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58 comments block

[ - ] Localuser 6 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 12:38:18 ago (+6/-0)

Society is fucked up but it’s easier for everyone to point at the side effects. It’s like with suicides, drug addictions, etc.

(((They))) have destroyed the family unit, allowed women to destroy men in divorce court, promoted promiscuity in social media, list goes on. We all know who is behind the destruction. Unfortunately men and women would have to work together to rid ourselves of this parasite and I don’t see that happening

[ - ] Doglegwarrior 3 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 12:44:29 ago (+3/-0)

Look into yuri bezmagov the Russian kgb guy. Their goal was to destroy the family and sexual morals of America. They did it starting in the 60s with drugs and free love hippie bullshit.

It worked much better then they planned.

Feminism. The pill. Porn. The media. Hollywood all combined to destroy white women and they did an amazing job

[ - ] deleted 1 point 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 16:22:19 ago (+1/-0)*


[ - ] deleted -1 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 13:28:27 ago (+1/-2)


[ - ] AryanPrime 1 point 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 14:34:10 ago (+1/-0)

^^^lol jealous kike crying and showing any lack of empathy towards anything perceived as being "White" is obvious to spot

Why do you inbred inferiors even come here? you have nothing to contribute to White countries, just fuck off back to isn't real in the desert where you don't belond

[ - ] deleted -1 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 14:59:33 ago (+0/-1)


[ - ] OftenWrong 4 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 11:27:59 ago (+4/-0)

I dont think you understand MGTOW. They are guys who dont see the women in our culture as compatable. Many already had kids and were divorce raped. Many are looking for "unicorns". Many are just discussing the censored sexual dimorphism behaviour differences.

It is like recognizing the system and women are not worth being with and focusing on other things or looking for the unicorns or learning to cope with modern culture. The anti natalist faction is not MTOW but the pua alpha male faction. MGTOW men just generall learn to avoid and recognize womens behaviour that would ruin their lives. Many find "unicorns"( rare girls who are not in the cilture. Geomaxxing girls who are from a different culture but not bringing her into our culture or finding actual trad women who are not just etrad modern culture women who want trad men and larp while still being deeply in modern culture.) There are men who hate women but most have been divorce raped already and are not going to try again. Imo it is a psyop to stop people leaving the traps of our culture to calumnize them simce it was one of the early red pill groups expoaing people to critique if all the consumerism and attitudes of debt slaves

[ - ] DivineLight2 2 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 18:47:21 ago (+2/-0)

This is pretty much. Most were fully bluepilled cucks who learnt the hard way. Most are still bluepilled but have learnt the truth about dealing with modern judeo-women.

I feel bad for them. They tried, followed soyciety and got fucked for it.

[ - ] Indoctrinated_USA 3 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 15:45:35 ago (+3/-0)

Over 63% of men, aged 18-29 have not had or sought sex within the past 18 months.
The psyop created the conditions that made pair bonding a threat.
MGTOW is a response to that.
While it is easy to assume many of it's adherents are losers - they likely are - it's more important to understand that the decades-long demoralization strategies are creating larger numbers of these men.
They are the product and a reaction to what is happening in our society.
They are not some glowjob.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 17:00:38 ago (+1/-0)*


[ - ] OftenWrong 2 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 19:30:37 ago (+2/-0)

They were not cut out of the dating pool. A significant number date or look for "unicorns" or have been divorce raped and have kids

[ - ] deleted 0 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 21:28:44 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] OftenWrong 0 points 7 monthsNov 5, 2023 11:37:08 ago (+0/-0)

that is incels not MGTOWS. they are similar but distinct groups

[ - ] Indoctrinated_USA 0 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 18:34:54 ago (+0/-0)*

You clearly have passion, your details need evolution, but generally you're preaching to the choir here.
Stop wasting your time and direct this shit where it's necessary.
WLM, N3, NSC-131, Patriot Front, et al...
Take your pick.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 21:29:21 ago (+0/-0)*


[ - ] Indoctrinated_USA 0 points 10 monthsJul 17, 2023 00:36:00 ago (+0/-0)*

Your argument is a base summation of any given podcast of @whatever, there is no insight or intellect on display.
The argument that 'wimpy white men let it get this way' displays a complete lack of awareness about what the mechanisms of societal deconstruction were, how they were introduced, by whom, and to what end.

