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We should coordinate a mass exodus to a third world country.

submitted by AntiPostmodernist to whatever 8 monthsSep 4, 2023 16:04:36 ago (+5/-3)     (whatever)

Why? Because we will thrive there if we can develop a nepotistic community that looks out for one another.

We cannot organize where we presently are, for here we are basically trapped inside a panopticon that prevents us from coming together and forming an effective force for change, we cannot trust one another, this is the biggest obstacle to overcome.
While we have access to some resources in these places, we lack the required opportunities, leaving for someplace like Rhodesia will grant us the opportunity.

Upon arrival, we set aside all values, principles, or standards of judgment except recessive phenotypic Indo-Aryan/Europoid/Caucasoid characteristics (blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin, height, fitness, etc).

The only concern should be "what is best for the long-term propagation of these traits in this environment?" the only rule should be maximizing this interest.
Keeping it simple like this is going to help us to keep propping each other up and avoid hurting one another, and normally I'm in favor of the opposite - letting your own values guide you. (Though I assume this is in alignment with most of the values held in this place).

Then we rise to the top through aiding each other like all powerful organized collectives do, we will be ruthless about seizing power (authority, resources, territory, etc) for ourselves and each other, for it's be us against the world out there.

We will aim for very kind of victory: economic, cultural/religious, and if it comes down to it, militaristic.
Anyone who fucks with one of us will provoke an extreme retaliation that will make all of them regret the actions of the few.
We will not need to know which of our hosts it was that offended against one of our people, we will make them suffer indiscriminately over and over until it gets to the point where they are policing each other out of fear.

It's time we learned how to become effective, set aside the LARPing and develop a mind that perceives things pragmatically and strategically. Stop being lazy, stupid, and cowardly. You hate the idea because it requires out-of-the-box thinking and could actually work as a way to get around the largest obstacle to our ability to organize (in meatspace, not cyberspace).

All of you kinda suck right now because you feel as though it's absolutely hopeless for you, that the world is run by people and institutions which make any sort of change impossible, but that's not true.

The very foes you claim to stand against provide the clearest example of how easily you can win, for at one point they were in the exact situation you find yourself in today, and they eventually rose up out of it into the highest echelons of wealth and power.

Everyone likes to claim that the secret to their power is something you cannot emulate in good conscience, like child trafficking, but the truth is that these weren't the means by which they rose up from the bottom, it's just used as another excuse to fail.

The enemy has shown you the way, and all you need to do is have a group of people who are willing to team up and do whatever it takes to raise their group to the highest levels of power.

Why go there? Jurisdiction, Bureaucracy, slipping away from the surveillance state.

37 comments block

[ - ] lord_nougat 3 points 8 monthsSep 4, 2023 16:43:44 ago (+3/-0)

[ - ] Cantaloupe 3 points 8 monthsSep 4, 2023 16:11:39 ago (+3/-0)

Why not just do the same where you are

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist [op] 0 points 8 monthsSep 4, 2023 20:06:35 ago (+1/-1)

If we could we would have already.
There are measures in place were we are that prevent us from forming the kinds of high-trust communities we need.

[ - ] allAheadFull 2 points 8 monthsSep 4, 2023 17:35:29 ago (+2/-0)

If nothing is done, in a few more years this will be a 3rd world country, parts of it already are. I've said this before, if you build anything anywhere worth having, they will come for it. White men do need to get together but I'm not running anywhere. The Earth is round and we've been all the way around it with these satanists preying on us the entire time.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 2 points 8 monthsSep 5, 2023 11:01:27 ago (+2/-0)

We are already below 50% Whites in America, they just won't admit it until they are sure of the win. Everything is collapsing because of this.

White men build civilizations, all others either tear them down in their stupidity, or they merely mimic what was given to them. Some are better mimics than others, depending on their in-built % of White DNA.

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist [op] 0 points 8 monthsSep 5, 2023 13:11:44 ago (+0/-0)*

When we felt threatened in the past, we set off as refugees and established new lives elsewhere, displacing the previous inhabitants or greatly reducing their presence, those new lives soon became great nations with powerful empires.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 8 monthsSep 4, 2023 18:27:11 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] i_scream_trucks 1 point 8 monthsSep 4, 2023 16:31:53 ago (+2/-1)

You first.


[ - ] AntiPostmodernist [op] -1 points 8 monthsSep 4, 2023 21:18:41 ago (+0/-1)

I am but one man, would you care to join me in recruiting others? I have little idea on how to get something like this going.

