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Would it be worth it to kill a South American/taco-nigger due to road rage?

submitted by MichelleObamasDick to TellTalk 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 21:14:52 ago (+9/-0)     (TellTalk)

Not sure what ethnicity this dude was, but I don't like being tail-gated on the freeway. I was driving my truck home today from school and saw this guy driving his truck erratically with a trailer in tow. All of the tools needed for landscaping were in the trailer. Thus, I assumed they were Mexican/South American, etc.

This dude was tailing everyone on the freeway. He was speeding (you don't do this shit with a trailer in tow while driving a truck). Mind you, this wasn't even rush hour. It was around 3:30. So I was in the fast lane doing about 75. This guy changes lanes and starts riding my ass.

I brake check this taco-nigger. He flashes his lights and gets even closer. So I reach back and grab my 6.5 Creedmoor. I meant to grab my 12 gauge (my usual truck gun), but when you need a gun, you grab whatever is there. I unzip it from its case and hold it up in the back window. The fucker backs the fuck off. But if he would have followed me, it would have been on.

So do my actions sound like a nigger thing to do? I have been fed up with people running all over me as of late. I think every person has their breaking point. I am so tired of everything.

Tell me I'm lying and a schitzo all you want. I just want to know people's opinions. What would you do?

22 comments block

[ - ] Looneyskiproony 3 points 8 monthsSep 19, 2023 12:17:16 ago (+3/-0)*

I've done this in my younger days. It works but your gambling at that point. I know I might sound like a pussy now. But I just pull out of the way and let them go. My friends used to call my road rage ( enter name here) driving school . I was pretty ruthless. However I never started any altercations. I just finished them. I got my ass kicked more than a few times though.

[ - ] yesiknow 2 points 8 monthsSep 19, 2023 08:20:41 ago (+2/-0)

In clown world, it's probably not smart to pretend everything is life as normal./

[ - ] texasblood -2 points 8 monthsSep 19, 2023 06:05:26 ago (+1/-3)

Bullshit drunk post
I would send 20 thru your back glass and live to tell about it.
You weak ass faggotts pull guns on emotions all get their day.

[ - ] Ex_hack 2 points 8 monthsSep 19, 2023 11:53:39 ago (+2/-0)

Shut up you illiterate taco nigger

[ - ] MichelleObamasDick [op] 2 points 8 monthsSep 19, 2023 13:45:44 ago (+2/-0)

Probably the same way you blow loads in dudes asses? Amiright?! Stfu, fuckface. That's a pretty detailed story for a drunk post, don't you think? That's the problem with retards though, they don't think.

I assume all the people you have killed has landed you in prison? You sound pretty hard. 🤣😂🤣😂

[ - ] texasblood -2 points 8 monthsSep 19, 2023 20:47:57 ago (+1/-3)

Fuck stick!
You threat with a long gun on a tailgate.
#NOTHING BUT BUSTED GLASS and your head leaking baby boy.
Assume what you want,your dreamline has you dirt napped.
Retard will get capped in real world.
Back to your GTA dreams of WTFE

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 4 points 8 monthsSep 19, 2023 00:40:11 ago (+4/-0)

I would not want to get in an auto accident. I avoid people.

[ - ] lord_nougat 2 points 8 monthsSep 19, 2023 02:18:39 ago (+2/-0)

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 2 points 8 monthsSep 19, 2023 04:04:25 ago (+2/-0)

File not found.

[ - ] lord_nougat 2 points 8 monthsSep 19, 2023 12:48:42 ago (+2/-0)

Dammit, catbox!

[ - ] Kozel 4 points 8 monthsSep 19, 2023 00:03:43 ago (+4/-0)

You are a nigger for brake checking in the first lane. Never ever ever ever brake check. By brake checking you instigate the road rage and the repercussions that follow will list you as the instigator. You are also automatically at-fault for any accident you cause if they can prove you brake checked which a $20 dashcam will do. So unless you know for a fact that they don't have a dashcam and nobody else around/behind has a dashcam and that no CCTVs are recording you should not brake check. You are a stupid nigger for brake checking. You're going 75. Keep going 75 until you have a gap to move over to the right and let the faster car pass you in the passing lane. Then stay in that lane until you need to pass.

You are a nigger for brandishing your weapon. You instigated road rage by brake checking and then you brandished a weapon. Multiple people behind you potentially recorded you brandishing it.

