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OPPS - German Study - "Diesel vehicles are more climate-friendly than electric cars"

submitted by beece to ClimateChangeSkeptic 9 monthsAug 14, 2023 09:20:07 ago (+37/-0)     (freewestmedia.com)


Boils down to this:

"The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is causing a stir with a study that takes away the aura of climate friendliness from electric cars. According to this, such compact class cars consumed around 175 grams of CO2 per kilometer in the first half of 2022 due to the electricity generated and the production. A modern diesel, on the other hand, emits 153 grams of CO2 per kilometer."

9 comments block

[ - ] boekanier 1 point 9 monthsAug 14, 2023 09:35:21 ago (+1/-0)

was it about a climate-friendly transition then?

[ - ] VitaminSieg 1 point 9 monthsAug 14, 2023 10:49:24 ago (+1/-0)

cArBoN bAd is a bullshit argument, but if you think showing something produces less carbon will convince the normie environmentalists, I've got a bridge to sell you.
I thought what the article boils down to was that the 'Green Economics Minister' needs to change his policies and further subsidize electric cars (and where do those gibs come from exactly?).

[ - ] HeavyBrain 0 points 9 monthsAug 14, 2023 14:27:14 ago (+0/-0)

Ironically form the same people who make enough to afford one of those.

(the super rich who dont paly taxes in the first place dont give a fuck, they have their jets, like von der 25 mils better take the jet Lyne.

[ - ] WanderingToast 1 point 9 monthsAug 14, 2023 11:17:00 ago (+1/-0)

This is old news. Problem with diesel isn't CO2 it's all the heavy metals and poison gasses they emit.

It's fine in the country, but in the city it fucks the lungs of babies, toddlers and children.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 1 point 9 monthsAug 14, 2023 15:59:41 ago (+1/-0)

Even new ones? Gasoline engines used to spew a lot of toxic shit, too. I mean more than they do.

Smog used to be a lot worse. A lib pointed that out to me. Something that they did in California worked. I don't know which thing it was.

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 9 monthsAug 14, 2023 23:47:11 ago (+0/-0)

Philippines your thoughts?

[ - ] HeavyBrain 0 points 9 monthsAug 14, 2023 14:25:31 ago (+0/-0)

No shit you mean a truck that can make it up to 300k in its life time over 20+ years is not as hamrful as a shitty little thing that needs toxic shit to maybe go 100 miles, that needs to be replaced completely when the batteries fail and is useless with the (announced) brown and blackouts to come in germany.

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 9 monthsAug 14, 2023 23:50:06 ago (+0/-0)

Oyyyyyy Veyyyy dey awnly cawst 70k tuh save duh planet goy!

Imagine having tuh tell da goyim 6 million times dey havtah pay moar fer dere reeeeeeeeluctance to submit to the chosen people!! Kvetch!

[ - ] rabidR04CH 0 points 9 monthsAug 14, 2023 16:03:08 ago (+0/-0)

While that would be true for fuel efficiency, the reality is that diesel fumes are carcinogenic. Gasoline is cleaner as a result of them removing the lead which never should have been in it in the first place (lead suppliers had no idea who to sell it to so they tricked gasoline companies into adding it).