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Pharma malfeasance: Pfizer employees given a placebo as they sling their poison for profits.

submitted by UncleDoug to Covidicences 10 monthsAug 5, 2023 07:21:47 ago (+6/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


Pfizer Employees Were Given Special Batch of Vaccine


In a shocking revelation during a Senate hearing in Australia, a Pfizer spokesperson revealed that the pharmaceutical giant had imported a special batch of COVID-19 vaccines solely for their employee vaccination program.

The admission came during a rigorous questioning session on Wednesday, in which Pfizer Australia’s Country Medical Director, Dr. Krishan Thiru, and Head of Regulatory Sciences, Dr. Brian Hewitt, spoke before the Australian Senate’s ‘Education and Employment Legislation Committee’ about the experimental COVID-19 vaccines.

Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts led the interrogation with forceful inquiries regarding Pfizer’s potential involvement in the introduction of vaccine mandates for employment in Australia.

Senator Roberts, in his questioning, alleged a significant transfer of wealth from the Australian people to Big Pharma via the government’s Covid-19 mismanagement....

Global hyperinflation is a direct result of mRNA expenditure and climbing national debt to BigPharma.
Not only did the bots try to give you the death shot, they economically collapsed the nation as we told them they would.

Never forget or forgive a vaxtard.

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