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Anyone have the christchurch massacre video?

submitted by prototype to AskUpgoat 9 monthsJul 28, 2023 07:11:02 ago (+6/-1)     (AskUpgoat)

Organizing all my backups. Thought I had it but if its there I'm not seeing it.

23 comments block

[ - ] Aze 0 points 9 monthsJul 28, 2023 15:08:34 ago (+0/-0)

[ - ] Sector7 2 points 9 monthsJul 28, 2023 11:51:08 ago (+2/-0)


Was on Kiwifarms too, but I lost touch after the trannies got them banned from the internet. Here's another source.


Save it to your hard drive.

[ - ] KyleIsThisTall 1 point 9 monthsJul 28, 2023 16:20:41 ago (+1/-0)

kiwifarms.pl since sneed.today was cancelled by the DNS recently

[ - ] Sector7 0 points 9 monthsJul 28, 2023 22:19:31 ago (+0/-0)

Thanks. Seems like their recaptcha has issues now.

[ - ] Sector7 0 points 9 monthsJul 29, 2023 15:17:21 ago (+0/-0)

Looks like they've killed it already.

[ - ] MartinTimothy 0 points 9 monthsJul 28, 2023 11:40:48 ago (+1/-1)*

Massaker in Neuseeland, False Flag.
New Zealand Shooting Hoax Exposed.
Christchurch New Zealand Shooting Hoax.
New Zealand Mosque Attacks - False Flag.
New Zealand Shooting & History of False Flags.
False Flag New Zealand Mosque Shooting Exposed. Ok.
The New Zealand Shooting Smells Like a False Flag.
New Zealand False Flag Attack, Don't Give Up Your Guns. Ok.
Nutritional Revalution - New Zealand Shooting is a False Flag.
Alleged New Zealand Mass Shooting Has Mossad Fingerprints All Over. Ok.
Video: Christchurch Mosque Shooting Hoax, Crypto Jew Spotted "Sellin' it".
Fakeologist.com - Good Christchurch, New Zealand Joins the Terror Hoax Fray. Ok.
Fake New Zealand Mosque Shooting Illuminati Hoax Psyop False Flag Attack Exposed.
Christchurch New Zealand Terrorist Attack, Tim Pool Reports False Flag Patsy Review With LDA. Ok.
Crisis Actors Exposed - New Zealand Mosque Shooting, Freemasonry, Illuminati, Hoax, Psyop, False Flag.
Thoughts on the Alleged New Zealand Shooting .. Gladio European False Flag Terrorism Sponsored by NATO.
False Flag New Zealand Mosque Shooting & Palestine Bombing Rothschild Khazar Mob WWIII, MIR, 15 March.
All4Alarp.com - The New Zealand Shooting Hoax Analyzed, the False Flag event that is fooling all the sheep in the world wake up people.
QAnon Aotearoa - The Truth About the PsyOp Alleged Mosque Shooting in Christchurch New Zealand, a False Flag Op by the CIA & Mossad.

NZ False Flag Right Out of the Deep State Playbook - The DS rabbit hole is deeper than anyone could imagine, challenge the narrative break the chains of mind control.

The Shooting Hoax Down Under Commentary, Plus Brazil Hoax Analysis - This video has been blocked for breaching site community guidelines and is currently unavailable.

Psyop Shooting Hoax in New Zealand "Live Streamed" - This video has been blocked for breaching site community guidelines and is currently unavailable.

Breaking: New Zealand False Flag by Zionist Israel With Complete New Zealand Police & Freemason Complicity - Update 1: Multiple Additional False Flag Confirmatory Articles.

Alleged Christchurch shooter Brendon Tarrant is the son of two British parents of Jewish origin - As long as Jared Kushner & John Bolton are in the White House the US Government is in enemy hands, Zionists did 9/11.

Robert David Steele @ VT: The Alleged New Zealand Mosque Massacre Was a Completely Staged False Flag Event, Managed by Mossad in Complicity With Corrupt NZ Police & National Authorities .. no one died. Ok.

Scott Bennett - "The NZ Affair is a False Flag Zionist Op to Draw Attention From Ongoing Massacres in Gaza & Yemen, for the benefit of Israeli intelligence and the US military industrial police state.

NorthernTruthSeeker: Christchurch Mosque Shooting False Flag - What an amazing coincidence that drills were taking place in Christchurch while the alleged shootings were underway.

Ole Dammegard on the Christchurch "Event" - He says the same group that travels the world like a rock and roll band carries out FF attacks of this nature, that he can predict where they will strike. Ok.

