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Update to being booted out of my home -

submitted by i_scream_trucks to whatever 8 monthsSep 28, 2023 07:23:31 ago (+47/-0)     (whatever)

Used my emergency two week only contact (if I couldn't find somewhere by Christmas) was put in touch with a dude in a full on Bachelor pad this afternoon and can move in as soon as I can get a trailer to sort it.

So found a place. F'ing beautiful view. Bit on the manky side because it's got 3 other single dudes in it but plenty of room. Lol pool table in living room and the back deck is being used as a chipping range with a f'ing putting green downhill so looks like I'll be learning golf.

Cheers to you lot for the thoughts and cheers to God for watching my back.

22 comments block

[ - ] dulcima 6 points 8 monthsSep 28, 2023 08:28:30 ago (+6/-0)

Didn't know about your housing issue (just checked your earlier post). How sucky. Pleased to hear you found somewhere though.

Like to think with Dan gone there might be a light at the end of the tunnel. Probably not but we can still pray for bright spots in our lives.

[ - ] i_scream_trucks [op] 6 points 8 monthsSep 28, 2023 08:39:18 ago (+6/-0)

All good. It was more about the need to vent than any need for sympathy.

I don't think there will be any change until the US sorts their shit out but when they do justice will come hard and fast here. We generally follow what happens there but lag anywhere between 6 months to 2 years but I absolutely believe what's happening over there is under control and we are a part of it.

In the same way Americans rounded up Nazis post WWII I foresee Americans rounding up a lot of people here when the shit finally hits the fan only this time there won't be any operation paperclip type shit going on or re invention of history.

We are safe.

[ - ] bobdole9 5 points 8 monthsSep 28, 2023 09:13:04 ago (+5/-0)

I appreciate your optimism in regards to 'Murican politics.

[ - ] con77 1 point 8 monthsSep 28, 2023 07:48:29 ago (+1/-0)

Roommates? Fuck that

[ - ] i_scream_trucks [op] 14 points 8 monthsSep 28, 2023 08:00:36 ago (+14/-0)*

Not roommates, housemates, 4 bedrooms. I will say straight up I'd prefer my own space on my own but needs must, had to move and where I am there's a major housing shortage. We got fucktons of family living in cars and I'm earning a good $1800 a week less than I was earning in my old career a couple of years ago. Single dudes with no crotch fruit and full time jobs are at an at least slim advantage and word of mouth is pretty damn powerful. Where I'm going is high school mate of son of who I'm loving with, people I lived with for two years were mates of ex land lady and all of us were in same motorcycle club.

And fuck I'm still up in mountains with fucktons of trees around that's on the fringe of a city rather than actually in the Metropole which feels gud on its own.

I'm lucky as fuck to have a roof over my head and third time in about 6 years I've managed to avoid homelessness (Cheers to "family" for that, and had the plandemic not showed up I'd probably have a career, mortgage and own home by now)

Either way believe or not, God is great, might not like me much at times but does love me and doesn't want me to slip through the cracks and end up living in a tent under a bridge somewhere.

[ - ] AugustineOfHippo2 0 points 8 monthsSep 28, 2023 09:25:46 ago (+1/-1)

crotch fruit

Took me a minute to fully register what that meant. Guess I'm not down with the latest ghetto talk.

[ - ] con77 0 points 8 monthsSep 28, 2023 11:40:22 ago (+0/-0)

2nd plandemic coming right in time for the next election

[ - ] i_scream_trucks [op] 0 points 8 monthsSep 29, 2023 00:23:49 ago (+0/-0)

No shit. Hopefully enough people tell the man to suck their cocks this time.

1.1 million showed up out of 7 2 million in the state for the last go fuck yourself rally in Melbourne. Can confirm, was there myself.

[ - ] bobdole9 1 point 8 monthsSep 28, 2023 07:52:48 ago (+1/-0)

For clarity:

Is this a potential long-term spot or just a temporary (two week) spot?

[ - ] i_scream_trucks [op] 2 points 8 monthsSep 28, 2023 07:54:02 ago (+2/-0)

I'm currently in the two week only the place I'm heading to is potential long term but definitely will keep looking for a place that suits me for me.

[ - ] ilikeskittles 1 point 8 monthsSep 28, 2023 09:45:24 ago (+1/-0)

How’d you get kicked out of the house to begin with?

[ - ] i_scream_trucks [op] 2 points 8 monthsSep 28, 2023 10:57:14 ago (+2/-0)

Had a "before Christmas" deadline.

Housemates daughter splits with boyfriend and moves back in.

Bitches about non family member in next room.

Non family.member gets told to go.

[ - ] dassar 0 points 8 monthsSep 28, 2023 17:30:58 ago (+0/-0)

'By your ex-housemate a little thank you card and cross out her name with big red marker pen ! ...

[ - ] HeyJames 1 point 8 monthsSep 28, 2023 10:27:21 ago (+1/-0)

Drama with the women of the house

[ - ] HeyJames 1 point 8 monthsSep 28, 2023 10:25:42 ago (+1/-0)

That's great news man. Men are a bit easier to live with than women. I've been living with women for about 17 years now (with like a 7 month break in between relationships) and honestly the gays have it made (i am not calling you gay lol). Sounds like a great situation.

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 1 point 8 monthsSep 28, 2023 10:43:05 ago (+1/-0)

There's a cave down by the river and for years I've threatened to move into it and claim 20 surrounding acres. Then I started seriously thinking about it and how much it would really cost and it wouldn't be too bad as long as I do it myself. Its something that i can fall back on should I ever need to. and it has an incredible view of the river.

[ - ] Smedleys_Butler 1 point 8 monthsSep 28, 2023 11:20:38 ago (+1/-0)

Right on man. Wish my situation faired better. Never seen the notice to renew my lease, and they're sticklers with it being non negotiable in the contract... Rental market is insane right now... Applied to a place right down the road hours after posted, left a message, call first thing they open in the morning and it's already gone... So I'm staying with a friend right now. Not ideal, but just rolling with it, cause work is busy right now

[ - ] i_scream_trucks [op] 0 points 8 monthsSep 29, 2023 00:21:55 ago (+0/-0)

Man I really hope you get somewhere really soon. I'm damn sorry to hear that for real.

[ - ] Smedleys_Butler 0 points 8 monthsSep 29, 2023 06:57:53 ago (+0/-0)

It'll work out. Just need a breather right now. It's been a stressful summer

[ - ] prominent_proboscis 1 point 8 monthsSep 28, 2023 14:41:41 ago (+1/-0)

do any of the new housemates have funkopops?

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 8 monthsSep 28, 2023 23:09:39 ago (+0/-0)

I'm guessing that's a red.flag

[ - ] i_scream_trucks [op] 0 points 8 monthsSep 29, 2023 00:21:07 ago (+0/-0)

No idea. Doubtful tho.