You really wanna kill someone in this situation and get away with it?

Make no aggressive moves. Do not instigate anything. Simply pull over to the side of the road and point your phone camera to whatever side the aggressor approaches from. As he yanks your car door open start blasting until you're no longer in fear of your life. Have a dashcam, as well.

I've personally been in a similar situation. And the guy was following me home. And I said fuck this dude and pulled over pointed at his stupid face when he ran up. Later that day I reviewed the footage leading up to the altercation. I said some things that a jury would not like hearing (faggot, etc).

So contemplate this matter a bit before you make any other stupid actions.

Btw this reminds me of a story that my buddy told me about a guy we both know. Guy was driving home and being a dick to some mexican truck not letting them merge So the mexican truck threw a bottle at his car. So he shot up the mexican truck with his gun. Then the cops came and took all of his computers and all of his girlfriend's computers. After I listened to that story I LUKS encrypted all my shit.

[ - ] deleted 4 points 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 23:57:58 ago (+4/-0)*


[ - ] Moravian 2 points 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 23:43:00 ago (+3/-1)

But you're in the fast lane, the passing lane. No offence but why can't you North Americans, especially West coast, just not use the left lane to pass and then go back in the right lane? 75 mph is fucking slow for any proper White man. In Germany they're doing 100-150+ mph and in Europe, in general, 90-100 mph is the norm for the freeway. 99% of the people over there will just get the fuck out of your way in the left lane if you're going faster. You must have a good life if you never feel the need to rush. You never been in a rush? And it's not always because you're late. Sometimes you just need to get shit done. Got a broken bolt in the engine block, going to the store for a tap that broke and just trying to finish the job but low and behold, here's buddy in his truck doing 75 mph, whoo hoo! And he's just lifted his shotgun in the back window! He can move over but he won't and now he wants to have a shoot-out over a traffic dispute. Don't take out your frustrations on people on the road, especially the tradesman. I can be pissed and I'll always move out of you're way. I will however say I'm sorry you're at your breaking point, that's not good and also fuck the taco nigger!

[ - ] Hand_Of_Node 2 points 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 23:19:18 ago (+2/-0)

I would avoid 'modern society'.

But if you haven't extricated yourself yet, get a pepper fogger for that situation. If he has any vents open, it's going to be rough times.

An oil sprayer could work too. Really, someone following directly behind you opens themselves up to a variety of countermeasures. Caltrops on a breakaway cable. Paint on the windshield. A handful of 'plinking' rocks in the console.

That said, brake checking is literally asking someone to murder you, so keep that in mind. If the guy didn't follow you home, he was a puss, but remember your licence plate is generally associated with your home address.

[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey 9 points 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 23:09:50 ago (+9/-0)

I wouldn’t do what you did. There was a time I did and then I grew up. I just change lanes and let them pass. It’s not worth it.

[ - ] DeusExMachina 9 points 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 23:00:22 ago (+9/-0)

Feels good but likely only accomplishes getting you all the wrong kind of attention. I bet it was an illegal since they didn't call the cops on you.

[ - ] Her0n 7 points 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 22:57:53 ago (+7/-0)

This was how I handled a similar situation.

I don't show my gun unless I'm going to use it. The less your enemy knows about you the harder it is for them to destroy you.


[ - ] Prairie 3 points 8 monthsSep 19, 2023 01:59:54 ago (+3/-0)

threw soda cans out like it was Mario Kart

Great story.

[ - ] lord_nougat 2 points 8 monthsSep 19, 2023 02:17:53 ago (+2/-0)


I was gonna say, it's too bad you didn't have a banana peel... but the soda cans worked, so that's cool. Next time, be sure to have some banana peels at the ready. And maybe a turtle shell to throw!

[ - ] Thought_Criminal 2 points 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 22:55:47 ago (+2/-0)

OK nigger, what's your prize?

[ - ] HeyJames 2 points 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 22:48:43 ago (+2/-0)

Not worth the jail time in my opinion

[ - ] chrimony 2 points 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 22:42:08 ago (+2/-0)

Depends how much you value your life over theirs.

[ - ] SumerBreeze 2 points 8 monthsSep 18, 2023 22:27:17 ago (+2/-0)

It worked and no one got hurt!