New Zealand Mosque Shooting is Drill Staged False Flag by the Government - The story the media is giving the public regarding an anti immigration manifesto is absurd.

MillenniumReport - Did Gladio do New Zealand as a False Flag to Demonize Trump & Shut Down the Right, why was John Podesta in NZ days before .. this was to demonize nationalism & further censor the internet. Ok.

New Zealand Mosque Shooting Hoax - So the alleged shooter openly writes he wants a white ethno state and hates conservatives, then claims black conservative Candace Owens is his inspiration.

Stormfront: New Zealand "Mass Shooting" Yet Another Hoax - Sometimes extremist Moslems are blamed in these Mossad operations, in this case White Nationalists are taking the heat. Ok.

Mosque Shooting in New Zealand a False Flag - Features such as comments, sharing & suggested videos have been disabled for this video because of content that may be inappropriate or offensive.

Australian Senator Frasier Anning Clambers Aboard the (Alleged) NZ Mosque Shooting Bandwagon - This wretched creature has no problem that TerrorGrüppe Kurzberg the "Celebrating Jews of 911" have had safe haven in his home town of Brisbane since the day of the outrage, sure he is a capital

The "Manifesto pdf" released by alleged NZ Mosque Massacre perp Brenton Tarrant, despite as the links above assert the alleged "massacre" was total bs in any case.

Many of the links including the "Manifesto" itself are down friends, we are dealing with massive Zionist sponsored censorship here.

[ - ] Sector7 1 point 9 monthsJul 28, 2023 11:54:16 ago (+1/-0)

The shooting part actually happened. I and others went through frame by frame after some called fake, and every claim was bullshit.

[ - ] Aze 1 point 9 monthsJul 28, 2023 12:47:56 ago (+1/-0)

I'm torn, I posted as such above. Go give it a read really quick.

My biggest question is why they piled up in the corners and then didn't move hardly at all. I'd expect so many people to be moving and thrashing and yelling and begging and crawling all over the place. There was a fucking ton of them too, so many that most could have run or at least tried to run while he was blazing away on another pile of bodies. Nothing like enough screams. People don't just stop moving instantly when shot either, we've all seen that 100 times in police shootings. You'd think some of the guys in those piles should have at least attempted to bum rush him when it became clear it was their turn. It's hard to believe so many people could be so plasade in such an intense situation.

Give me your thoughts.

[ - ] Sector7 0 points 9 monthsJul 28, 2023 22:18:05 ago (+0/-0)

Quite a few did run, although at least one of those lingered in the parking lot and got picked off when he went out to clear the sidewalk. No idea what they were thinking to pile up except play dead and safety in numbers. That works when the shooter isn't carrying tons of ammo, but not that time. Also, all the exit doors were in the direction of the gunshots. I believe he did nail that guy he saw running out the side door. It was their bad luck he was prepared and methodical.

[ - ] Not_a_redfugee 0 points 9 monthsJul 28, 2023 10:35:30 ago (+0/-0)

I have it, plus a bunch of funny edits of it, and also his manifesto.

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy 1 point 9 monthsJul 28, 2023 07:21:10 ago (+2/-1)

[ - ] prototype [op] 2 points 9 monthsJul 28, 2023 07:27:56 ago (+2/-0)

Joe McCarthy comes in clutch. Who woulda fucking believed it?

[ - ] Joe_McCarthy -1 points 9 monthsJul 28, 2023 07:32:40 ago (+1/-2)

Well. I WOULD have that. That event pretty much changed everything. Voat, my life, etc. Plus it's just way up my alley.

[ - ] prototype [op] 3 points 9 monthsJul 28, 2023 07:53:34 ago (+3/-0)

Well. I WOULD have that. That event pretty much changed everything.

Good on you for keeping it. Preserving the past is important.

For me it was the murder of cannon hinnant, finding out about rowan sweeney a week later, and then shortly after, the murder of jessica doty whitaker, which today still goes unsolved and unpunished--all in quick succession.

I directly blame a number of officials who got away with direct incitements to violence, or who directly threatened the public, all without consequence to them to this day.

The only thing you should have learned from antifa and blm is what works, and the slogan "no justice, no peace."

