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Jamaica was better under British rule

submitted by dulcima to videos 10 monthsJul 14, 2023 02:58:18 ago (+52/-0)     (files.catbox.moe)


24 comments block

[ - ] Portmanure -6 points 10 monthsJul 14, 2023 03:08:33 ago (+1/-7)

Nothing was better under British rule. There are so many examples I cannot list it. Some places rebelled. It was ugly, it only settled when that asshole went after Germany. When he won, the entire British empire was gone.

[ - ] WanderingToast 5 points 10 monthsJul 14, 2023 06:14:06 ago (+5/-0)

Yea, quite clearly you have never actually met anyone from Jamaica. I have, one of my neighbours is an Jamaican old timer and we shoot the shit sometimes.

Jamaica was much better, because the Jamaicans got themselves classed as British. This gave them standards to aspire to. It was viewed as an honour and opportunity not one to be squandered.

The British education system that came to the island was also a massive win, in terms of culture and student outcomes. The kids behaved in class because their parents made clear and understood the opportunity their children were being given.

You're just another uninformed lefty looser racist - please consider getting another COVID booster and transitioning your gender

[ - ] deleted -1 points 10 monthsJul 14, 2023 07:33:48 ago (+1/-2)


[ - ] Portmanure -3 points 10 monthsJul 14, 2023 03:12:08 ago (+2/-5)*

I don’t know when you log on but I hope you wogs understand. They were the bad guys.

[ - ] UncleDoug 0 points 10 monthsJul 14, 2023 14:15:52 ago (+0/-0)

Anglo hate is White hate.

[ - ] observation1 1 point 10 monthsJul 14, 2023 03:50:38 ago (+1/-0)

Was that our queen?


[ - ] Trumpman1488 -2 points 10 monthsJul 14, 2023 06:15:31 ago (+2/-4)


[ - ] yesiknow 5 points 10 monthsJul 14, 2023 04:48:18 ago (+5/-0)

It was better, but fuck them. The black power moves always lead to the same thing. Haiti, zimbabwe, liberia, and those are the places all blacks belong, to do with as they please.

The Dominican Republic and Haiti have different genetic backgrounds and completely different everything.

Forcing them to live in White countries is wrong.

[ - ] x0x7 6 points 10 monthsJul 14, 2023 07:46:49 ago (+6/-0)

This is why we need to defund the police in places like Baltimore. Let them live in the world they create instead of the one they get from us subsidizing society around them. Pure white areas don't need police either, because we don't. The only thing left for cops to do there is run rackets. The only place you want cops is in mixed communities.

[ - ] TheNoticing 4 points 10 monthsJul 14, 2023 08:12:58 ago (+4/-0)

Since the "supreme" "court" "ruled" that the police have no legal obligation to protect anyone, they became useless. A few of the things they exist for is to draw a chalk outline around your dead body and ask witnesses questions.

[ - ] SteppingRazor 0 points 10 monthsJul 14, 2023 12:22:57 ago (+0/-0)

I’ve always been a strong proponent of Defund the Police in high nigger areas, the ZOG bots are the only thing preventing true justice.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 0 points 10 monthsJul 14, 2023 21:32:42 ago (+0/-0)

Dominica feels like a state with how many people come over here.

[ - ] letsgetit 0 points 10 monthsJul 14, 2023 06:15:06 ago (+0/-0)

This video implies there wasn't a bunch of ghetto nigger areas before the change. The British monarchy has been corrupt and owned for a long time

[ - ] deleted 2 points 10 monthsJul 14, 2023 07:31:50 ago (+2/-0)


[ - ] TheNoticing 1 point 10 monthsJul 14, 2023 08:09:12 ago (+1/-0)

All nigger and shit skin "countries" were better off under White rule.

[ - ] goatfugee12 1 point 10 monthsJul 14, 2023 08:49:47 ago (+1/-0)

It was better for visiting whites. TBH I think niggers are better under nigger rule, when whites rule them we try to prop them up, we try to give them a sense of meaning and a sense of community, but when niggers rule niggers they get African warlords, child soldiers, and starvation which in turn means LESS niggers.

Let niggers drive niggers into oblivion, they are TRYING THEIR BEST to go extinct but we keep trying to save them.

Or hell let the asians keep buying up African resources and let the gooks destroy the sub-saharans.

[ - ] SteppingRazor 0 points 10 monthsJul 14, 2023 12:23:35 ago (+0/-0)

That usually means more niggers to send the US by the jews.

[ - ] carnold03 0 points 10 monthsJul 14, 2023 08:53:31 ago (+1/-1)

Jamaica, like much of the British Empire, has always been fake and gay.

[ - ] Deplorablepoetry 1 point 10 monthsJul 14, 2023 12:57:57 ago (+1/-0)


When I first stepped off of the airplane upon arriving in Jamaica for the first time, my sense of smell was assaulted, never smelled anything like that before. Kind of a mix of rotten bananas, perspiration, jet fuel, ass and rum.

It used to be a very awesome destination…., something something niggers

[ - ] x0x7 0 points 10 monthsJul 14, 2023 09:08:35 ago (+0/-0)

[ - ] Ragnar 1 point 10 monthsJul 14, 2023 10:16:26 ago (+1/-0)

What wasn’t?

[ - ] SteppingRazor 1 point 10 monthsJul 14, 2023 12:22:03 ago (+1/-0)

I have a friend that has a house way up in the hills where tourists don’t go.
I stayed with him for a week, and couldn’t believe all the garbage they throw in the ditches, expecting it to flow down and eventually go to the ocean.

Niggers are niggers the world around.

[ - ] Deplorablepoetry 0 points 10 monthsJul 14, 2023 12:33:20 ago (+0/-0)

When I was a kid we had a time share house high up a mountain in Montego Bay.

I would walk down the winding road to the highway that ran near the beach, purchase a spicy meat patty from road side vendor, stroll along near the Holiday Inn, head out to the beach, jump in the ocean go for a swim.

A tiny little white kid free of worry.

Few decades later and……I’m afraid to go back.even just for a brief visit.

[ - ] UncleDoug 0 points 10 monthsJul 14, 2023 14:14:34 ago (+0/-0)

Every former colony was.