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21 comments block

[ - ] MoronSaint 2 points 8 monthsSep 7, 2023 04:43:52 ago (+2/-0)

I literally watched this an hour before I saw your post.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 8 monthsSep 7, 2023 04:55:59 ago (+1/-1)


[ - ] MoronSaint 0 points 8 monthsSep 7, 2023 10:19:14 ago (+1/-1)

That premise doesn't make sense on the face of it you kike faggot. If the men die so does she you literally retarded stinky jewrat.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 9 points 8 monthsSep 7, 2023 06:17:33 ago (+9/-0)*

Bitch caused a trillion dollars in damages, ruined all research (some of which had been there for years), irradiated everyone and everything on that tin can(they're all going to die of cancer), and made the interior unlivable. They are now talking about sinking the thing into the atmo.

The ISS used to be known for its wonderfully clean air and accommodations. And they hid all of this shit for as long as possible.

Boss women power indeed.

Edit: oh yeah, and she's a mud.

[ - ] BulletStopper 5 points 8 monthsSep 7, 2023 10:01:09 ago (+5/-0)*

The ISS used to be known for its wonderfully clean air and accommodations.

It doesn't matter if it's a a log cabin in the wilderness, a brick building in the city, a single family home in the suburbs, a luxury palace, or a fucking space station, the instant you let niggers in? It's da ghetto.

And you can expect ghetto conditions to prevail. Surprised they haven't been reporting rats and cockroaches.
They'll never get the smell of shit, unwashed nigger ass, and rancid cooking oil out of it.

That said, you drill a hole in the only fucking lifeboat we've got? You take an unscheduled EVA. Without a suit.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 1 point 8 monthsSep 7, 2023 20:07:28 ago (+1/-0)

That said, you drill a hole in the only fucking lifeboat we've got? You take an unscheduled EVA. Without a suit.

You'd think the "best of the best" male astronauts would have made that mud walk the plank. Several times over they just ignored it.

[ - ] McNasty -1 points 8 monthsSep 7, 2023 09:41:12 ago (+2/-3)

So you're telling me this answers for trillions of dollars and ruined the research they were being paid to produce? You are gullible. Space is fake and gay. This story is simply that, a story to explain where the money went and why there is nothing to show for it. To top it off, they are pulling the program so they no longer need to fake it for you.

The ISS used to be known for its wonderfully clean air and accommodations.

So NASA says.

I would love to see just one video of anything being built in this so-called "outer space."

[ - ] deleted 2 points 8 monthsSep 7, 2023 18:21:11 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] FacelessOne 3 points 8 monthsSep 7, 2023 06:45:44 ago (+7/-4)

Fake and extra gay

[ - ] BulletStopper 4 points 8 monthsSep 7, 2023 07:34:54 ago (+4/-0)

All women are crazy. women ruin everything.

All niggers are stupid. niggers ruin everything.

nigger bitches are both crazy and stupid, and will go into fucking space just to ruin everything.

[ - ] ModernGuilt -3 points 8 monthsSep 7, 2023 09:00:15 ago (+0/-3)*

American spacefaggs like this story because they can blame it on the Russians. Yes they think the Russians drilled a hole in their own module

Edit: To the stupid niggers downvoting me: I know she did it on the Russian side. What dont you understand about my comment? Goto any American space website and they all blame the Russians for it because theyre retards

[ - ] deleted 0 points 8 monthsSep 7, 2023 18:29:51 ago (+1/-1)


[ - ] ModernGuilt 0 points 8 monthsSep 7, 2023 18:42:34 ago (+0/-0)

Your comment doesn't even make sense. Of course she did it, but theyre blaming the Russians for it

[ - ] deleted 1 point 8 monthsSep 7, 2023 09:36:35 ago (+2/-1)*


[ - ] deleted 1 point 8 monthsSep 7, 2023 18:21:56 ago (+2/-1)


[ - ] deleted 0 points 8 monthsSep 8, 2023 07:36:48 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] TomMacdonald 0 points 8 monthsSep 7, 2023 10:18:01 ago (+0/-0)

The moon is hollow. There's supermen inside both the moon and earth

[ - ] Name 1 point 8 monthsSep 7, 2023 10:25:05 ago (+1/-0)

Aug. 29, 2018 "a small hole was discovered on the International Space Station. This resulted in a pressure leak. The hole has been identified and fixed by space station crew."


Jul. 26, 2022 "Russia on Tuesday announced it will withdraw from the International Space Station"


Aun. 16, 2022 "Russia's space agency on Monday unveiled for the first time a physical model of what a planned new Russian-built space station "


The US in it's unlimited unlimitedness must have set the whole thing up to injure russia!


[ - ] RedBarchetta 0 points 8 monthsSep 7, 2023 10:26:14 ago (+0/-0)

[ - ] big_fat_dangus 0 points 8 monthsSep 7, 2023 10:53:48 ago (+1/-1)

Seems like something @postwallhelena would do in one of her fits of roastie rage

[ - ] CowboyHenk 2 points 8 monthsSep 7, 2023 12:46:03 ago (+2/-0)

So, this shitshow happens in 2018, couldn't get their goblin behavin' IRL. So guess what comes out in 2019? That's right, a you-go-girl, alternative history space exploration TV show. Fucking kikes.