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13 comments block

[ - ] dulcima 1 point 9 monthsSep 7, 2023 07:50:04 ago (+1/-0)

Should have poured the kettle over him.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 2 points 9 monthsSep 7, 2023 06:08:13 ago (+2/-0)

All you need here is a forked stick. Hell, everyone should have a nice long stave or some such in their house. Even just to poke at things you don't want to get near, like spiders and dead niggers or whatnot.

[ - ] NoRefunds 2 points 9 monthsSep 7, 2023 12:49:12 ago (+2/-0)

All he had to do was not be a pussy do you know how hard it would be to be in Mohammed's position and get over a fence like that? Literally impossible. Even a determined woman would stop him easily

[ - ] zongongo 3 points 9 monthsSep 7, 2023 12:43:48 ago (+3/-0)

Unbelievably stupid to let anyone with bad intent, AND a knife get that far. Yeah definitely pushing him and the ladder was the thing to do. Then go down and make sure he killed himself with his own knife.

[ - ] fritz_maurentod 4 points 9 monthsSep 7, 2023 03:54:49 ago (+4/-0)

course it's Sweden.

They are speaking Swedish, but this could be any west European country.

[ - ] boekanier 0 points 9 monthsSep 7, 2023 04:47:46 ago (+0/-0)

no, we don't speak swedish here, dude. But we have plenty diesel niggers

[ - ] Systemisgay 4 points 9 monthsSep 7, 2023 10:11:47 ago (+4/-0)*

[ - ] PoundOfFlesh 6 points 9 monthsSep 7, 2023 12:54:34 ago (+6/-0)*

Found some context. Ex-boyfriend of traitor whore. Cuck filming got stabbed twice, survived.







When the male friend attempted to stop the attacker, he was stabbed with the knife resulting in significant wounds to his neck and hand.
Amana was arrested following the attack and claimed during police questioning that he had heard voices urging him to enter the apartment but claimed to have no memory of any other details. He did, however, deny stabbing the male friend.
Before the attack, Amana, who first arrived in Sweden in 2015 and claimed asylum, had already engaged in criminal activity and was the subject of an unenforced deportation order.
He had previously been convicted several times for aggravated assault, violence, theft, and drug offenses, and had been ordered to leave the country by a court in 2018. Despite this, Amana remained free in Sweden and continued to commit multiple offenses over the past five years.
The Algerian national was convicted of aggravated assault, aggravated unlawful entry, and serious unlawful threats by Kalmar District Court on Aug. 16.
He was subsequently sentenced to two years’ imprisonment and faces deportation with a 10-year ban on returning to Sweden when released.

LOL, two years in prison and can return to the country after ten years.

[ - ] Prairie 8 points 9 monthsSep 7, 2023 03:42:29 ago (+8/-0)

Cucks, isn't that where they can't use violence because even criminals have rights? If I couldn't use proper weapons, I'd pour a pot of boiling water on that fuck.

[ - ] boekanier 12 points 9 monthsSep 7, 2023 04:49:22 ago (+12/-0)

criminals have more rights than non-criminals. That's communism, dude, reversal of values.

[ - ] allAheadFull [op] 5 points 9 monthsSep 7, 2023 03:58:43 ago (+5/-0)

I guess they can do whatever they want, the jews just try to levy harsh consequences for harming one of their pets.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 7 points 9 monthsSep 7, 2023 06:06:57 ago (+7/-0)

In for a penny...

[ - ] ModernGuilt 13 points 9 monthsSep 7, 2023 08:57:09 ago (+13/-0)

What a total faggot. It would have taken 1second of work to get him to fall off that ladder and just say he fell