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An interesting article about Elon Musk that reminds me a lot of this place.

submitted by McNasty to whatever 8 monthsSep 22, 2023 20:35:26 ago (+3/-3)     (whatever)


There’s a discussion within these documents, years ago, to ban the YouTube channels, to shut it down, all of that, but they changed course. They made a decision to do something completely different. And they decided instead of censoring everything, to fund and promote gatekeeper channels. Shill channels… to simply gather and collect all the open minded people who are looking at the issue. And they did shutdown some of the legitimate channels. And that has actually happened. If you’re following some of that, you are aware that there have been channels that have been shut down. Almost completely eliminated.

Some of those channels were not a part of the original gatekeeper channels; they have no connection. They are truth telling channels. Some of those they have eliminated, that they felt were a threat, or that might be calling out the gatekeeper channels.

Read the article and tell me voat isn't a kike designed anti-semitic echo chamber.

1 comments block

[ - ] carnold03 1 point 8 monthsSep 23, 2023 06:06:57 ago (+1/-0)