You would understand that despite the obvious and continuous jewish aspects of the campaign, the demoralization process was originally directed at women, who historically are the curators of a society's culture, which then inform the men who are it's builders. There are several touch points in history that could be argued most relevant to the current deconstruction but for this bullshit conversation what is likely most relevant is post-wwii as the bolsheviks we sided with began their efforts to undermine us - just as they had in Russia, Germany, Austria, and even France.

Combined with he massive sustained investments of the Soviet Union, almost 85% of it's espionage budget in fact, the collectivist movement of the 1960's took shape and was allowed to foment, unchallenged, for six decades into the movement we see today. At every step, the idea was to find the most atomic elements of the social expression and break them. In our post-war case, the weakest, most exploitable societal element was women.

Second wave feminism, the sexual revolution, and women's lib were the vehicles of social change as the providers of sex were misled into establishing new, revolutionary cultural rules that men, the sex seekers, gratefully adapted to meet. Feminism's early intersectionality gave credence to the bolshevik-supported civil rights movement, with tokens like MLK and Rosa Parks being fully trained communist operatives.

You're an unjustifiably arrogant piece of shit who apparently gets off vomiting emotive faggotry at the screens of whoever trips one of your insecurities.
I suggested, and still do, getting active in real world activism; we should all be involved in some aspect of legitimate advocacy.
If all you really want to do is work off your existential impotence on the internet, then head over to reddit and have at it.
Your shit is too low level to be interesting here.

Here's a link so you can farm some new material.

[ - ] deleted -1 points 10 monthsJul 17, 2023 09:19:25 ago (+0/-1)*


[ - ] Indoctrinated_USA 0 points 10 monthsJul 17, 2023 16:17:17 ago (+0/-0)

You pathetic little chode.
Run along now you midwit fucknut...
Surely there is a crayon to eat?

[ - ] OftenWrong 0 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 19:29:55 ago (+0/-0)

this 100%

[ - ] Doglegwarrior 2 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 12:40:22 ago (+2/-0)

I'm sorry it has something to do with The jews feminism and technology and men not understanding the social sexual hierarchy.

But I swear to God from everything I've witnessed personally and observing and talking with tons of people.

When you treat a woman good they shit on you and when you treat them bad they keep coming back it has something to do with narricism

[ - ] TheNoticing 0 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 14:00:40 ago (+0/-0)

When you treat a woman good they shit on you and when you treat them bad they keep coming back it has something to do with narricism

And that's why an increasing number of men are not bothering with relationships.

[ - ] Portmanure 2 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 11:41:35 ago (+2/-0)

It’s not a philosophy or an ideology. It’s a description of the reaction of a lot of men caught in this situation. That’s it, it’s not a movement, it’s not a club. In todays current cultural climate the male psyche is to just walk away. Men naturally work together and discuss what’s going on. Because they discuss these issues it’s labeled as MGTOW, and then called a movement, a cult. But it’s far from that. It’s just men reacting to an impossible situation and doing what men do, survive.

[ - ] OftenWrong 0 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 19:35:44 ago (+0/-0)

yes. It is a group of very different men who share a anthropological understanding of humans sexual dimorphism specifically the negative( for men) traits and instincts of women. They go their own way not all the same way

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 2 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 10:44:18 ago (+3/-1)

Men Grabbing Their Own Weiners.

That's what it stands for right?

[ - ] Belfuro 1 point 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 18:22:51 ago (+1/-0)

I know that people here really give zero fucks.

But I'll say it anyway.

Mgtow saved my marriage and sanity.

There is a ton of good shit in the philosophy.

Men must be independent and able to walk away from everything.

Allowing women to have leashes upon us because of fear or access to pussy is fucking suicidal in this climate.

Man up. Mgtow helps men do that.

[ - ] OftenWrong 0 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 19:37:07 ago (+0/-0)

MGTOW was a reaction and awakening. Censored anthropologic discourse and analysis was given vent on female behaviour which did lots.

[ - ] deleted -1 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 16:25:15 ago (+0/-1)


[ - ] deleted 1 point 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 13:10:35 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] TheNoticing 0 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 13:59:55 ago (+0/-0)

Disclaimer: by buying a woman I mean using her carnal weaknesses against her for stability and free rent.

