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RFK Jr. says COVID was ‘ethnically targeted’ to spare Jews

submitted by Scyber to GreatCovidReset 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 09:36:39 ago (+45/-0)     (nypost.com)


Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. dished out wild COVID-19 conspiracy theories this week during a press event at an Upper East Side restaurant, claiming the bug was a genetically engineered bioweapon that may have been “ethnically targeted” to spare Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people.

57 comments block

[ - ] SumerBreeze 21 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 10:04:53 ago (+21/-0)

The science says that ACE2 or TMPRSS2 DNA polymorphisms are associated with genetic susceptibility of COVID-19. Upon further examination, the Ashkenazis were found to benefit from this anomaly. Just another coincidence! Disgusting jews wouldn’t spend their entire lives trying to destroy and eradicate their host populations like they have done many times in the past! What are you some kind of conspiracist? Stop being antisemitic! It’s annudah shoah!

[ - ] AryanPrime 8 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 10:31:03 ago (+9/-1)

^^^this, was saying this when it first started, tried to warn people, some listened, some didn't

the only other group that has very little uptake for the ACE2 receptor is the amish

but somehow I don't think it was the amish opening literal underground biolabs in ukraine to do this work out of

[ - ] we_kill_creativity 10 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 11:29:39 ago (+10/-0)

but somehow I don't think it was the amish opening literal underground biolabs in ukraine to do this work out of

I've been trying to warn you morons about the Amish for years...


[ - ] TheNoticing -1 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 13:42:57 ago (+0/-1)

I remember when I was younger, I always thought the Amish were weird, not using technology, keeping to themselves, dressing weird, whatever. Now, they're living the right way. Not slaves to the jews.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 16:17:27 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] x0x7 0 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 16:39:51 ago (+0/-0)

Yep. They do so much work that isn't taxed. It's sad that to provide for your self you have to support them both in taxes and in helping make USD a tax payment token (its real source of value) and legitimizing the ability for jews to print purchasing power out of thin air. When you do work for your neighbor or support your family you are also helping to empower their system. They've made it so you can't do good without also participating in their evil.

But the Amish have figured out how to minimize that so that helping their neighbor is just helping their neighbor, and supporting their family is just supporting their family. I am very jealous.

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 21:32:03 ago (+0/-0)

When you're brain isn't addled with goyslop you're able to come to these conclusions.

[ - ] dosvydanya_freedomz 3 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 12:41:53 ago (+3/-0)

the only other group that has very little uptake for the ACE2 receptor is the amish

the homeless that were by far unaffected were too? wake up the whole thing was a big scam. it doesnt exist. africa didnt had any cases not because of the anti malaria drugs (because the niggers still have malaria) because the whole thing was a scam. the hospitals over there are pretty precarious so it wasnt feasible to keep count of "the cases" that never happened

here in the west and the rest of the developed world. they made up the numbers because of heavy use of computer tech.

dont tell me that you believe all those standford real tracking of the virus and infected 🤣🤣🤣

[ - ] letsgetit 1 point 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 14:45:40 ago (+1/-0)

Something was definitely spread around where I live. And it fucking sucked to contract it. Stop making shit up and saying it never happened. Maybe it was a more virulent form of the Flu that targeted the vascular system. Most healthy people were able to fight it off and some weren't even affected. The truth is probably somewhere in the grey between Pandemic and Nothing happened.

[ - ] dontknowwhatiwant 1 point 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 16:28:25 ago (+1/-0)*

I had it, almost killed me. NOT the flu. Sick of the people who say it "Wasn't real..."


NOT saying it was anywhere near what they said it was, for most the symptoms were very mild to non-existent. For people with the right set of circumstances it was excruciatingly problematic with so many constantly changing variables. One day to the next could not tell what was going to happen. Very sick almost a month, took another month before the "coughs" went away.

Don't try to tell me that the flu makes your sense of smell & tastes disappear overnight, I'll call you a liar. I KNEW what it was from that alone!

p.s. Pureblood, never masked, never PCR'ed. Fuck he "healthcare" system. I knew if I went to the hospital they would try to intubate me immediately & kill me. I made my peace with God, I was either going to live through it on my own our die at my ranch, not in a killing field hospital ICU.

