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You're all going to hate me, but I actually fucking agree with the FDA on this one.

submitted by we_kill_creativity to TellTalk 8 monthsAug 12, 2023 09:02:45 ago (+3/-9)     (www.zerohedge.com)


Why? Because they are actually, literally correct. Nothing they said or did actually stopped you from using Ivermectin, nor did it stop these retarded doctors from prescribing it to you. Prove me wrong...

Predictably all of you will get really emotional and upset at me and reflexively say a lot of retarded, emotional things to me, but none of it will prove me wrong, because you can't, because I am absolutely correct. The FDA never forced you to get vaccinated, just like you never actually were forced or had to wear a mask. How do I know? Because when I said all of this three years ago I also actually walked the walk.

So no, I never got vaccinated, because I knew I didn't have to, and I also never wore a mask, because I also knew that I had no need to do so. To the point that I even went to and into a hospital, at the hight of the mask bullshit, and didn't wear a mask. Nothing happened. No one even blinked an eye. It was just normal business as usual.

Now...I already know what all of you are going to say, because it's actually that fucking retardedly predictable, so let me get ahead of your stupidity and just respond to everything you're going to say now:


Re-read that a few times to make sure the obvious distinction between actually forcing you to do something, and making it seem like they forced you to is, in fact, obvious to you.

It's called projection of force, and it's a technique as ancient as government itself. Welcome to reality...

EDIT: Or rather, welcome to the revealing of reality to you, or, you know, the...revelation...of it to you. There's a whole book on it somewhere.

EDIT 2: ALSO...they also only ever made it seem like everyone was going along with it, and then everyone did, and that, is what's called projection of reality. They used every machination of media propaganda in existence to make it seem like everyone was going with the program, and whoever decided to then go along with that, did, but they never actually forced you to go along with it. It's shitty, it's evil, it's horrible...but it's true.

25 comments block

[ - ] FacelessOne 11 points 8 monthsAug 12, 2023 09:10:08 ago (+11/-0)

Nurses fired.

Medical care denied.

Canadian Bank accounts siezed and arrests made.

Churches closed and power shutoff.

These things did occur and you are willfully blind if you believe otherwise.

Every nation on earth enacted actions based on the Protocols of Zion.

The NWO showed its hand and it all played out exactly as they intended, Agenda 2030 proceeds on schedule.

[ - ] we_kill_creativity [op] -7 points 8 monthsAug 12, 2023 09:13:09 ago (+0/-7)


90% of what you said was fake news to make it appear that was all happening, and in the cases where it maybe did happen, none of those people simply stood up for themselves.

[ - ] FacelessOne 6 points 8 monthsAug 12, 2023 09:32:06 ago (+6/-0)

You are retarded

[ - ] we_kill_creativity [op] -3 points 8 monthsAug 12, 2023 09:38:51 ago (+1/-4)

You are retarded

^How you know you won an argument on the internet...

Everyone will notice how he couldn't think of a response to anything I said? Because I'm correct in everything I said.

I didn't just stand up for myself in my own life, I used telegram to help hundreds of other do the same in their own lives. The best example I have of that, is a man who worked in the administration of a major hospital in a large U.S. city. In other words, the belly of the beast.

I told him what to do to not get vaccinated, and not only did it work, he also didn't punished at all, or experience any negative blow back whatsoever, let alone be in fear of getting fired.

Here's the even better part. Shortly after that, the supreme court ruled that, while the vaccine couldn't be mandated to the general public, it could be mandated to health care workers. I could write a whole post about why that's laughable (mainly the supreme court is illegitimate, because so is our whole federal government, clearly...), the point here is that, at this persons hospital they immediately stated that all the employees were "forced" (they weren't...) to get vaccinated, BUT...then they sent a personal email to my guy saying: YOU DON'T NEED TO WORRY ABOUT THIS AT ALL.

So am I still retarded, or is that you...?

[ - ] FacelessOne 3 points 8 monthsAug 12, 2023 09:41:01 ago (+3/-0)

You are a sub 90 iq tard

[ - ] we_kill_creativity [op] -4 points 8 monthsAug 12, 2023 09:44:30 ago (+1/-5)

So in other words, you absolutely agree with everything I just said, because you clearly didn't say otherwise? Thank you! I win...

