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16 comments block

[ - ] Anus_Expander 2 points 9 monthsJul 27, 2023 22:48:49 ago (+2/-0)

Maybe...I dunno, try puttin a FEMALE in with them??

[ - ] Gowithit 1 point 9 monthsJul 27, 2023 22:53:26 ago (+1/-0)

couldnt find one that consented to living with 2 homos apparently.

[ - ] PrincessRobotBubblegum 4 points 9 monthsJul 27, 2023 22:33:09 ago (+4/-0)*

“Necropsy results revealed that 38-year-old Hugh died in April after succumbing to traumatic injuries caused by a sexual encounter with another, larger, male manatee at the facility — his brother, Buffett.”




Connection Issue.

The server seems to be unavailable.

Jimmy Buffett -
Margaritaville -

::: ::: :::



What the everliving fuck?

Actually blew another CPU.

Third this week. Cascade failure?

Shark Week show that set it off:
Monsters of the Bermuda Triangle -


Scientists put tracking devices with flashing lights on pregnant porbeagle sharks, because, as “scientist” X states: (paraphrasing): We know nothing about the mating processes of porpeagle sharks, nor anything about where they spend most of their lives.” They released the pregnant porbeagles; and they mysteriously beelined to The Bermuda Triangle.

Shark A was caught by something at a depth of 2,500 feet, dragged down to 7,500 feet then disassembled, presumably consumed by a giant squid, owing to the shark having been betrayed by scientists who put flashing lights on it. Makos also eat things with natural flashing lights, but not below 1,200 feet. Great whites also eat things with natural flashing lights, but don’t drag prey down a mile to eat it.

Conclusion: scientists murdered Shark A? No! Surprise Rachel Maddow style interjection by “scientist” Y (paraphrasing): “Ooh! Ooh! Breaking news! Breaking news! Exclusive from the FBI! The data is back from the other pregnant shark we killed!”

Analysis of data indicates that Shark A was both killed & consumed as around 2,500 feet depth. Moreover: The data indicates the temperature went from seawater temperature to the temperature of the insides of an internally heated shark. Of these, there are three options:

Great white shark

Mako shark.

Porbeagle shark.

Immediately, “scientist” X interjects:

“It couldn’t be a porbeagle shark! Because porbeagle sharks do not live in that area!”

So, I start screaming at the TV
(paraphrasing & censored):
“Then how did the pregnant porbeagle sharks you geniuses tagged die in that area? Admit it! Admit it, you not very nice persons of a sexually related financial situation! Admit you’re the monsters!”

Should be noted that the Shark Week episode immediately prior to this was about how female sharks (in that circumstance of a Great White persuasion) will attack, kill, and consume sharks who they perceive as behaving in a sketchy manner. One may assume that female Porbeagles may be of a similar inclination, being as their distinction from Great Whites is minimal.

Also: fucking flashing tracking devices, which may cause any shark of a non-retarded persuasion to mistake a pregnant porbeagle for any number of deep water bioluminescent creatures that are regularly on their menu.

So, because Makos do not hunt at 2,500 feet depth, and since Porbeagles do not live in the area that MULTIPLE PREGNANT PORBEAGLES INSTINCTUALLY RETURNED TO IN ORDER TO GIVE BIRTH, and since they COULD NOT FIND A SINGLE GREAT WHITE SHARK IN THE AREA WHERE THE PREGNANT PORBEAGLE SHARKS WERE KILLED AND EATEN; they had some dude take a photo of a shark hundreds of miles to the west at a depth of 400 feet, and reached the conclusion the world must be rid of anything with White in its name.

Ultimate Conclusion:

Don’t let scientists near your kids.

[ - ] Gowithit 1 point 9 monthsJul 27, 2023 22:39:20 ago (+1/-0)

Well needed. Sometimes you really are the smartest person here.

[ - ] PrincessRobotBubblegum 1 point 9 monthsJul 27, 2023 23:42:56 ago (+1/-0)*

But only when I’m too horny to fight crime!

::; ::: :::



[ - ] lord_nougat 0 points 9 monthsJul 27, 2023 22:59:39 ago (+0/-0)*

`shutdown -r now`

[ - ] PrincessRobotBubblegum 0 points 9 monthsJul 27, 2023 23:41:48 ago (+0/-0)

Whew! Thanks!

[ - ] lord_nougat 0 points 9 monthsJul 28, 2023 00:14:06 ago (+0/-0)

Np. I could see you probably needed it. Good thing you didn't have a kernel panic or something!

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 12 points 9 monthsJul 27, 2023 22:29:59 ago (+12/-0)

What the literal fuck?

They deprived two mammals from an environment where the would interact and breed naturally and gave themselves a pat on the back when they engaged in prison behavior while in a literal fuckin prison.
Those fuckin "scientists" let a being be raped to death, and they celebrated it.

"Oh look, manatees can be faggots too. Told ya, bigots!"

This is fucking unconscionable.

[ - ] xmasskull 4 points 9 monthsJul 27, 2023 22:41:37 ago (+4/-0)

Same. These employees should be (at the very least)dispatched to the bread lines.

[ - ] Outlaw_Aryan 2 points 9 monthsJul 27, 2023 23:51:47 ago (+2/-0)

"This is fucking unconscionable." It's just beyond words. "They engaged in natural, consensual relations..." I kept reading thinking it has to be a joke! The idea that someone would put those words to paper is just shocking to me. Or that the paper would publish it?

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 2 points 9 monthsJul 28, 2023 00:16:07 ago (+2/-0)

Im not PETA, but I don't get why zoos need to exist.

[ - ] Outlaw_Aryan 0 points 9 monthsJul 30, 2023 01:36:23 ago (+0/-0)

Well that's obvious! It's to let the little coons see what ate their smart ancestors.

[ - ] bobdole9 0 points 9 monthsJul 28, 2023 11:02:41 ago (+0/-0)

Both Hugh and Buffett have lived at the Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium in Sarasota since 1996 and are the world’s only two manatees to participate in voluntary, detailed behavioral research designed to aid manatee conservation, according to the institution.

Sounds kosher. Takes a lot of chutzpah to say animals are voluntarily staying in captivity for 18 years without the opposite sex.

Normal people call that prison...especially with the rape.

[ - ] Gowithit 2 points 9 monthsJul 27, 2023 22:21:18 ago (+2/-0)

conflicted on whether to up or downvote

I know you didnt write the article but I just read bestiality incest porn wth did I just read? and why did it go into so much detail about the consensual relationship? They knew it was injured and just kept letting it happen to avoid mental distress?

[ - ] ParnellsUprising [op] 8 points 9 monthsJul 27, 2023 22:29:57 ago (+8/-0)

Disgusting isn't it?

Keeping 2 brothers locked in a cage, to prove their fucking point that not only that "gay sex is consensual in the animal kingdom", but that fucking "gay incest sex is consensual in the animal kingdom".

Sick fucks, (((every single one of them))).