthsOct 3, 2023 22:06:06 ago (+1/-0)

I don't think it's a distraction. It's too easy to think everything is scripted, but there are real disagreements among politicians.

[ - ] prototype 1 point 7 monthsOct 3, 2023 23:18:32 ago (+1/-0)

" It's too easy to think everything is scripted,"

But hypothetically, if an agency or commission existed that had the power to fully script the 'play by play' of 'two' political parties struggling for power, why wouldn't they?

[ - ] chrimony 0 points 7 monthsOct 4, 2023 00:05:02 ago (+0/-0)

Because there are too many moving pieces. Do you know what real power does when they have absolute control? They stomp on anybody that opposes them. Stalin, Hitler, Mao, the N. Korean dynasty -- cross them and get dead.

[ - ] Crackinjokes -2 points 7 monthsOct 3, 2023 21:22:20 ago (+0/-2)

Democrats are run by Jews and Jews want Trump to be speaker of the house so he can Short circuit the primaries but she's going to lose against desantis. Trump have come speaker of the house and then when Biden resigns and when Camilla Harris is forced by her Jewish husband to resign then Trump becomes president. Trump is not opposed to anything that's all wrestling talk. He actually protected the swamp he hired the swamp he pardoned the big Jewish spy he pardoned Mike Millikan he said that Israel should run the US Congress. Trump is the Jewish man's president. They know it and they only pretend that he's anti everything they only pretend to hate him while they give him all the press in the world and they rile up his fans by pretending to hate him in the media. So Trump doesn't have to be DeSantis in the primaries. Trump is going to be president.

[ - ] dosvydanya_freedomz 1 point 7 monthsOct 3, 2023 21:32:40 ago (+1/-0)

so he can Short circuit the primaries but she's going to lose against desantis

didnt know that trump changed his gender lmao

Trump is not opposed to anything that's all wrestling talk.

seriously now, i agree with the above statement

He actually protected the swamp he hired the swamp he pardoned the big Jewish spy he pardoned Mike Millikan he said that Israel should run the US Congress. Trump is the Jewish man's president.

yup you nail it

Trump is going to be president.

nope. his role is to paint the right as cucks and idiots and fools and losers. that's why he plays the victim card while nothing real happens to him (like being in jail or something) its all a play in demoralization not only of the right but on the office as well.

sydney powell and the other lawyer cuck (not giuliani although he also played his part on the psychodrama am talking about the lawyer that used to work for the ramseys. yes those parents that killed jon benet) were also parts of the play. remember the kraken? yes i do too.

many people cannot realize this because its unfathomable to them that they have been played on .... besides the two party system is too entrenched in the american psyche. they would feel lost if it changes or ceases to be for some reason.

[ - ] letsgetit 7 points 7 monthsOct 3, 2023 20:03:22 ago (+7/-0)

How funny would that be if somehow Trump were elected speaker of the house. The salt and tears from liberals, media and rinos would be on another level

[ - ] Tallest_Skil 2 points 7 monthsOct 4, 2023 00:05:19 ago (+2/-0)

But who cares. It’s literally all a script.

[ - ] Cantaloupe 1 point 7 monthsOct 3, 2023 23:26:37 ago (+1/-0)

It'd be worth it just for this

[ - ] Crackinjokes -1 points 7 monthsOct 3, 2023 21:20:34 ago (+1/-2)

Jews want Trump as president. Remember Trump actually protected all the swamp and hired all the swamp. He just talks like a wrestler he talks a lot of smack but he doesn't actually fight.

Jews want Trump and they're scared to death that DeSantis is going to beat Trump in iowa. If they can make Trump speaker of the house then Trump becomes president when Biden and Camilla Harris both are resigning or impeached.

[ - ] oyveyo 8 points 7 monthsOct 3, 2023 22:03:54 ago (+8/-0)*

jews also want DeSantis, even if they prefer Trump. DeSantis belongs to them too. None of this theater matters in the big scheme of things, it's all smoke and mirrors to keep the sheep from questioning the puppetmasters. Anyone you see on TV is there because the jews allow it (and for them to allow it means you must play ball). The folks who can actually represent the natural-born citizens of this country are shadowbanned by the media.

We are past the point of no return, we're either going to go out with a whimper or reclaim our borders. Nobody is stepping up, so we seem to be doomed to the former.

[ - ] letsgetit 2 points 7 monthsOct 3, 2023 22:04:11 ago (+3/-1)

Yea yea. Our choices are between a Jew backed candidate and a Jew baked candidate. However, there is only one person the media has been attacking ferociously this entire time. And that's Trump. That should tell you something, even if he is a Jew lover

[ - ] oyveyo 3 points 7 monthsOct 3, 2023 22:15:01 ago (+4/-1)*

There's no such thing as "bad publicity". They are just pushing him in your face and presenting him as the rebel, the good guy who will fight for you. They KNOW what the majority desires and that's the character they cast to play the role. Didn't we learn anything from the first Trump election? Haven't we learned anything from all the other elections in living memory? JFK was before my time.

They present to you two flavors of shit, and that's what you'll get.

