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Natural remedies for my problem?

submitted by BeholdIAmHere to AskGoats 8 monthsAug 26, 2023 23:16:52 ago (+11/-1)     (AskGoats)

Part of me knew this day would come, but I've been avoiding it for a long time. For those wondering, I don't get check ups and don't go to doctors, and the last time i got any vax (it was for tetanus or something) was many years ago. I dont smoke, never have,, I dont do drugs, I exercise every day, I dont eat out that often, and i drink a metric ton of water. Literally, nothing helps at this point. Lately I have been noticing symptoms that are clearly pointing to some kind of underlying problem.

The first symptoms I noticed is that my body has started to "forget" how to breathe. This is more noticeable at night, but has happened during the day too. This couples with my other symptoms of being insomniac... seriously most days ill be lucky to get into bed and fall asleep before 1 or 2 in the morning at this point. Before someone calls me a fat fuck, my BMI at last weigh in was around 22.

The second, extremely uncomfortable symptom is that my heart has started using adrenaline to "spike" itself back to a normal heart rate. I could be sleeping or resting, and I feel a very sharp rush like pain going through my chest that feels like im doing exercise. But Im completely at rest. This is usually followed by horrible headaches in my brain. And a lot of times my heart, even at rest is beating so fast you can feel it in the tipmost parts of my veins and stuff. I was sleeping today with a hat on, and i could feel my heart rate from the tip of my nose touching my hat ... that's how hard my heart rate was pounding AT REST.

The third symptoms is that my body rapidly gets exhausted from doing close to nothing. Even talking or a light walk will sometimes be enough to incapacitate me for the rest of the day. And any high strenuous exercise will usually get me sick for multiple days at a time. I once tried to go jogging for an hour ... I literally got sick for 3+ days.

The last symptom is really the weight, my body tends to lose weight. I cut alcohol out of my diet completely a few months for a surprising reason: drinking alcohol makes me lose weight. Most people say im lucky, but when someone is losing weight from alcohol, is usually a bad sign. It couples with me requiring a metric crap ton of water per day compared to before. Now my body burns and evaporates water much faster than it used to.

Whilst this may be above the talk paygrade, what are some holistic things I can do to fix this problem? I know, deep down, going to the doctor and getting examined is my best bet. But overall the symptoms are pretty... bad

54 comments block

Cunt 0 points 8 months ago

pulm had mentioned i desaturate very easily during sleep.

So sleep apnea is still on the table. ENT specialist might be something to look into if basic tests don't lead anywhere, and/or another sleep study. When lying down you're airway might be partially closed up, ox sats might be worse now you're older and causing day problems. Fix could be a special pillow, cpap machine or surgery.