[ - ] FacelessOne 3 points 8 monthsAug 12, 2023 09:45:08 ago (+3/-0)

^tard take

[ - ] yesiknow 3 points 8 monthsAug 12, 2023 11:19:09 ago (+3/-0)*

If you can't buy food unless you wear a mask, how would you stand up for yourself.

If you're fired because you wouldn't get a shot, how do you stand up for yourself?

If your small independent business went out of business (a large part of the goal) how do you stand for yourself.

The majority of taxes and jobs still comes from small business, so how do job seekers and tax payers stand up for themselves?

I know people who can't get hired because they refused, not the first shot shot, but any subsequent ones.

AS the cult falls down, people like you, if you're sincere, lose sense of reality because you let someone else control it. They're known to think themselves insane and do some pretty bizarre things.

[ - ] Portmanure 11 points 8 monthsAug 12, 2023 09:09:44 ago (+12/-1)

You’re rewriting history. A simple search will uncover hundreds if not thousands of stories of doctors being coerced, threatened, and “under investigation” for prescribing ivermectin. Personal orders of legally purchased ivermectin were being seize during during shipment. The FDA and CDC were actively going after anyone who said ivermectin was a successful treatment for Covid.

[ - ] we_kill_creativity [op] -8 points 8 monthsAug 12, 2023 09:14:04 ago (+1/-9)*

No, I'm not rewriting history at all.

90% of what you said was fake news to make it appear that was all happening, and in the cases where it maybe did happen, none of those people simply stood up for themselves.

[ - ] SumerBreeze 1 point 8 monthsAug 12, 2023 11:53:52 ago (+1/-0)

Ivermectin was FORCIBLY confiscated through the postage system, faggotkike.

[ - ] Ozark 6 points 8 monthsAug 12, 2023 09:56:22 ago (+6/-0)

it didn't happen but when it did happen it was because those people are weak and I'm very tough.


[ - ] we_kill_creativity [op] -4 points 8 monthsAug 12, 2023 09:59:51 ago (+0/-4)

So in other words, you agree with everything I said because you didn't point on a single thing I said that was incorrect because you can't and you know it..?

Did I miss anything?

Nope...ok. When you actually have something somewhat intelligent to say let us all know, Mr. Edgelord...

[ - ] beece 4 points 8 monthsAug 12, 2023 10:22:04 ago (+4/-0)*

@we_kill_creativity. You're wrong. What is the definition of "forced"? That is what your argument seems to hinge on. If a person walked into a federal building and didn't put on a mask when confronted by police, they would send you to jail, where you would be forced to wear a mask by the cops. Is that not forced? Many states made laws to enforce their right to force you. Read this one: https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2021/A416

You couldn't fly on an airplane if you were not vaxxed. That was by government edict. There was government edict after government edict after government edict after government edict that ran similarly and other non-government assholes followed suit. Check in how many people got fired because they didn't get vaxxed. Etc.

Because you choose to get vaxxed rather than have your life destroyed, ie, loose your livelihood, your house, your car and be financially destroyed because you didn't follow a government edict? That is exactly a solid description of government overreach through use of FORCE. And they fucking lied over and over about it, similar to what you are doing here.


[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 3 points 8 monthsAug 12, 2023 11:23:27 ago (+3/-0)

I didn't get vaccinated, but I know people who did because they were required to by their job.

Imagine a woman being pressured by her boss into sex and told she'd be fired if she didn't fuck him. In court, that'd be considered coercion and her boss would be guilty of a crime. Same shit, different prick.

As much as I look down on the people who gave in to the coercion, let's not forget that the people coercing others into taking the vax are literal criminals.

[ - ] big_fat_dangus 3 points 8 monthsAug 12, 2023 10:28:25 ago (+3/-0)

[ - ] SumerBreeze 2 points 8 monthsAug 12, 2023 11:52:35 ago (+2/-0)

The judge never forced you to stay away from the women you harassed - you could have done whatever you wanted, even with the restraining order!