[ - ] letsgetit 1 point 7 monthsOct 3, 2023 22:21:15 ago (+1/-0)

The elections have been captured in America and Europe for a long time. They'll put whoever they want in there. The first election showed us the deep state actually hates the guy. And all of the Liberal Jew European politicians hate him too. Or its all a show to keep us confused as you allude to. Either way it would be hilarious to watch leftish people writhe if he gains power again

[ - ] oyveyo 4 points 7 monthsOct 3, 2023 22:24:59 ago (+5/-1)*

It's no coincidence that prior to his presidency, Trump was the star of a "reality" TV show in which he fired people who couldn't do their job. "You're Fired!" became a pop culture sensation. That's what his campaign was all about. His script was centered around "Make America Great Again" and so the common TV zombie thought "Hey, I know this guy fires people, and he's gonna fire the people keeping America from being Great!" He was groomed for this role. "Drain the swamp." Why the fuck else would Trump, a businessman and real estate mongrel, suddenly feel like being an actor? That doesn't even make any sense unless he's being controlled by and working with the globalists. For fuck sake, he doesn't have any government experience and suddenly he's the leader of the "free world?" Gimme a break. Just look at what he claimed he was going to do, and what actually happened. We didn't get a wall, we got skyrocketing illegal aliens. We didn't achieve energy independence, we sold our strategic reserves. The swamp didn't get drained, it's now overflowing. They gave the election to Biden because people were starting to demand results on his promises, and instead of letting him stay for 4 more years and have the people lose hope in a hero, the people can now blame Biden while they boo and his at the evil "shadow government" that rigged the election (but the people will wait for Trump to make a comeback and undo Biden's damage) and Trump gets to return with that same ol' "I'M YOUR HERO" schtik he used the first time. And during all this distraction, behind the scenes, they're having a fire sale with our country.

Our country is a joke to them. And they're right because it's full of medicated media zombies worshiping an electronic god.

[ - ] Tallest_Skil 2 points 7 monthsOct 4, 2023 00:06:10 ago (+3/-1)




Holy shit, you’re beyond saving. How after SEVEN YEARS of Trump proving that he worships jews you don’t see it is beyond me.

[ - ] Rawrination 1 point 7 monthsOct 4, 2023 05:47:46 ago (+1/-0)

Good to see you. Hope you’re having more luck building something that will withstand the shitshow than me. When people where taking out power substations it reminded me of asymmetrical warfare you mentioned but I seriously doubt it was anything from our side.

[ - ] GreenSaint 0 points 7 monthsOct 4, 2023 01:05:10 ago (+1/-1)

One day I’ll win the presidency and I promise. We will make cat burgers and sell them back to the Chinese. They will be far better than any cat burgers the chinks ever made themselves. Then we will start lacing the cat burgers with fentanyl and get sweet revenge.

[ - ] HeyJames 1 point 7 monthsOct 3, 2023 23:04:32 ago (+1/-0)

Jews don't give a shit which goy they control wins. As long as everyone has bent the knee, they just let the goyim fight it out.

[ - ] Doglegwarrior 0 points 7 monthsOct 4, 2023 08:38:02 ago (+1/-1)

I was with you until I realized you were the ring man the hype man... you don't want trump! He is in bed with the jews he is the bad orange man brother! He will lay the smack down on the deep state just kidding he is the deep state!

What the jew fears is RON DESANTIS!!!<<<<<


[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 21 points 7 monthsOct 3, 2023 18:32:23 ago (+23/-2)

lol its all theater. left-winged jews fighting right-winged jews.

[ - ] Rotteuxx 16 points 7 monthsOct 3, 2023 19:07:10 ago (+16/-0)

Trudeau did the same last week with ours, the writers are low effort.

[ - ] dosvydanya_freedomz 5 points 7 monthsOct 3, 2023 21:18:36 ago (+5/-0)

lol its all theater.

pretty much this

[ - ] HeyJames 1 point 7 monthsOct 3, 2023 23:03:44 ago (+1/-0)

God damn it I was forced to upvote your bitch ass.

[ - ] Doglegwarrior 0 points 7 monthsOct 4, 2023 08:40:22 ago (+2/-2)

What the actual fuck!

How much influence does this fucking jew kike jdif shill have!

How in the fucking world does Honkymcniggerdicksucker have 21 upvotes for a stupid obvious comment what the fuck @system is he your roommate or something.

I don't see legit comments get 21 votes but this jdif commie lying fuck says the most obvious thing ever and gets upvoted like he is a genius

He is a known fucking lying bitch who makes shit up non stop is a fucking jew gatekeeper.

If I am lying he can easily prove it by debating me but he won't he is not allowed to

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 1 point 7 monthsOct 4, 2023 11:33:28 ago (+1/-0)

I have been teaching you these things since old Voat. kek You post something and try and act like you have figured something out. Its very strange. Goats are pretty good at seeing through bullshit and that seems to trigger you. all you do is bitch about how wyt womens bad and islam good and you worship fat jew grifter owen. You seen him get cucked on one of his recent videos by a chad walking around with amy. owen starts whispering "oy vey things are gonna get awkward in the smith house tonight". You don't live in reality. I don't know if you use heavy drugs or have serious mental illness.