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I for one...

submitted by DeusExMachina to TellUpgoat 9 monthsSep 9, 2023 01:35:35 ago (+3/-1)     (TellUpgoat)

Am happy that account registration is open again. As a phonefag it was extremely annoying watching the local redditards say dumb shit and not being able to respond. Looking at you @honkymcniggerspic

I see @HeyJames hasn't lost his touch at stirring the pot.

@Sleazy your rendition of "throw the jew down the well", per my suggestion, had me laughing my ass off. Bravo. That was great! My old device got smooshed and registration was closed. I swear I'll upload some guitarage once fire season is over with and I have some time. It will suck and by that you will know it is me.

Man where you been? Hope everything is ok on your world. Haven't seen you around in a while. Preserving hard copies of the Internet is a noble task.

Switching to upgoat was, I thought, a weird call. On one hand branding is everything. On the other any link to voat.co or similar has been shadowbanned on every major social media site for years. Nostalgia notwithstanding It was probably a good move by @system

@She I gotta hand it to you you are pretty good at blending in. The @postwallhelena moniker was amusing on several levels. I still think the ruse you pulled on @kevdude was hall of fame level. Second only to sanegoat. The only difference being: he was right.

Most of you faggots won't understand any of this. And you're probably better off for it. For the rest of you...well if you know; you know.

6 comments block

[ - ] Doglegwarrior 0 points 9 monthsSep 9, 2023 03:15:20 ago (+2/-2)

Thanks for calling out @honkymcniggerspic

That fucking jdif kike was gone for a week I think thry put a new jdif agent in his place the version of honkymcniggerdicksucker is more aggressive the old one would basicaly not respond to me cursing him out calling him a bitch etc this new one got pissed started trying to talk like he was a 50 year old family man with 160 acres and tractors then ends with kek...

Lol I couldn't make this up

[ - ] DeusExMachina [op] 2 points 9 monthsSep 9, 2023 03:49:56 ago (+2/-0)

Easiest way to put these kikes on notice is to demand they state who they support and agree with on the right. As opposed to whoever they are currently kvetching about.Most often there is not a single person on the right that they will voice support for. They only exist to demoralize people and attempt to shame them into compliance. I've noticed, as I'm sure many have, that honkymcnigherkike has done nothing but antagonize you for months and the tried to pretend you were the aggressor and he the victim. He will never debate you honestly for there is no honesty in him.

[ - ] DeusExMachina [op] 1 point 9 monthsSep 9, 2023 03:18:23 ago (+1/-0)

Funny how those personas only shit on people but nevér show support for anyone on the right side of the spectrum, ain't it?⁶

[ - ] WhiteRonin 0 points 5 monthsDec 26, 2023 12:49:14 ago (+0/-0)

Miss you, man.

I'm still doing what I was doing before, I've just automated it on IPFS now.

[ - ] DeusExMachina [op] 0 points 5 monthsJan 13, 2024 02:29:31 ago (+0/-0)

Nice, man. I was wondering where you got off to. I'm still kicking. Just been busy with real life. Got an employer (now former) I am now going to total war with over his reprehensible greed and complete disregard for his employees rights. Pretty sure I'm going to be able bury this fuck. Never met anyone so deserving in my life.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 9 monthsSep 9, 2023 20:23:57 ago (+1/-0)

You think I am @she? I dont think Im anything like @she but whatever. Your have this idea in your head and I doubt Ill dissuade you.