You mean "providing" for an "independent" person?

[ - ] mgzog 1 point 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 13:03:12 ago (+1/-0)

There is a profound lack of comprehension of MGTOW in the WN right. It has been almost entirely co-opted by crypto Jews like Sandman, Stardusk TFM, MGTOW.TV, it's literally all controlled now. The original film series by ManWomanMyth was revolutionary. The potential for MGTOW to form a basis for a large scale male revolt against the femnist ZOG Marxist cultural takeove was recognized and it was quickly subverted. Almost all the great philosophers from Socrates to Schopenhauer and Neitzche were entire redpilled and basically early MGTOW. Even AH. The only way the white race could have evolved was to completely subjugate the female sex. This is actually the central core of white civilization which is almost entirely ignored or denied by modern WNs, especially supercucked ones like Kyle and his feminazi Sinead. Most all WNs are supercucked to their wives but it doesn't matter birth rates are and will be remain way below replacement. These tradpill wives like Lana are basically roleplaying 1950s for all the attention, but if push came to shove in an instant there feminist rights would be defended over their race.

Basically all white genes will be quarantined into the Jewish race by race traitor white women who auction there eggs to the highest money printer. It's already largely happened. All of Europes royal families intermarried with Jews. Take a look at Soros, Netanayu or the Knesset, they are already whiter than most Europeans. One thing that can't be denied about the Jews is that they understand female nature.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 13:13:22 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Sector7 0 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 14:00:19 ago (+0/-0)

it was quickly subverted.

Of course, that cattle meme didn't spring up out of nothing.

[ - ] OftenWrong 0 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 19:34:25 ago (+0/-0)

stardusk I know and have talked to. He is just soft and maybe too cowardly.preservative to tackle the JQ publicly but without doxing he definitely is not a jew. TFM and sandman and the other redpill rage guys you could be smart about.

[ - ] totes_magotes 1 point 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 12:18:42 ago (+1/-0)

I'm not sure if I completely agree with your specific point however the main point (that the political landscape has shifted and condemns and demonizes people who refuse to move with it) is absolutely valid.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 11:10:20 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] TheNoticing 1 point 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 13:57:22 ago (+1/-0)

Invest time and resources for potentially no return lol

[ - ] OftenWrong 0 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 11:33:10 ago (+0/-0)

This is a mgtow opinion. If you think the contrary you trust the jew narrative

[ - ] PhantomXLII 0 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 12:22:18 ago (+1/-1)

If you see a beautiful woman, go ask her out.

Great way to end up with, at best, wasted time for zero gain.

See a beautiful woman? You like her?

Remember if that body count is above zero then she is literally worth nothing. There is no value there. Nothing more than a dead end, a hostile, and a traitor.

[ - ] Doglegwarrior -3 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 12:41:56 ago (+0/-3)

You should look into the jdif gatekeeping kike @honkymcniggerspic he hates Owen benjamin and gatekeeps against him because Owen's main thing is to promote men to

Get moral get out of jew debt get a white wife and have lots of kids on a self sustaining small farm

This above is what jews like honkymcniggerdicksucker hates more then anything in the world

[ - ] deleted 2 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 16:37:27 ago (+2/-0)*


[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 1 point 10 monthsJul 17, 2023 00:40:56 ago (+1/-0)

he promoted men to convert to islam and stick their fingers in their butt while they room whack. SQUIRTING!

[ - ] CHIRO 1 point 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 11:01:45 ago (+2/-1)

I tried to tell MGTOW guys years ago that you can't go 'your own way' if your first step on the path is a reaction against women. It ain't your way at that point. The whole 'movement' coursed with teenage angst; there was a decided identity for women at its core, around which the identity of men became shaped as a response, like applying plaster to the face of an existing statue. But that just means the male identity assumes some of the shape of the female identity it is molded around.

The correct way to think about women is NOT by asking the 'female question' first, but only second. You first ask the 'male question'. Then, if she wants to accompany you on the way, wonderful. If none of them do, nothing changes about what you're doing. You don't jump on the internet and start bitching night and day, "Look! Look what she did! Look what she is doing!"

Half of the reason (no, more than half) is the attention men are giving modern women online. A lot of things would self-correct if that was revoked as swiftly as a table cloth in the old trick.

