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Andrew Tate the Con Artist

submitted by SilentByAssociation to videos 10 monthsAug 8, 2023 14:14:10 ago (+23/-1)     (youtu.be)



Was Tate imprisoned unjustly? Possibly.

Has he exploited women? By his own admission... ABSOLUTELY! In no way does he make it seem like he feels remorse for that.

I posted this for those who were on the fence about him and as a reminder to those who may have forgotten. Despite Tate being interviewed by muh baste Tucker and clips of him making their rounds in the internet, Andrew Tate is still a nigger and jew propaganda is still poison.

19 comments block

[ - ] observation1 15 points 10 monthsAug 8, 2023 14:35:21 ago (+15/-0)

The warrior poet guy is right. He is a pathological psycho.

But you got it backwards. He isn't exploiting women. He's exploiting weak men. He sees it as a sales job. No different than 1800-talk-to-babes. The first minute is free then $4.99 every minute. Those girls try to keep you on the phone as long as possible.

That's not criminal, it's just shamelessly disgusting and he's very successful at it.

[ - ] HeyJames 6 points 10 monthsAug 8, 2023 14:58:02 ago (+6/-0)

He was supposedly exploiting them in the same way the "girls do porn" jews were. Promising modeling or staying at his house as his companion and then using threats and manipulation to get them on cam for him.

[ - ] observation1 1 point 10 monthsAug 8, 2023 15:13:45 ago (+1/-0)

Is there testimony or is that speculation?

What does "promise" mean?

Every job I've ever interviewed for was start at the bottom and they promise you can work your way up. Which you can. Sometimes. If you're lucky.

[ - ] HeyJames 2 points 10 monthsAug 8, 2023 15:56:07 ago (+2/-0)

I don't know what can or can't be proven but based on the way he acts I buy it.

[ - ] SilentByAssociation [op] 0 points 10 monthsAug 8, 2023 17:03:05 ago (+0/-0)

wE pRoMoTe FrOm WiThIn

[ - ] SumerBreeze 6 points 10 monthsAug 8, 2023 15:17:36 ago (+6/-0)*

It’s so similar to every other major pickup artist, like that guy who wrote The Game, as an example; these people are literal lisp-talking faggotkikes that try desperately to act HUGE - and it’s so pathetic how women fall for their obvious tricks like dumb animals - but like I said it’s just another kikenigger talking head that is sponsored by media kikes.

Tucker Carlson, on the other hand, is 100% a media kike controlled opposition that perfected his bowtie wearing faggot persona over the many years that he should have been canceled - but SOMEHOW he is still in show business… hmmm, I think we all know what kinds of weak no talent retard parasites are always propped up and held up so high in media circles despite their cringe personalities and nothing of real value to offer performances.

[ - ] albatrosv15 0 points 10 monthsAug 9, 2023 04:04:34 ago (+0/-0)

It also shows how inferior women are. They couldn't learn from tate and do similar stuff, even on the side.

[ - ] GlowNiggerDick 0 points 10 monthsAug 9, 2023 07:49:20 ago (+0/-0)

Exactly he's a simp scammer. I can't think of anything off hand hes wrong about, but I just don't like his delivery at all.

[ - ] Prairie 8 points 10 monthsAug 8, 2023 14:57:48 ago (+8/-0)

He recruited woman to be on sexcams. There's nothing more you need to know. Degenerate.

[ - ] GetFuckedCunt 5 points 10 monthsAug 8, 2023 15:32:30 ago (+5/-0)

This is another form of the jew humiliating White men.

You want a masculine figure for disenfranchised young men? Okay we will give you these Muslim brothers that fuck your White women and we will give jewden Peterson. Enjoy goyim!

[ - ] SumerBreeze 2 points 10 monthsAug 8, 2023 16:41:27 ago (+2/-0)

This 100%. There is no coincidence that this nigger is displayed publicly without daily jew mafia harassment and assassin attempts.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 3 points 10 monthsAug 8, 2023 18:02:44 ago (+3/-0)

Like Weinstein and Ron Jeremy, Tate is detestable and deserves to be in jail. But also like them, he’s not guilty of breaking any law on the books.

Outlaw porn and fornication. That is what he and they should be prosecuted for. The regime loves perverts and pimps as long as they go along with the regimes narrative. They have illegally persecuted Tate for behavior that is exhibited by elites all the time. The regime is worse than Tate and a far bigger threat. He’s just an unusually resourceful nigger pimp.

Young girls (over 18) got seduced by him and manipulated into being camera whores. This only serves to underline that young women are not fit to control their own “sexual agency”. If they are equal to a man mentally then they cannot be victims because they chose to place themselves in this scenario. You cannot have sexual equality but also special protections because the “wittle wady” didnt know any better. This is why extra marital sex should be illegal. You will always have exploitation of young women by nefarious older persons untill you outlaw it.

This “sodom and gomorrah“ regime has no justification to go after Tate. And they are only doing it because of politics.

[ - ] herbert_west 3 points 10 monthsAug 8, 2023 17:06:30 ago (+3/-0)

Andrew made and still makes his money by exploiting weak men.

First through camwhores and the promise of sex, then with casinos and the illusion of winning, latter with his university and the promise of teaching you how to "escape the matrix" and get rich soon for a monthly fee plus huge upfront payments.

There will always be some Jew exploiting this demographic. That's the way is has always been. Even though he's a psychopathic degenerate and most certainly has some Jewish genes from his father side, the fact that globohomo hates him so passionately makes him somewhat useful to our case. I find him entertaining to watch but he would get the rope at the end of the show if I were in charge.

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens 0 points 10 monthsAug 8, 2023 17:38:21 ago (+0/-0)

Yep. That about sums it up.

[ - ] Jinglebanger 2 points 10 monthsAug 8, 2023 19:30:15 ago (+2/-0)

I never understood the fascination with him. I checked out some of his stuff long ago, and it was mostly your typical nigger chest beating. And the comment sections were pure cancer; sexually frustrated teens with one-itis I'm assuming, with page after page of meaningless vitriol. There are some things about modern women I don't particularly like, but these guys talk about women the way I do about niggers and kikes.

The Piers Morgan interview really cemented it for me though. He sounded actually stupid. And I don't mean like his arguments were bad, or Morgan was outdebating him or anything, I mean it made me genuinely question his intelligence.

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens 2 points 10 monthsAug 8, 2023 17:36:37 ago (+2/-0)

Yeah, I figured that out by watching more of him, but it is like the Warrior Poet guy says: Over 90% of the stuff he says is very based. You just can’t let him charm you too much. He’s a cult leader. He’s got what Manson and Dr. York had.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 10 monthsAug 8, 2023 23:28:31 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] SilentByAssociation [op] 0 points 10 monthsAug 9, 2023 04:22:03 ago (+0/-0)

Enough said.

[ - ] PoundOfFlesh 1 point 10 monthsAug 8, 2023 17:26:52 ago (+1/-0)

I'd never heard of this faggot until a couple months ago and I'll be happy if he rots in prison and I never hear about him again.