[ - ] letsgetit 1 point 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 16:42:54 ago (+1/-0)

The killing of the taste buds was the weirdest shit. Toothpaste tasted like it was rancid

[ - ] Stonkmar 1 point 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 19:12:54 ago (+1/-0)

I got it but never lost the taste. However, I had a very weird reaction to carbonated drinks. Once swallowed, my sinuses had a strange sensation, like I was breathing hot dust. Only noticed on exhale. My wife, had the no taste thing for a week or two.

[ - ] dosvydanya_freedomz 0 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 17:21:12 ago (+0/-0)

i have next of kin that did positive 4 times. one of them has heart and lung issues plus diabetes and yes she lost her sense of taste for awhile too. the funny thing is that i was around i never got it.

and they say that the bug is the most spreadable ever. you know what cure them? antibiotics. they didnt took ivermecting or hydroxy

thing is that antibiotics are useless when treating viruses. they can only treat and kill bacteria.

i think that they caught a strong something but the way the media portray it. it wasnt fucking CONvid

and btw, my doctor made me take a test to see if i had antibodies and zero zilch nada. can you explain that from the most deadly pandemic ever?

[ - ] Horrux 0 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 17:17:38 ago (+0/-0)

I agree something happened, I "got it": dry cough that wouldn't let up, started with a sore throat...

But also...

Viruses don't exist. So I'm thinking some sort of poison in the chemtrails. I don't know if you noticed, but whatever few planes were flying during the lockdowns DID NOT HAVE ANY CHEMTRAILS.

[ - ] letsgetit 0 points 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 07:52:38 ago (+0/-0)

The chemtrails could be a thing or not a thing. It's fucking impossible for the average person to tell if legit and actual dispersal of poison/weapon. We're reliant on anecdotal stories from watchers. I do agree it's an entirely plausible way to poison large areas so it's definitely the satanic playbook.

The jury on if viruses actually exist or not is still up to debate. The majority of the medical establishment still believes it's a thing. This is another one of those difficult questions the average person will have little to no idea about. So we're torn on what is real and what is not. I do believe in the scientific method to determine this, but supposedly these things are too small to prove exist but it's suspected they exist...

[ - ] QuestionEverything 0 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 15:08:01 ago (+0/-0)

Everybody got covid, it just didnt kill you unless you were imuuno compromised or very old. Hence the need to move patients into nursing homes.. What really made it deadly was the vax: it killed your natural immunity.. Hence the need to push the vax hard. This is also why the refusers posed such a RISK: we didnt get nothing but a cold. Same with the Amish: no vax= no serious side effects.

REAL covid deaths started AFTER the vax rollout!

All that chinese 'instant death footage' was just scare tactics to make the herd take the jab and cover to push it hard..

It was all pre planned.

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 21:30:21 ago (+0/-0)

Faque roundye! Don reeve out dah chineseh!!

[ - ] Prairie 5 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 10:31:18 ago (+5/-0)

I swear in early 2020 it was reported that this would target Asians the most. The jews manage to spin everything as an attack on them.

[ - ] dosvydanya_freedomz 1 point 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 11:01:38 ago (+1/-0)

yup the whole thing is a farce and the eco nut warrior is part of it

[ - ] Cantaloupe 0 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 11:51:55 ago (+0/-0)

Yes it was said; and especially elderly.

[ - ] totes_magotes 1 point 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 17:52:06 ago (+1/-0)

destroy and eradicate their host populations

And then they'd have no one to live off of...

[ - ] Prairie 5 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 10:30:24 ago (+5/-0)

Kennedy’s remark echoes well-worn anti-Semitic literature blaming Jews for the emergence and spread of coronavirus

Wait, so the bad guys specifically sparing jews is also anti-semitism? Those fuckers can never be thankful. /s

[ - ] CHIRO 4 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 11:36:42 ago (+4/-0)

Hahaha. That's the angle right? It's a pro-semite disease!

But the situation (at least as RFK Jr. is painting it) is quite more like being the only house on a street with twenty houses not to burn down in the span of a week. That intuition is certainly what's agitating the Jews, as far as what would likely be the perception of that situation.