[ - ] i_scream_trucks 3 points 8 monthsSep 5, 2023 01:36:24 ago (+3/-0)

No. Faggot. I'll stand my ground on my home turf.

Demoralisation whores will swing with their masters.

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist [op] -1 points 8 monthsSep 5, 2023 10:36:07 ago (+0/-1)

No. Faggot. I'll stand my ground on my home turf.

Then do it. Why haven't you done so already? You are cowardice masquerading as courage.

Demoralisation whores will swing with their masters.

You're the demoralizer here, not me, I'm suggesting some actionable plans with reasons why it could work to empower our cause, you are saying whatever it takes to prevent this idea from catching on, and putting up a tough guy front to pretend that it's not what it is, a thinly-disguised "just do nothing bro" act of subversion.

[ - ] AryanPrime 0 points 8 monthsSep 5, 2023 11:39:43 ago (+0/-0)

shut the fuck up kike, we know you are a kike, stop trying to spin narratives and just die out inbred filth

Christ you things aren't even human, you are literal fucking cancer upon humanity.

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist [op] 0 points 8 monthsSep 5, 2023 12:59:38 ago (+0/-0)

I'm suggesting something that works, that has been proven to work in the past, where do you think America came from?
Look at the successes of the migrants in Europe, isn't that a clear evidence of the viability of this plan?
We are dying out here, and as tough as you pretend to be online, you aren't achieving anything in reality.
Our turf is wherever we have power, where you live isn't your turf, it's just where you presently reside.
Migrate to the third world, establish a community, grow it up, help each other to acquire power and territory, and soon we will have a new ethnostate settled on good land, one that is also a growing empire as it changes the demographics of Africa.
Why Africa? Because there's countries like Zimbabwe that are actively calling for us to come to them, we can re-establish Rhodesia in just four generations.

[ - ] i_scream_trucks 0 points 8 monthsSep 5, 2023 16:44:37 ago (+0/-0)

Then fucking go.

Us giving up our homes on your word isn't empowering anything you mouth breathing turd.

Where I live absolutely is my turf. It absolutely is where I have my power.

"We are dying out here"

The fight back. Pussy. No one dying around me in the way you're shit posting.

[ - ] AryanPrime 0 points 8 monthsSep 5, 2023 11:38:51 ago (+0/-0)

"leave all your White creations behind and move to a uninhabited unsecured area where non Whites can overwhelm us with numbers"

you kike filth are just pathetic, you know that right?

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist [op] 0 points 8 monthsSep 5, 2023 12:43:42 ago (+0/-0)*

Was it a mistake for the migrants from Africa to come to Europe where they were at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, did the Europeans overwhelm them?

We won't be going to war with them, we won't be living with them, we will do as they did.
Claim a small corner of the country for ourselves, and work to build a community there, we seize any opportunities we can and support one another in this, grabbing as much power for our people in that area as we could.
Eventually we will be taking control over the place, economically, culturally, politically, and we will be forcing them out until the whole country is ours, then we send out our children as immigrants to do likewise in other African countries.
Repeat until we have forced the natives out and established an empire on their lands.
The natives will be forced to migrate northwards, probably to the lands we left behind, most of our conquest will occur without spilling a drop of blood unless we are attacked, in which case we retaliate.

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist [op] 0 points 8 monthsSep 7, 2023 14:40:14 ago (+0/-0)

America is an example, when we are persecuted or unwanted it might be better to go someplace else and start a new, we can build up a better world there.

America was full of shitskins who hated the settlers, yet o wr time it was transformed into the superpower that it had become.

Sonetimes it is truly better to start over rather than try to fix the unfixable.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 8 monthsSep 4, 2023 22:17:09 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Spaceman84 0 points 8 monthsSep 4, 2023 16:05:49 ago (+2/-2)

Go, nigger. You will fit right in with the shitskins.

[ - ] deleted -1 points 8 monthsSep 5, 2023 11:43:55 ago (+0/-1)


[ - ] AntiPostmodernist [op] -1 points 8 monthsSep 5, 2023 13:14:37 ago (+0/-1)

The world is what we make it, it can be better than it is now, golden ages often follow after the low points in our histories, what we might se as a great dying off may actually be the bottleneck that allows us to thrive better than we ever did in the past, it might signal a return to an older mindset of the kings and conquerors we descended from.

