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16 comments block

[ - ] Deplorablepoetry 0 points 8 monthsSep 29, 2023 09:09:04 ago (+0/-0)

Plot twist: that ain’t water ya silly niggers

[ - ] McNasty 1 point 8 monthsSep 29, 2023 12:42:54 ago (+2/-1)

“Water hoses have long been used against people of color. Mr. Rosebrock chose this specific method with the intent of dehumanizing us,” she added.

Lol. You'd think they'd smell better if there was a long history on it.

[ - ] SteppingRazor 3 points 8 monthsSep 29, 2023 09:35:54 ago (+3/-0)

All I heard was loud niggers, absolutely justified.
I’d move if niggers ever moved in next to me.

[ - ] 2Drunk 3 points 8 monthsSep 29, 2023 12:00:20 ago (+3/-0)

Its a proven fact that niggers decrease property values. I didn't say scientific fact because the jews killed science.

[ - ] con77 3 points 8 monthsSep 29, 2023 10:59:17 ago (+3/-0)

what time was it

[ - ] ilikeskittles 5 points 8 monthsSep 29, 2023 08:44:56 ago (+5/-0)

I’m sure they were acting like niggers. Because they are.

[ - ] SteppingRazor 2 points 8 monthsSep 29, 2023 09:36:14 ago (+2/-0)

The video proved his case.

[ - ] Feelslikeclownworld 7 points 8 monthsSep 29, 2023 06:41:28 ago (+7/-0)

Imagine being so oppressed, that getting sprayed by water is enough to bring about criminals charges against the race that is supposedly oppressing you.

Though granted, it was probably the niggers first bath in awhile, so it probably produced a smell akin to a wet, dead dog.

Side note OP, might want to retitle your post. Estimated block range from the incident might narrow it down a bit if someone wanted to dox where you live.

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens [op] 7 points 8 monthsSep 29, 2023 11:04:48 ago (+7/-0)*

My name is William High.
I live on 71st Avenue in Forest Hills.

How many times do I have to tell you guys that I’m not scared of doxing and that you shouldn’t be either?

I’m not doing anything illegal or immoral by posting here. Only child molesters and other criminals should be scared of doxing. I’m a patriot.

[ - ] Feelslikeclownworld 3 points 8 monthsSep 29, 2023 11:58:24 ago (+3/-0)

Point taken. Just trying to look out for folks whom might unintentionally give some idiot enough information to cause harm.

I agree with the idea that you are not doing anything wrong. Just that sadly from what I observe, the lunatics are running the asylum at present.

Best of luck out there. :)

[ - ] InYourFaceNancyGrace 2 points 8 monthsSep 29, 2023 15:37:54 ago (+2/-0)

Water hoses are racist now? I thought niggers were all about dem hose?

[ - ] prominent_proboscis 7 points 8 monthsSep 29, 2023 07:49:29 ago (+7/-0)

how can you dehumanize something that isn’t human?

[ - ] HelenHighwater 12 points 8 monthsSep 29, 2023 08:30:57 ago (+12/-0)

So many weasel words in this article it is sickening.

Meanwhile in philly "groups of youths' are burning everything to the ground, but that's a show of 'stuning and brave' activism.

[ - ] blit416 7 points 8 monthsSep 29, 2023 08:58:18 ago (+7/-0)*

Terrible grammar too. It's as if it wasn't edited:
"In a lawsuit filed by the 19 partygoers after a year of the incident,"
A year AFTER the incident.
The article is titled "Who is Marcus Rosebrook" - it's all about him, identifying / name and shame him. It's not directed at 'The Incident, it's 'Who is this guy'.
I watched the little Inside Edition video too - they stress the "BLACK guests, and Marcus is WHIIIIIITE"
Holy frig it doesn't even mention what TIME the incident happened. It quotes Marcus as saying "It went from 4 till 10pm and later, getting progressively louder". If he was spraying water at 2am its substantially different than 9pm - especially if there's a law broken and police aren't helping.

I don't know why we tolerate this news media. Years after they started their ridiculously dishonest anti-Trump vendetta, no one has burned them to the ground etc.

[ - ] HelenHighwater 5 points 8 monthsSep 29, 2023 09:24:21 ago (+5/-0)

Journalis is dead. Years of 'gold starts' and no child left behind, in addition to the tolerance of language mutilation and Ebonics has produces a generation of illiterate 'journalists' and 'editors' who rely on AI, spellcheck, and grammarly to survive. Sadly, the 'tiktok' generation will devour that article and not think twice.

[ - ] InYourFaceNancyGrace 0 points 8 monthsSep 29, 2023 15:36:42 ago (+0/-0)

Journalis is dead

This is mostly true, but OP's article is People fucking magazine. Journalism never lived there; yet another poorly-written article from them should surprise no one.