[ - ] Leveraction 1 point 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 10:34:12 ago (+1/-0)

How many jews have croaked from this???
None that i know of

[ - ] QuestionEverything 0 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 15:04:11 ago (+0/-0)

Remember how the vaxxed docs were/are dropping like flies, (dr.s are among the healthiest citizen class), and you never heard of a jew doc getting it (when they are disproportionately getting the doctor slots @ 3500% over their merit).

[ - ] CHIRO 1 point 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 11:41:52 ago (+2/-1)

I think I'd need to have a strong set of epidemiological data to even entertain this. Wasn't it commented on for months how Covid appeared to 'skip' the continent of Africa, disproportionately harming the anglophone parts of the world? That's something we could actually establish, correlating reports of the dead with things like pandemic measures taken and vaccination rates, yada yada.

Generally, this is why I lean (only lean) toward the fact the whole thing was a fiction. One major reason is that you can create that fiction in a top-down manner. Create the evidence with government pandemic precautions themselves. You see? Look at how the government shut that country down! Something bad must have been happening. If you want to disproportionately harm the anglophone world, not with a pandemic, but economically, then you just get their governments to shut them down, quarantine people, get them fighting over issues like masks, all while their middle-class equity is getting swept up by corpos for three years in the largest wealth transfer in recorded history.

[ - ] dosvydanya_freedomz 2 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 12:45:47 ago (+2/-0)

I think I'd need to have a strong set of epidemiological data to even entertain this. Wasn't it commented on for months how Covid appeared to 'skip' the continent of Africa, disproportionately harming the anglophone parts of the world? That's something we could actually establish, correlating reports of the dead with things like pandemic measures taken and vaccination rates, yada yada.

Generally, this is why I lean (only lean) toward the fact the whole thing was a fiction. One major reason is that you can create that fiction in a top-down manner. Create the evidence with government pandemic precautions themselves. You see? Look at how the government shut that country down! Something bad must have been happening. If you want to disproportionately harm the anglophone world, not with a pandemic, but economically, then you just get their governments to shut them down, quarantine people, get them fighting over issues like masks, all while their middle-class equity is getting swept up by corpos for three years in the largest wealth transfer in recorded history.

yeah it was a big scam because they started the process in to moving to a new economy and used the virus scare to not only transfer the wealth to themselves but also to control demo the populace. it was a two punch event. transfer wealth while fucking up your DNA with the fake vaccines

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 12:18:16 ago (+1/-0)

There are all kinds of economic and behavioral factors that arent linked to a genetic immunological susceptibility which I think will be able to account for all the disparities. I just dont think they are far along enough with their research to kill off all the R1b Y haplotypes or everyone with blood type B, without reliably sparing the ‘J1c3d’s or the ‘O3’s or whatever they are in chinkyland.

I think it was a really bad virus. I think they bred it that way intentionally and it was about as bad as any once-a-century virus, like the spanish flu. Didnt kill everyone. But it killed alot of people that could never have been taken out by the average flu. I knew some of them.

To say this was a massive planned psyop is to deny the possibility that jews ( and alot of other opportunistic elites) werent just seizing on an opportunity to grab more power, which is in their nature. They just saw an opportunity to force masks on everyone. They just saw an opportunity to “bail out” billionaires. And exagerate case numbers and deaths for subsidies/political gains. This does not preclude the existence of a very dangerous virulent virus which evolved and stabilized to be less lethal in order to maximize its own success as “mild” omicron.

What is clear is that the government/health establishment was the number 1 disinformation agent in the whole affair.

[ - ] dosvydanya_freedomz 1 point 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 12:48:15 ago (+1/-0)

There are all kinds of economic and behavioral factors that arent linked to a genetic immunological susceptibility which I think will be able to account for all the disparities.

no you just cant wrap your head that they pulled a fast one over the whole fucking world. just ask the tik tok nurses and firefighters about it.

amazing, people still believing that some virus jumped species from what? was it a bat or a pangolin....what was it helena?? use your brain

[ - ] we_kill_creativity 1 point 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 13:18:40 ago (+1/-0)

I was saying it was just a normal flu season from the beginning. Helena is just too smart for her own good. She wants to figure out something complicated when its really as simple as it was just a normal flu season treated like a pandemic. The symptoms were literally a cough, some congestion, and some general aches and pains...you know, a cold.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 14:34:24 ago (+1/-1)

It was not a normal flu. It was about 40 times more lethal in the at risk groups.