[ - ] GreenSaint 2 points 9 monthsJul 28, 2023 09:22:48 ago (+3/-1)

Thanks honey buns. I’m gonna send this to my coworker with very little context. Havnt watched this in a while. Still thrilling. I just wonder how much it bothers others cause I enjoy it. I just don’t get how the music syncs up so well. when he gets back to his car “I am the god of hellfire” nice

[ - ] GreenSaint 1 point 9 monthsJul 28, 2023 09:58:07 ago (+1/-0)

Do you have the video saved fag? See I wonder. With the internet and everything there’s endless interesting content. Where is it all stored. There’s just so much data. Then not only does it have to be stored but uploaded

[ - ] Aze 1 point 9 monthsJul 28, 2023 12:39:04 ago (+1/-0)

Thx for posting this, I didn't have this one in my meme dump IIRC. I rewatched it and I have to say I am perfectly divided on if this was real or staged, just as I was back when this first dropped.

On the one hand the recoil is right, the muzzle flash is right, and the bodies do move correctly as if they were actually hit with a projectile. There is blood in the correct amount for the most part, and the woman outside actually has chunks of gore blasted off her at one point that's close enough to meaningfully see.

The problems are that so many people should be mass screaming, and running and trying to crawl away wounded. We've all seen a 100 videos of nig on nig violence or police shootings where they keep moving and thrashing and crawling around for a long time after even getting mag dumped. Unless it's a headshot, people don't just off button. Next, why did they all pile into the corners and then not move or try to flee. They only move a tiny amount when he shoots them. Again nowhere near enough screaming, just the women alone should be hysterical. Normally I'd expect the men to be mass yelling Allah way more than they are! We all seen both of these 100s of times too. I counted the shots from the first magazine, not including the shotgun rounds it was still way over 30 before he reloaded the first time. He seems to be using 50 round mags at least, but they look like standard 30s tapped back to back when he drops them.

I'm torn. It's seems possible they used a handful of actors in what's otherwise a pile of manacanes in the corns to cover the small amount of movement we do see in those areas. The mannequins do twitch just a little when hit, which means they did use live rounds. The lady outside we don't really see standing or walking, but she does move her arms and roll over a little. True it is something I'd expect to see of someone who got brain damage, but it also could be fishing line wires to move a mannequin just enough to be convincing. It's not impossible said mannequin has stage blood inside the head to make it seem bloody too, and the chucks of gore could just be bits of synth skin. Honestly I'm not sold on it either, but I'd say it is at least possible.

The Kiwi government very quickly moved to make it illegal to possess or view this video if I recall. That seems strange, you'd expect if they went to the trouble of staging a mass shooting with so much video that they would want the public to see it and be traumatized per the plan. It not like they have to have body cam footage in order to sell a mass shooting. Staged mass shootings happen here all the time and we almost never get any footage at all, but they still sell the hell out of it on the news. Counter argument is maybe they were afraid of people looking at said video too closely after people started making videos analyzing it and calling out the inconsistencies. I'm sure magicians would rather their internet viewers could only view their sleight of hand tricks once only too, and for the same reason.

I remember manifesto being really well written. No crazy ramblings of an insane man, but a well thought out line of logic from a man who genuinely had had enough and wished only to defend his people in the only way available to him. There is no political solution to this problem, and when this happens violence becomes justified. He evidenced his argument really well and used a lot of sad examples of the victims of muslim terrorism over the years. In short, if this was staged they sure made the manifesto really convincing when normally I'd expect them to make it a hamfisted rambling of an insaine man so as to not garner support from the public for him.

On the other hand it did give the kiwi's government exactly the justification they'd been looking for to confiscate all the guns, just as the manifesto predicted. The mass uprising against said confiscations he also predicted of course never materialized.

So ya, like I said I'm torn.

[ - ] paul_neri -2 points 9 monthsJul 28, 2023 07:14:27 ago (+0/-2)

It's illegal content.

[ - ] prototype [op] 3 points 9 monthsJul 28, 2023 07:15:45 ago (+3/-0)

It's illegal content.

I doubt it.

It passes the public-interest test.

[ - ] lastlist 6 points 9 monthsJul 28, 2023 07:49:01 ago (+6/-0)

He's an aussie or kiwi. Illegal for him.

[ - ] prototype [op] 5 points 9 monthsJul 28, 2023 08:00:59 ago (+5/-0)*

Seems like a good litmus test for weeding out kiwi and aussie five eyes guys.

Go into a room, share the christchurch video, and then everyone that doesn't share gets fucking booted or banned.

[ - ] Sector7 3 points 9 monthsJul 28, 2023 11:55:36 ago (+3/-0)

They keep a tight leash on prison island.

[ - ] HamsaOfDeath 1 point 9 monthsJul 28, 2023 09:14:40 ago (+1/-0)

Why have you not hanged yourself yet?