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Catbox is making me doxx myself.

submitted by dontknowwhatiwant to Discussion 9 monthsJul 11, 2023 14:24:55 ago (+9/-0)     (Discussion)

Been here for a while now, been using the paid version of Proton VPN the entire time.

Just a few days ago, Catbox refused to show anything when connected to Proton VPN, so if I want to surf, I have to expose my traffic to my ISP.
Also, archive.is makes me jump through at least a dozen clicks just to prove I am human (been going on a while now). Now that I think about it, just recently a bunch of sites have been having problems with my VPN.

Hate this because this is one of the only sane places left.

Wondering if anyone is also having this problems with any other VPN's? Was thinking of adding a second to be able to surf sites which block Proton. Any suggestions?

23 comments block

I would put a lot less faith in your VPN than you have. It’s not anonymous and you’re not being sneaky.

You’re just aggregating all of your secrets into one place instead of blending in with the billions of normies