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Just the two of us

submitted by herbert_west to pics 12 monthsSep 23, 2023 16:09:51 ago (+59/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


4 comments block

[ - ] Deplorablepoetry -1 points 12 monthsSep 23, 2023 22:18:59 ago (+0/-1)

I have no clue what a ‘semite’ is nor do I have any interest to know what that word means to the retards who spout such drivel.

What I do know for a fact is, when someone enquires why so many good folks hate jews, the obvious retort is, “what’s to like?”

You show me a jew with a short neck and I will direct you to a noose, a horse and an oak tree just itching for an old fashioned neck stretching.

[ - ] Deplorablepoetry -1 points 12 monthsSep 23, 2023 22:29:18 ago (+0/-1)

What the hell is Mell short for??

Melvin? Melvin Gibson?

Melodramatic metaphorical microbial metro sexual?

More makeup!
Measles make mops more moist Monday mornings mainly mitigated momentarily

Melvin Gibson…….., what a Melvin…


[ - ] Portmanure 2 points 12 monthsSep 23, 2023 22:57:37 ago (+2/-0)

Mel is short for Mel.