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Russia to open consular section offices in Jerusalem

submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to WorldNews 11 monthsJul 10, 2023 16:53:55 ago (+1/-0)     (www.reuters.com)


JERUSALEM, June 16 (Reuters) - Russia's embassy in Israel will open offices in Jerusalem to serve its consular section as part of an agreement with the city, the embassy and Israel's foreign ministry said on Friday.

The Russian embassy in Israel said in a statement that a deal over a West Jerusalem land plot, which Russia purchased in 1885, was signed with the municipality on May 18, following a years-long process. As part of the agreement, the property will be used to construct buildings to be used by the consular section of the embassy, the statement said.

Israel's Foreign Minister Eli Cohen welcomed the agreement, which the ministry said was a diplomatic achievement in line with its efforts to increase the number of foreign missions in Jerusalem.

Russia plans to build the complex within five to 10 years, said ambassador to Israel Anatoly Viktorov, who added that the deal "takes into account the interests of both our states".

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