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Unabashed Schizo-Posting - A Connection Between J.F.K., Jesus, 9/11, and Solomon's Temple?

submitted by CHIRO to whatever 11 monthsJul 19, 2023 12:40:33 ago (+5/-0)     (whatever)

Just having a little fun.

A Little Background

Probably, most people here are familiar with the Freemasons and with the fact that the most outward (public) aspect of the 'regulative allegory' for their beliefs is the construction/architecture of Solomon's Temple. People are probably also familiar with the Freemasonic use of the symbols of Jachin and Boaz. These were the two pillars that stood on the portico of Solomon's temple. Many think they were freestanding pillars that marked the left and right side of the entranceway to the Temple's interior, being six feet thick and twenty-seven feet tall.

Today, the symbols of the pillars are rife with contents in western occultism. You'll find the pillars showcased in a huge amount of Freemasonic iconography. For those who are unfamiliar, do a quick search with the terms 'Freemason', 'Jachin', and 'Boaz'. You'll find far more than you care to read. In a nutshell, the initiatic structure of Freemasonry, progression through the levels of which leads one into higher degrees of knowledge, begins with the initiate proceeding past the two pillars (i.e., into the temple's interior). Thus, the whole secrecy of the society is predicated on this structural metaphor, with the pillars representing a boundary of sorts between the public world and the private world of the Masons. The pillars also represent various metaphysical concepts, including duality. In Kabbalah, the pillars are symbolic of the two antagonizing columns of the Tree of Life (severity versus mercy), and we even find the pillars in Tarot, like bookends surrounding the High Priestess, with the garden of pomegranates behind her (inside the doorway).

The other important background knowledge is the significance of the Temple to Judaism. Temple Judaism is Judaism proper. The Rabbinical period was largely a reaction to the loss of the Jews' 2nd Temple in 70 AD. The Temple is where the spirit of God resided, in the holy of holies (the innermost sanctum of the building). Judaism's model of God and His covenant with man involved the maintaining of God's presence there through the sacrifical system itself. This is the reason for saying that sacrifice - within the Temple - just is Judaism. The destruction of that Temple is, to this day, a watershed moment in Jewish history that is not far from their cultural memory. If the death of Christ is an eschatological 'moment' for Christians, the destruction of the 2nd Temple is on this par for Jews, albeit that Jews did not recognize this moment as triumphant. The loss of the Temple was the loss of God's presence, and with this destruction, Jews poured out of Jerusalem and the land of Palestine in droves. It would be half-a-century or more before the final nails in the coffin were driven home by Rome, but we would not be wrong to view the destruction of the Temple as the 'beginning of the end' in terms of Jews having sovereignty in the land of Israel.

The Schizo Stuff

There is debate about the date for the crucifixion of Jesus. The crucifixion occurred in April; the relevant year is anywhere from 29 AD - 36 AD, with 30 or 33 AD being the most popular answers - although Isaac Newton argued for 34 AD.

The 2nd Temple was destroyed in 70 AD.

This means there was a difference of 36-40 years between the death of Christ and the fall of the 2nd Temple. If we go with the most popular scholarly answer, it would be about 37.4 years.

J.F.K. was killed in November of 1963, and the twin towers fell in September of 2001.

That's a difference of 37.8 years.

After roughly the same period of time after the public murder of J.F.K., the US' World Trade Center buildings were destroyed.

Interestingly, the twin towers correspond symbolically with the two pillars Jachin and Boaz at the main entrance of the 2nd Temple. The thought would be: destroying the US' twin towers would be symbolically identical with destroying the Jewish Temple, thus, the American Temple was destroyed, thirty-seven years (and some change) after the death of a significant figure.

In the same way that the destruction of the 2nd Temple signified the decline and erasure of the Jewish nation, could 9/11 have been an orchestrated and highly symbolic inauguration of the destruction of the United States. Was this a way of 'starting the games' so to speak. I think you could probably make an argument (maybe not a convincing one) that shit started getting 'weird' in this country right around that time. That's not to say it was the absolute beginning of shenanigans - obviously, shenanigans go right back to the founding of the federation, and even to the brain child that was the 'New World' (order).

But there was a distinct shift in western consciousness at that point, something that even resulted in a generational gap that we still haven't really bridged today, when younger people started to get the sense that they no longer had a 'homeland', by which we largely mean a sense of safety, trust, or the assuredness of one's historical knowledge (that one does not believe a big lie).

Note just a few things:

(i) J.F.K. served as president for 1,036 days before his assassination, amounting to just under 3 years. Jesus Christ's public ministry occurred for 2.5 - 3 years before Jesus was crucified by authorities.

(ii) J.F.K. was the first Catholic president of the U.S. (and the only one if you exclude Joe Biden). The point is not that J.F.K. is an actually holy figure; the relevant fact was his massive popularity.

(iii) Many think that J.F.K. was opposed to (and may have taken some preliminary actions against) the 'synagogue of Satan'. I'm fairly sure that's an exaggeration, but if he had decided to investigate the federal reserve system, for example, then perhaps there was a bit of connection here between Jesus stirring things up for the Pharisees and John F. stirring things up for the Pharisees of the 20th century. Don't get me wrong. I don't think the man was holy - not at all. I'm just aware of the fact that in the month of June, roughly five months before his death, J.F.K. signed executive order 11110, which issued over $4 billion in silver-backed United States Notes (not Federal Reserve Notes). Supply and demand; you aren't going to devalue the Fed's magic money without consequence. Was this Kennedy 'flipping the tables in the Temple?' I don't know. It may have been another influence, e.g. J. Saxon or something. I just thought these things were interesting.

I just began to wonder if there wasn't some weird 'magic' going on with how these events were rolled out. I mean, I'm also assuming nobody here thinks the twin towers were really destroyed by Muslim terrorists who hate'er'freedom.

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