You are arguing like a jew, I can say that much; the FDA is a Federal Agency which influenced other agencies to LITERALLY CONFISCATE IVERMECTIN THROUGH MAIL SERVICES.

So, if you ordered Ivermectin (you obviously didn’t, you faggotkike), you might have been one of many people who were treating covid with a drug that was FORCIBLY taken away from them or BLOCKED by government agencies.

You lose.

[ - ] FreeinTX 2 points 8 monthsAug 12, 2023 11:26:31 ago (+2/-0)

nor did it stop these retarded doctors from prescribing it to you. Prove me wrong...


If he (the pharmacist) suspects ivermectin is being prescribed for COVID-19, Katz says, he will not fill the prescription.

"I've denied all of them, yes," he says. "This is a drug. It presents with adverse effects."

So, the FDA may not have forbidden doctors prescribing it, they led a campaign saying to was dangerous and to stop doing it. Then, even if a doctor might prescribe ivermectin, but pharmacists refuses to fill it.

And, in some states, the doctor or pharmacist could lose their license.


It is true that the general public was never forced to wear a mask, but it is not true millions of people were not being forced to get jabbed.

The threat of losing your job, your career, your livelihood is force through coercion. Nuremberg principals related to drugs calls it a crime against humanity to use coercion to force someone to get the jab. You must give "free and informed consent". I'd argue no one had ever given informed consent, given the lack of data, but it's certainly obvious that many people were coerced into getting the jab by executive order of the president, orders of their employers, or mandates through the state.

You said that you never got jabbed, neither did I. However, there was a period of time where I was specially told, by my employer, that mandatory jabs were coming, following the OSHA executive order, and that it would be required to remain employed at my job of 15 years.

That's force backed by government mandate.

[ - ] Sector7 2 points 8 monthsAug 12, 2023 11:26:17 ago (+2/-0)*

I even went to and into a hospital, at the hight of the mask bullshit, and didn't wear a mask. Nothing happened.

People here got $1000 fines for walking on the beach, and arrested for entering buildings without a mask. They passed a law making non-compliance punishable by "up to 6 months in state prison".

Instacart shoppers were the only source of food for the non-masked. (they let it slide because of tips)

I counted masks one day in February, and of around 450 people sighted outside, over 98% of them were masked.

However, that period of time when the streets were absolutely deserted was glorious. 10 minute walk to downtown in the middle of the street with zero cars. It was an overpopulationists dream.


Correct. You were only forced to wear the mask or get vaxxed if you wanted to enter a building or engage in certain activities. I went around a year and a half without going into a store. I did get one covidhoax test and wear the mask when I had to go to the hospital. Going to jail instead of the hospital seemed like a poor alternative.

[ - ] yesiknow 2 points 8 monthsAug 12, 2023 11:14:19 ago (+2/-0)

When you manipulate someone against their own interesta it's psycholical abuse.

The FDA is funded by taxpayers. They aren't supposed to represent Pfizer. They're supposed to represent the interest of the citizens.

They psychologically abused them instead.

All the invented cliches about drug use are manipuating people against their own interest into using drug.

"Prohibtion doesn't work". It does.

"Destignmatize" is enabling.

Marxism is just the same old emotional psychological abuse abuse cults use. All the North Koreans are prepared to kill any American because they think they've been at war with thm for 60 years. They starve to death for moral superiority to help the North Korean soldiers and the country hold out against the bastard Americans.

Western countries are committing democide against the people, and they're using the same techniques as an abusive spouse does. The victims keep going back for more; that would be all the voters on the left, and way too many on the right.

[ - ] MaryXmas 1 point 8 monthsAug 12, 2023 12:37:24 ago (+1/-0)

I was actually forced to wear a mask on several occasions, or I was denied service. Also, shots are a condition of employment at many, many organizations.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 8 monthsAug 12, 2023 11:16:12 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] SumerBreeze 3 points 8 monthsAug 12, 2023 11:57:19 ago (+3/-0)

It was the FDA that started the lie that Ivermectin was for horses.

[ - ] deleted 2 points 8 monthsAug 12, 2023 12:08:56 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] deleted 1 point 8 monthsAug 12, 2023 10:15:10 ago (+3/-2)
