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9 comments block

[ - ] GodDoesNotExist 0 points 9 monthsAug 28, 2023 16:02:29 ago (+1/-1)

''The plumber and Air Force veteran — most known for questioning Obama’s policies at a 2007 Ohio event — spoke candidly about his faith in God''

Mysterious ways I guess.

[ - ] Inward 0 points 9 monthsAug 28, 2023 22:12:19 ago (+0/-0)

Believing this life is the ultimate. Not understanding you won't live in it forever. I pity you.

Most atheists are degenerates, consoom all jewish propaganda, and responsible for so much of societies decline. You're not here to help, are you?

[ - ] GodDoesNotExist 0 points 9 monthsAug 28, 2023 23:12:09 ago (+0/-0)

Oh so you believe in heaven and afterlife ? what is your evidence for these beliefs ? afaik there is none. I am a very friendly and pacifist guy, my life is full of beauty and love. I am here to have discussions on religion, I do love trolling though but thats how I get most discussions going :)

I could say the same: Most religious people are bigots, hateful, retarded and irrational, they claim to be all good because they believe but its the contrary.

What would you say are society's decline ?

[ - ] Inward 1 point 9 monthsAug 29, 2023 19:55:23 ago (+1/-0)*


Yes, the Bible told us to stay apart.


Yes, we are to hate evil. And it is everywhere. Everything that is complained about on this site is generated by evil.

My evidence for the afterlife? First, I know that nothing I could say would satisfy you. I will start by saying that my belief is that everything has been set up, including our perceptions (especially our perceptions) to ensure we are separated from God while on Earth. It gives us our "free will." Without that our existence would be moot. People ask why bad things happen. If God were present he would have to prevent all of that and to what extent could anything be experienced, if it was all happy, happy, joy, joy. Should he stop just the worst things like murder? Rape? If we knew there were limits we would know it all just an illusion.

People who get filled with the Holy Spirit? I don't know. I've not experienced that, though I do feel God's presence. Do I suffer in this life? I do. Why would God put me through that? Every life must be different. My pain is my cross to bear, I guess.

There is plenty in the universe we don't understand or comprehend. Some of that may be intentionally hidden. Radio waves have always been around but we are blind to them. We have learned to harness them. How much more are we blind to? Dark matter? Additional dimensions? Did you know there are four states of matter that exist only in laboratories?

So, more about the proof. I have, with my own eyes, seen what I could only describe as an angel. I saw this being from multiple angles over a period of 10-20 seconds and within just a few feet. I don't know why I was able to see it. I don't think I was supposed to. You will believe I am making it up or that I was hallucinating. I can offer nothing to verify what I saw. Many things have repeatedly occurred in my life to lead me to believe I am being guided in some way.

Think also of the contrary. If God doesn't exist, if there is no afterlife, if you will die, why do you care what happens to you at all from day-to-day? Why care about the future? Why care about the world? Why care about how anyone feels or suffers? If someone was tortured to death, all that experience ceased to exist at the moment of death and just as well never happened. In that case, all meaning is lost. Nothing anyone does actually matters. History is as worthless as the future. You should feel free to do whatever you want because you will blink out before you know it.

Have you ever asked God for proof? If he doesn't exist, you will only look a fool to yourself and why would that matter?

[ - ] GodDoesNotExist 0 points 9 monthsAug 29, 2023 20:44:24 ago (+0/-0)

Thanks for telling me about your beliefs, I respect them and I really think everyone can believe in whatever they want as long as it doesn't involve me.

For you, these beliefs must be true I'm sure but you must understand though that these anecdotal evidence can't be used as proof, especially if everyone has their own evidence/version or definition of what god is.

''Everything that is complained about on this site is generated by evil.''

Do you think religious people are incapable of evil ?

''There is plenty in the universe we don't understand or comprehend''

Oh absolutely agree!, that's what bugs me about religion is that they claim to have the answers but can't explain ANY of it. We don't know the origins of life on earth that is the real answer but we have a huge clue in evolution. Why is there trillions of galaxies with trillions of stars each ? this number is unfathomably big. Why Why Why everything ? I wish I knew. That's what fills me with wonder and awe about what is life and reality ?

''if God doesn't exist, if there is no afterlife, if you will die, why do you care what happens to you at all from day-to-day? Why care about the future? Why care about the world? ''

to the contrary, I care even more because it is finite its precious and miraculous to be alive isn't it ? it is very special and I want to make good or be happy because after that its over.

Without the fear of god's repercussion would you go raping everything that moves ? I don't think so. Yes there are some horrible people around that's for sure. I treat others like I want to be treated though, how else behave? nothing good comes out of hate or violence.

''Have you ever asked God for proof? If he doesn't exist, you will only look a fool to yourself and why would that matter?''

Like you but the opposite, I am 100% convinced there is no gods (don't forget plural because there are thousands claimed to exist.

[ - ] Inward 0 points 9 monthsAug 29, 2023 21:44:46 ago (+0/-0)

Do you think religious people are incapable of evil ?

No, jews claim to be religious and they are inherently evil.


Uh...you might want to look that up. Because it is exactly why people believe.

Would I rape, rob, and pillage? If I truly knew there was nothing? If nothing I did affected my afterlife? I would value my life much less. I would not feel guilt knowing it was just a chemical leftover of evolution. I don't think I would actually care about anything.

It is easy enough to say we exist simply because we do. We are here because this is how things unfolded. We are here, now, in this time, and in this place. It is tempting to think that all of creation and time was spun up so I could live this life. Did I just happen to drop in at the pinnacle of humanity so I could watch it decay and die? I feel I have a purpose. That purpose means there is a force behind it. That force could only be God.

It is easy to believe.

[ - ] AngryWhiteKeyboardWarrior -2 points 9 monthsAug 28, 2023 16:34:48 ago (+1/-3)

I always love how God welcomes his followers back to heaven by making them die in horrific and painful ways. The dude is more evil than Satan.

Shit man, God does some stuff that makes the devil shake his head and say "really bro? That's just fucked up. I just like to fuck with people, make em do stupid shit and stuff, but bro, damn, you just let 28 kids in a cancer ward and their support puppy, die from a fire ant infestation. That's cold, nigga."

[ - ] Inward 0 points 9 monthsAug 28, 2023 22:08:25 ago (+0/-0)

Sad how simple-minded you are.

[ - ] Inward 0 points 9 monthsAug 28, 2023 22:07:38 ago (+0/-0)
