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I born this way

submitted by correctness to Hiddenlol 1 yearSep 17, 2023 14:16:44 ago (+33/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


8 comments block

[ - ] Not_a_redfugee 3 points 1 yearSep 17, 2023 14:27:12 ago (+3/-0)

Lol J-roc from trailer park boys. Funny shit.

[ - ] SumerBreeze 5 points 1 yearSep 17, 2023 15:22:35 ago (+5/-0)

Why do kikes find this stuff funny? Nigger tier humor meant to demoralize whites; jew garbage.

[ - ] correctness [op] 1 point 1 yearSep 17, 2023 17:15:21 ago (+1/-0)

Check this https://files.catbox.moe/gj93i5.mp4

This will get all answers you need.

[ - ] SumerBreeze 0 points 1 yearSep 18, 2023 00:35:46 ago (+0/-0)

So true

[ - ] Vrbllpollushin 0 points 1 yearSep 17, 2023 18:34:21 ago (+0/-0)

Because the show is fucking great.

[ - ] gaperglory 0 points 1 yearSep 17, 2023 23:14:34 ago (+0/-0)*

The shows funny. Even Seinfeld is funny at times. A lot of jewish shit is funny. They're witty little scheisters, and some of them are good at making people laugh, usually while integrating degeneracy and social programming.
That doesn't mean they aren't the spawn of Satan.

TPB is a funny show. Yeah it's wicked and all that. It's still funny.
That being said, the world won't again experience true prosperity on every levels until the jewish people and the sickness that runs through their blood is permanently excised from the west, and indeed all white countries.

[ - ] Deplorablepoetry 0 points 1 yearSep 17, 2023 20:43:44 ago (+0/-0)

Historically, the term hermaphrodite was used in law to refer to people whose sex was in doubt. The 12th-century Decretum Gratiani states that "Whether an hermaphrodite may witness a testament, depends on which sex prevails" ("Hermafroditus an ad testamentum adhiberi possit, qualitas sexus incalescentis ostendit.").[43][44].

[ - ] gaperglory 0 points 1 yearSep 17, 2023 23:09:38 ago (+0/-0)

Dipped my hand in petroleum jelly

Started thinking bout donna and linda and shelly

Don't disrespect JROC
It can happen to you 'cuz it happened to me, check it

Know what I'm sizzzzzzzursaynizzurrrrrsayn'