[ - ] OftenWrong 0 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 11:31:17 ago (+0/-0)

yslavesyou are getting them mixed up with incels. MGTOWs generally have no trouble getting women. Many have kids apready. The angsty teens all went into the pua, incel, or FA communities for the moat part or started engaging with the men of the community to try and avoid women who would be a problem and find unicorns. I have seen more young men in the MGTOW community find a good women from learning from it what to watch out for than any other community.

You just only know the media narrative version of the group. It iant men who would want to be with modern women it is men who already have and are done. Man up? Ha. Man out. We are not raising your halfbreed nigger baby or tolerating a gold digging manipulator

[ - ] CHIRO 1 point 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 11:38:24 ago (+1/-0)*

Yeah, I see your point. Those might be useful distinctions to make. I almost want to say that your description of MGTOW is the 'ideal'. If a guy is doing his thing, being smart, managing to relate with women in healthy ways, etc., then if that counts as MGTOW, wonderful.

You pointed out the 'media narrative' of the group. Is there an offline MGTOW community? I ask because the presence of MGTOW in online media is basically what I'm basing my appraisal on, especially in today's podcast circuit. I look at guys like Rollo, who so often seem like larpers I could picture going to shopping malls to watch women with suspicious eyes while hiding behind potted plants. I mean, they go to such lengths to make content and host fairly well-produced shows just to complain about women, and I can't help but think their 'rational manhood' is a reaction to women. To be fair, rational men have a need to react to this 'side' of the 'collective feminine' we are seeing expressed today. I guess I'm a bit put off by what I sense is itself a kind of femininity in the ways these reactions are expressed, which often feel gossipy and female-obsessed.

[ - ] TheNoticing 1 point 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 15:09:49 ago (+1/-0)

[ - ] BulletStopper 1 point 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 10:01:39 ago (+1/-0)

"...society decided to walk off a cliff..."

You misspelled, "sprint". They sprinted off it. Like it was an olympic event. With big cash prizes waiting at the bottom.

[ - ] Barfcock19 4 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 10:13:55 ago (+4/-0)

Pushed off a cliff actually.

By (((who))) I wonder.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 22:53:40 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod 0 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 21:14:05 ago (+0/-0)

MGTOW needs to convert to MGTWATJ (men going to war against the jews) cause otherwise they're just submitting. There's obviously no point in reasoning with women which is why they give up. But the source of the problem needs to be identified and demolished to repair the problem and avenge the injustice thrust upon us all.

[ - ] big_fat_dangus 0 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 14:40:28 ago (+0/-0)

It's an outdated label, to the extent that it ever accurately described women-skeptical men to begin with.

If you aren't a wahmen skeptic at this point, your head is either a mile deep in the sand or you are retarded. Fact. Trust no hoes, and if she's active on any sort of social media, kick that shit to the curb. Maybe there are unicorns out there- GLHF if you think you've found one.

[ - ] Hoobeejoo 0 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 14:37:39 ago (+0/-0)

I didn't "go" anywhere. I just watched where society is going, and notes out.

[ - ] Sector7 0 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 14:31:14 ago (+0/-0)

society decided to walk off a cliff.

Incorrect. The ranchers moved the herd to holding pens.

[ - ] x0x7 0 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 14:19:39 ago (+0/-0)

"Dear white people. Stop breeding. It will be super based."

[ - ] SilentByAssociation 0 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 14:13:14 ago (+0/-0)

Lots of great (and lengthy, comparatively) comments on this thread. I was looking for PostWallOfTextHelena's comment, but alas, there isn't one at the time this comment was composed.

[ - ] TheNoticing 0 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 13:55:40 ago (+0/-0)

No, it's simply men not bothering with relationships. Is that hard to understand?

[ - ] deleted -1 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 13:23:44 ago (+0/-1)


[ - ] AryanPrime 0 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 14:35:54 ago (+0/-0)

oh no we do have those stories, the problem is faggot kikes who think their 5 day old account who talk about "og voat users" is clearly a handshake kike run account

You kike filth slide the forum constantly and then complain what's on the front page

Yet another justification and reason why kike filth should not be allowed on planet earth anymore

[ - ] deleted 0 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 14:55:30 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] deleted -2 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 16:40:15 ago (+0/-2)*
