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Lahaina CGI and other fakery. Also, the incident commander for the Las Vegas Shooting who was put on as Police chief of Maui before the disaster says, "I'm also the coroner."

submitted by Belmont to conspiracy 9 monthsAug 27, 2023 08:45:44 ago (+21/-3)     (conspiracy)

From http://mileswmathis.com/maui.pdf Source of "I'm also the coroner," first 5 seconds of video clip. https://twitter.com/i/status/1693811619867058497

Stethoscope. Cut and paste from Miles' report above, pic originally from video with clickable link following starting at 2:16 in the video



Palm fronds, more fire-resistant than metal.


"If you haven't figured it out, that is a paste-up/CGI. Definitely. The shadows blow it, as usual. The
car shadows are moving directly to their right, straight across the street and are wider than the cars.
The mountain is to the left, so this is shot from the north. Which means this is in the morning.
Problem is, the shadows of the guy and his bike are moving in a slant toward us, not directly to the
right like the cars. The guy's shadow isn't in line with the shadow of the car behind him. Busted. For
another tell, look at the curb on the far side of the street. It is casting a shadow that is too short."

These are my screenshots from the CBS video just to say, if you pay attention at all, pay attention to what they're passing off as wildfire damage.



Thankfully that propane container on the lower right stayed at ease.






Good thing that desiccated brush didn't catch fire. And they won't even have to clean soot off the wall next to the car.

And fueled by Hurricane force winds? https://files.catbox.moe/xf6tp5.png

I wonder what the wind speed is where the white smoke is curling up like a Dairy Queen cone.

Conveniently, Jim Stone on his site has posted a Beaufort Wind Scale chart along with the following screencaps. How many meters high are those waves? Greater than 14 meters?





11 comments block

[ - ] Panic 1 point 9 monthsAug 27, 2023 21:58:18 ago (+1/-0)

Miles Mathis is my go-to source for most matters. Hey OP, who not start a Miles Mathis Sub? There's enough on his site to keep a sub fresh for decades.

[ - ] Belmont [op] 0 points 9 monthsAug 28, 2023 16:37:55 ago (+0/-0)

It would be good to be able to find other discussions of his papers in one place. I don't know what's involved beyond starting a sub. I haven't been here a lot lately.

[ - ] flyonwall76 0 points 9 monthsAug 28, 2023 20:04:15 ago (+0/-0)

[ - ] con77 0 points 9 monthsAug 27, 2023 15:51:05 ago (+0/-0)

what laser incinerates everything thats not blue?

if flesh is vaporized what happens to bone?

is the deep state evil enough to do this?

if theyre evil enough to murder women and children in human trafficking and worship satan they are.

what % of the top 1% are jews?

[ - ] Belmont [op] 1 point 9 monthsAug 27, 2023 19:22:41 ago (+1/-0)

is the deep state evil enough to


Mathis writes why he doesn't go for the DEW explanation. http://mileswmathis.com/dew.pdf I was glad to read what he had to say about Judy Wood.

An excerpt,

And what do Reynolds and Wood say about building seven? Was that also DEW? No, of course not. They ignore that. Everyone knows it was a controlled demolition ... Same day, adjacent buildings, but they are going to use shaped charges for one but DEW for the other two? Why not just re-aim the DEW and take out building seven while they are up there? Would have saved a lot of time and money setting charges, right? But no one has ever asked that question.

[ - ] s23erdctfvyg -1 points 9 monthsAug 27, 2023 12:43:18 ago (+0/-1)

I got to tell you. I met with "Dema Walsh/Malsh?", the coroner for those that don't know that.
I'm a bit confused, is the person he's talking about the police chief? Or did she mishear given the shitty audio?

[ - ] Belmont [op] 1 point 9 monthsAug 27, 2023 13:09:54 ago (+1/-0)

"I gotta tell ya, I, met with them, I'm also the coroner for those that don't know that." The man talking is the police chief, John Pelletier.


[ - ] s23erdctfvyg -2 points 9 monthsAug 27, 2023 13:44:27 ago (+0/-2)*

I mean he possibly said that if he had a stroke in the past. With the amount of slurring of his words I had to slow it down to .5 speed and I can just barely make that out. Is there any public information of coroners in Maui? It could easily be a name still, or you and her could be right.

Also are you an alt of AryanPrime, or did he just come in screeching like a retard for no reason again?

Edit: It would appear he is just slurring as, until this year, police chiefs could act as coroners in Hawaii. A new coroner should have been appointed due to a new law being passed this year, but it does not appear one did.

TLDR, reddit provided better information, get your shit together or don't bother. Both you and Aryan's alts are setting off my counter intelligence alarms.

[ - ] observation1 -1 points 9 monthsAug 27, 2023 09:16:18 ago (+3/-4)

The "I'm also a coroner" bit and him randomly walking around in scrubs, was interesting. Everything else you posted was flat earth level retardism.

[ - ] AryanPrime 4 points 9 monthsAug 27, 2023 10:49:35 ago (+4/-0)

^^^low IQ poster trying to project that which he is guilty of onto another

No retard it wasn't "interesting" it was clear evidence of a crime

fuck you and your diminishing language to cover for kike filth

[ - ] observation1 -1 points 9 monthsAug 27, 2023 12:38:59 ago (+0/-1)

Muh shadows