“Its just the flu” was a psyop from the CIA to get mid wit conservatives— who should have been the angriest about NIH kikes funding the mass murder of their friends and family members — to be the biggest advocates that there was never a crime that happened in the first place.

oy vey we win

Youre a fucking retard. They killed millions of innocent whites. But even if some of you faggots could grasp that, you still wouldnt care cuz they were boomers and they had it coming. Right? Because most of you faggots are self hating whites. You hate your own people.

Hundreds of thousands of physicians did not participate in a conspiracy to invent half a million dead people that never existed irl. They did not conspire to kill off half a million people with flu either. None of you fags can explain the 20% increase in US death in 2020, before the vax was ever used. None of you can explain 2020 death data. None of you can explain why 5 people I know died flu in a 3 month period. You crave a simple narrative because you cannot handle the pesky details that the MATH indicates.

[ - ] GetFuckedCunt 1 point 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 18:11:29 ago (+1/-0)

None of you fags can explain the 20% increase in US death in 2020, before the vax was ever used.

I would like your source on this claim.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 19:22:22 ago (+0/-0)

The dostors of america who are required by law to fill out a death certificate when their patient dies?

[ - ] GetFuckedCunt 1 point 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 23:51:22 ago (+1/-0)

The same ones who wrote down covid as a death in cases such as car crashes?

[ - ] Love240 1 point 10 monthsJul 16, 2023 00:35:13 ago (+1/-0)

This cannot be emphasized enough. Those were iatriogenic causes of death.

toward Helena;
Do you not remember Remdesivir?
Did you not hear about their protocols pushing intubation which damages the lungs?
Do you not remember them denying medication and care unless people were 'masked'?

Induced unintentionally in a patient by a physician. Used especially of an infection or other complication of treatment.

[ - ] SecretHitler 0 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 17:01:31 ago (+1/-1)

I've had the flu and I've had covid at least once and possibly 3 times by now (didn't get tested for the last 2 since I have normal immunity now and they were mild)

It's 100% it's own thing. The scam is in the lies and exaggerations made around it, and all the other reactions and restrictions.

I believe it was most likely developed in a lab though, and there's a good chance it was a first attempt at ethnically targeting a population (probably us)

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 14:17:38 ago (+1/-0)

no you just cant wrap your head that they pulled a fast one over the whole fucking world.

They pulled a fast one alright, but it isnt the fast one you think it is. And its because you can’t wrap your head around what I already understand. A tiny cabal does not have the game planned out 27 moves ahead in 3d chess. If they were that smart, we would be well and truly fucked , because they would have to have a fucking 800 IQ to do that (and I am regularly assured by goats that jews couldn’t possibly have even a 105 average IQ, so it cant be so!)

just ask the tik tok nurses and firefighters about it.

25 year old nurses with a poor sense of decorum proves what exactly?

amazing, people still believing that some virus jumped species from what?

Why do you think I believe that? In April of 2020 I was linking to this study ...

A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence

...the so called smoking gun of the GOF origin, on voat, because I had read it before 99% of you fags had even heard of GOF
And I can prove that easily, if you want, with a search voat search. Can you?

When was the first comment you made about GOF dated? You think you were on to it before me?

amazing, people still believing ....

You were behind me on this. Trust me. It was a bioweapon which was developed in a chinese lab using a bat beta coronavirus which was hybridized with SARS I using CRISPR and then passaged to humans using a humanized mouse. If you’re going to play “Im the bigger smartypants,” I hope you have your ducks in order on this subject because otherwise I will bury you.

[ - ] letsgetit 1 point 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 14:46:48 ago (+1/-0)

Sweden never locked down, they seemed to be alright. They asked the elderly to keep to their houses for 12-24 months until society could build up a tolerance

[ - ] NukeAmerica 1 point 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 13:34:26 ago (+1/-0)

Welp, he’s got my vote I guess.

[ - ] shitface9000 1 point 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 18:08:47 ago (+1/-0)

Controlled opposition

[ - ] rzr97 0 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 10:43:19 ago (+1/-1)

Oh he must be (((our guy))) as he talks with jews all around him. Whatever is going on with this guy isn't natural. He sounds like he's a second away from just passing out. Do the jews have some kind of bioweapon in him where if he gets out of line, they just let him die. Something is seriously wrong with this guy's health.

