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4 comments block

[ - ] BulletStopper 0 points 10 monthsJul 8, 2023 05:11:58 ago (+0/-0)

Bank jews refuse to open account for parental rights group opposing ‘trans’ surgeries for kids


[ - ] yesiknow 0 points 10 monthsJul 7, 2023 20:24:20 ago (+0/-0)

The communist cunts get what they want with violence. The muslims in with violence. Everyone fucking does.

[ - ] CHIRO 3 points 10 monthsJul 7, 2023 19:05:31 ago (+3/-0)

That's just the beginning. Wait for digital currency! This kind of thing is the entire point. You won't even be able to spend money on transactions without approval. And your social credit is low? Now you're limited to grocery purchases until you can raise your score again. Each public tweet apologizing for your morally repugnant views recovers your score a little. Good luck trying to build any social capital through unacceptable means. Good luck trying to financially organize your group. All of the beneficial tax statuses will be reserved for the morally acceptable groups who like to cut children's genitals or breasts off.

But Jordan Peterson said to clean your room! Build yourself up and the rest will follow. Read as: keep watching YouTube, goy. Keep watching the intellectuals argue so hard and with so much wit. Mic drop. Salty tears. Deal with it.

[ - ] GreenSaint 3 points 10 monthsJul 7, 2023 20:00:36 ago (+3/-0)

When/if we ever have a digital currency mine as well just go down swinging cause it’s bloody revolution or it’s over. No I’m between. Personally I feel the left right black white whatever could atleast agree on that. We don’t need a digital currency. Then again wtf do I know. I’m just trying to be optimistic but this is reality where evil prevails