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Life in the 70s as a kid

submitted by shitface9000 to OldSchoolCool 1.1 yearsAug 12, 2023 15:08:29 ago (+15/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)


4 comments block

[ - ] DogIegwarrior 4 points 1.1 yearsAug 12, 2023 15:54:36 ago (+4/-0)

Kids used to call me a nigger lover for playing b-ball back in the day.

[ - ] Fascinus 2 points 1.1 yearsAug 12, 2023 16:24:42 ago (+2/-0)

Early 80s were a lot like that as well, only the pants were slightly less retarded.

[ - ] Not_a_redfugee 0 points 1.1 yearsAug 12, 2023 15:11:24 ago (+0/-0)

Is that devon stack?

[ - ] Ozark 2 points 1.1 yearsAug 12, 2023 15:58:54 ago (+2/-0)