[ - ] deleted -1 points 8 monthsSep 5, 2023 16:42:11 ago (+0/-1)


[ - ] deleted -1 points 8 monthsSep 4, 2023 22:15:19 ago (+0/-1)


[ - ] AntiPostmodernist [op] 0 points 8 monthsSep 5, 2023 00:22:45 ago (+0/-0)

Fair enough, the point is to gather our strength, but we'd do a better job of it in a third world country, there are many benefits to doing such a thing, for example, the fact that the local population isn't White means that we can more readily identify each other.

[ - ] breh2 -1 points 8 monthsSep 4, 2023 20:54:45 ago (+0/-1)*

I have been wanting to link this video on many of your "We should totally do this thing, my fellow whites" posts, but it seems particularly relevant today.

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist [op] -1 points 8 monthsSep 5, 2023 10:40:08 ago (+0/-1)*

"Haha, this guy is suggesting we try something new, what a faggot amirite?"
Yeah, we should just stick to what the feds are familiar with, growing old, deluding ourselves .that we are wining despite all the evidence to the contrary, hoping for the happening to occur any minute now since the year 2000, and bitching impotently about the state of the world on some obscure altnet forum that is most likely being monitored and shilled.

[ - ] AryanPrime -1 points 8 monthsSep 5, 2023 11:42:10 ago (+0/-1)

everything you suggest you know would have a secondary negative affect on Whites

it's how kikes wage war

you've been outed kike, shut the fuck up you have no place speaking in White countries or even about White people.

"don't keep spreading the message without engaging in violence, thereby raising more awareness to kikes without giving kike media some 'event' they can gaslight Whites as 'White supremacists' with"

lmfao fucking inbred filth you can't win a war unless you script it from the start, it's why your kind has been kicked out over 1300 times...it's why you rape your own children, you are just inherently evil because you rejected the truth

It's so sad when kikes like you larp and think you are fooling anyone

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist [op] 0 points 8 monthsSep 5, 2023 13:07:45 ago (+0/-0)

everything you suggest you know would have a secondary negative affect on Whites

Action always carries risk with it, that is unavoidable, but inaction guarantees defeat.

"don't keep spreading the message without engaging in violence, thereby raising more awareness to kikes without giving kike media some 'event' they can gaslight Whites as 'White supremacists' with"

How effective has that been thus far? Awareness alone accomplishes nothing. We need to give them an opportunity. Additionally, you may be sharing what you know, but people need to be receptive to it in order to actually listen to you.
I've presented ways of creating the sympathy they would need to be open to your messages, it's relatively risk-free but you turn that down as well.
I say that if you do as you've always done, you will receive what you've always gotten. Time to change things up a bit.

[ - ] Ex_hack -1 points 8 monthsSep 4, 2023 17:20:48 ago (+1/-2)

OP should definitely stop smoking crack and drinking Windex.

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist [op] -1 points 8 monthsSep 5, 2023 10:37:55 ago (+0/-1)

^Baseless accusations from a degenerate.

[ - ] Ex_hack -1 points 8 monthsSep 5, 2023 11:18:15 ago (+0/-1)

You shouldn't be calling anyone a degenerate. Your an unemployed homeless piece of shit who posts long unhinged diatribes on here.

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist [op] -1 points 8 monthsSep 5, 2023 11:30:39 ago (+0/-1)

I'm employed. You told blatant lies about me and then tried to sneak in another lie about me.
My work qualifies as work, even if it isn't 9-5 labor, I got temp work, gig work, and part time work.
I'm living off my own earnings.

[ - ] Ex_hack -1 points 8 monthsSep 5, 2023 11:31:23 ago (+0/-1)

I seriously doubt that

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist [op] -1 points 8 monthsSep 5, 2023 11:34:35 ago (+0/-1)

It seems what you chose to believe depends upon what suits you best.

[ - ] AryanPrime -1 points 8 monthsSep 5, 2023 11:42:45 ago (+0/-1)

oy vey, it's true in my mind therefore reality must conform to my beliefs or else you are all anti semites!!!

slit your own throat kike

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist [op] 0 points 8 monthsSep 5, 2023 13:01:19 ago (+0/-0)

You are very hostile to this idea. Upset that your agency might have to deal with a great number of us escaping out of your jurisdictions?

[ - ] deleted -2 points 8 monthsSep 4, 2023 22:16:07 ago (+0/-2)