[ - ] Cantaloupe 1 point 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 11:49:59 ago (+1/-0)

Apparently he was vaccine injured, which affects his voice.

On the topic of vaccines he had made sensible statements in unedited video.

Also allegedly very few vaccine injuries in Isreal.

[ - ] Sector7 0 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 13:53:02 ago (+0/-0)

On the topic of vaccines he had made sensible statements in unedited video.

Are you sure about this? I could swear I've seen video of him calling for antivaxers to be imprisoned, and to take harsh measures against antimaskers.

[ - ] chrimony 0 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 14:07:08 ago (+0/-0)

Apparently he was vaccine injured, which affects his voice.

I've never heard him blame his voice on a vaccine. If you have a reference, post one. All I know is he has lived with this for decades, and the disorder is called spasmodic dysphonia.

[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 0 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 11:38:00 ago (+0/-0)*

I said day one the kikes in israel and ukraine made this virus weapon to unleash on the goyim. But if you will remember in the begining of the covid thing, they said niggers didn't have to wear masks because they weren't at risk. I always thought that interesting. They admitted right there that it was bio engineered and targeted specific races. At least that's the way I took it.

[ - ] prominent_proboscis 0 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 11:51:44 ago (+0/-0)

this guy is all over the map

[ - ] PostWallHelena 0 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 11:56:13 ago (+0/-0)

#Stop making me love you!!!!!!!

[ - ] TheNoticing 0 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 13:15:04 ago (+0/-0)

Not a theory.

[ - ] Sector7 0 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 13:45:14 ago (+0/-0)

Am I having hallucinations, or have I seen video of RFK wanting antivaxxers imprisoned? Am almost positive I've seen clips of him being a 100% covid hoaxer.

[ - ] observation1 0 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 14:15:32 ago (+0/-0)*

From what I can tell the literature that supports this thesis is a bit challenging to parse. Does RFK ever site a specific study?

At a cursory reading I learned, for example, the ashkenazis were more susceptible to a variant that were benign.

Was that by chance?

Also, if RFK is quoted accurately, he leaves off Finnish who also seem to be a benfactor.




RFK is a master of anaysis but he admits he doesnt know. This headline is fake. Read the article, he says maybe, maybe not.

My instinct tells me it would be difficult to find a coronavirus shaped virus that just so happens to benefit from a random expression that is prevelant in just a few races. This guess is limited to my understanding of how gain of function can turn a bat coronavirus into a human coronavirus.

[ - ] Sleazy 0 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 15:51:49 ago (+0/-0)

covid was nothing but the flu, maybe he means the vex

[ - ] x0x7 0 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 16:45:40 ago (+0/-0)

I don't care if he's a climate alarmist. I'm going to support him just to keep this guy on a stage.

[ - ] SecretHitler 0 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 17:05:01 ago (+0/-0)

I'm inclined to promote anyone that touches on the jq. ALL problems become solvable once they're out of the way.

[ - ] totes_magotes 0 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 17:51:33 ago (+0/-0)

We can't cure the regular goddamned common cold but we can make a variant of the common cold that attacks everyone except a specific kind of Jew???

Do these people not fucking think before opening their dicksuckers?

[ - ] mxcviel 0 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 17:53:19 ago (+0/-0)

Bullshit, if you search "Coronavirus (COVID-19) number of total deaths worldwide per one million population, by country", the top countries are European states around Ukraine, US and some in South America, with as much as 6400 to 3000 people per million of population. Chinks had 10 = ten people per million died.

here are all those numbers

[ - ] GetFuckedCunt 0 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 18:07:59 ago (+0/-0)

This is the plot to a UK show called 'Utopia'.

In the show it is an Auschwitz survivor that creates a biological virus that spares only Kikes.

There are other themes in the show such as kikes shooting up a school and editing the video footage to frame it on a child on the run they are trying to locate.

[ - ] BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod 0 points 10 monthsJul 15, 2023 22:59:30 ago (+0/-0)

that's a sephardic jew sitting next to him as his handler. sephardics are usually the zionists, ashkenazis the commies, both racially hate each other (but still always unite against non-jews). regardless i'm still surprised they let him say this publicly, usually they keep any feuds behind closed doors.